Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian noticed the steward's thoughts, but she didn't expose him.    


She only told him, "I haven't told Ji Jingchen about my parents and me moving back."    


The butler was stunned. For such a big matter, the mistress didn't tell Mr Ji?    


Could it be that there were also twists and turns?    


Wen Tiantian saw that his expression changed and knew that he had misunderstood. She quickly said, "I wanted to give Ji Jingchen a surprise. Butler, help me when the time comes."    


The butler laughed mischievously.    


"Madam, don't worry. I'll definitely cooperate fully with you."    


The butler replied: "I will do whatever you want me to do. I guarantee that you will be satisfied!"    


Wen Tiantian was amused by his expression of willing to go through fire and water for her.    




Ji Jingchen finished his work and went to visit Wen Tiantian at Ruan Family as usual. However, Xu Ping told him that Wen Tiantian was resting and couldn't see him.    


"You won't see me?"    


Ji Jingchen's face sank, "Does she mean that, or you mean that?"    


Xu Ping hurriedly shook his head, "Mr Ji, how could I dare to make decisions for Miss Wen? "Don't make things difficult for me, she did say that."    


Hearing that, Ji Jingchen lowered his gaze.    


Tiantian … She refused to see him again? Was he still angry, or was he afraid that he would harm the child?    


Would she not believe him again?    


"How is she? Is there anything wrong with her?"    


Ji Jingchen was worried that Wen Tiantian wouldn't see him because she wasn't feeling well, so he hurriedly asked her about her condition.    


Xu Ping was instructed by Ruan Lee not to let him tell Ji Jingchen that Wen Tiantian was already waiting for him at the ancient castle.    


Helpless, he could only panic again.    


"Miss is fine, she's just a little drowsy, she's already gone to sleep."    


"I want to see her. I promise I won't disturb her rest."    


As long as he could see Wen Tiantian from afar.    


Ji Jingchen's demand was not too high, but if Xu Ping let him in, wouldn't the matter of Wen Tiantian not being in Ruan Family be exposed?    


Xu Ping could only harden his heart, "Mr Ji, don't make things difficult for me."    


Ji Jingchen could only nod his head. It wasn't that he didn't dare to enter, but once he did, it would definitely cause a lot of commotion.    


If he interrupted Wen Tiantian's rest, it would be a loss.    


Furthermore, he did not want to leave a bad impression on Wen Tiantian's family members.    


"Then I'll come back another day."    


After saying that, Ji Jingchen looked deeply in the direction of Wen Tiantian's residence before reluctantly turning around to leave.    


Xu Ping saw Ji Jingchen's reaction clearly.    


He couldn't help but sigh. Young Master was really infatuated with Miss.    


Ji Jingchen sat in the car and returned to the castle with a heavy expression.    


There was something unusual going on today.    


The morning was obviously still fine, and he even had breakfast at Ruan Family. He also got along well with Wen Hongyu and Ruan Lee.    


Tiantian smiled at him several times.    


How could everything change after a few hours?    


Tiantian … Why didn't she let him in?    


Ji Jingchen lowered his long and sharp eyes. He had to admit that this made him feel uncomfortable.    


The fact that he couldn't see Wen Tiantian made him extremely irritable.    


Even the driver didn't dare to breathe loudly for fear of provoking Ji Jingchen.    


The car stopped in front of the castle gate. Ji Jingchen got off the car, but before he entered the castle, he heard a piano sound.    


The person playing the zither was obviously not proficient in it. Every zither note was separated by one or two seconds. This kind of obvious fault could only occur on the body of a beginner.    


It was loose, yet it didn't even sound like a melody.    


As far as he knew, there were no such things in the castle.    


Just as he was thinking, Ji Jingchen's footsteps paused and his face instantly revealed a look of ecstasy!    


He quickened his pace, almost directly throwing himself onto the ground. He could not wait to open the castle's door!    


In the evening the lights were not turned on in the castle. The dense light passed through the windows and fell onto the ground.    


Only the piano in the middle of the living room, the man, shone with a dazzling light.    


Ji Jingchen was unable to describe his feelings at that moment. It was as if everything had been reduced to background, and in his eyes, he could only see that bright light.    


"Tiantian …"    


His voice held back too much emotion.    


The zither music abruptly stopped.    


Wen Tiantian stood up and looked at him with a faint smile.    


"I'm too stupid. I'll Wait for You. I've been learning for a long time, but I still haven't been able to learn it."    


She was a bit depressed.    


Wen Hongyu had been guiding her all afternoon, but she still couldn't play a prelude.    


He was still thinking of welcoming Ji Jingchen back with the sound of the piano.    


In the end, he played a tune that made it difficult for others to breathe.    


This was too embarrassing …    


Wen Tiantian was blushing when she suddenly fell into a warm embrace.    


The familiar embrace quickly relaxed her tensed back.    


Subconsciously, she hugged him back.    


"I thought you were angry with me," Ji Jingchen said sullenly. "Luckily, you are still here."    


He even thought that the reason Wen Tiantian didn't let him enter Ruan Family was because he had snuck away again, using Ruan Family as a cover.    


Wen Tiantian heard Ji Jingchen's words and asked curiously, "Why do you think I'm angry?"    


Ji Jingchen let go of his embrace and whispered to Wen Tiantian: "I went to Ruan Family to look for you, but Xu Ping said you wouldn't see me."    


"I even thought that you had found another opportunity to leave and didn't want me to find you again."    


Only then did Wen Tiantian realize that she forgot that Ji Jingchen went to visit her every day!    


How could Xu Ping say that? Wen Hongyu or Ruan Lee must have instructed him to do so, right?    


Otherwise, with Ji Jingchen's keen senses, the surprise he prepared would have failed.    


Wen Tiantian sighed to herself. She wasn't as meticulous as her parents.    


She looked at him seriously. "I promised you that I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye. You should trust me."    


Was this man so afraid that she would leave without saying a word?    


No wonder when he came in, she felt Ji Jingchen's eyes were shining.    


Ji Jingchen nodded heavily.    


Only now did he realize, "How did you get back to the castle? If you want to find me, just let me come over. "    


He didn't expect that he was going to move back to the castle.    


Wen Tiantian looked at him with a funny expression. It was probably due to the resistance he showed earlier that made him subconsciously feel that he wouldn't move back during pregnancy.    


She laughed softly and undid the surprise she had prepared for him. "I'm going to move back here."    


I'm going to move back in.    


Wen Tiantian's voice was like a moving melody that burst into Ji Jingchen's ears.    


His eyes widened in disbelief. "You, what did you say?"    


"I said, I plan to move back to the castle. Oh yeah, there's also my parents, they also moved here, you won't object, right?"    


Wen Tiantian looked at him nervously.    


Although she felt that Ji Jingchen wouldn't object, she still couldn't help but feel a little unconfident when she asked.    


After all, she did not ask Ji Jingchen's opinion beforehand.    


"I wish."    


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