Lovely Substitute Bride



Hearing Ruan Lee's words, Wen Tiantian was a little surprised. "Keeping watch around the clock?" The steward can't help but rest, can he? "    


"Don't worry, I'll let him and the maid take turns."    


Ruan Lee glanced at her snappily. "I already told you not to worry about the chores, why are you still thinking about this?" Rest quickly. The most important thing is to recuperate and take care of your health. Leave the rest to us. "    


Wen Tiantian stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. "Alright, I promise that I won't think about anything else in the future. Can I just focus on nurturing the baby?"    


"That's more like it!"    


Ruan Lee promised Wen Tiantian she would help at the company, so she wouldn't go back on her word.    


The next day, Ji Jingchen arrived earlier.    


"Because with mom's help, of course I could have come earlier. It was Tiantian's contribution, right?"    


Ji Jingchen's mouth raised in a clear smile.    


Wen Tiantian was stunned for a moment before she replied, "I just hope that you can stay at home to rest. You don't look too good."    


"I'm fine."    


Ji Jingchen took her hand and put it on his face. " "Since you said that my complexion isn't good, why don't you look at yourself?"    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head, avoiding his gaze.    


"I know that my current appearance is ugly …"    


"That's not what I meant!" Ji Jingchen hurriedly tried to defend himself and sighed. You know very well that no matter what you look like, you are always the most beautiful in my eyes. "    


Wen Tiantian smiled and said in high spirits, "I believe in you."    


"If you had believed me, you wouldn't have chosen to recuperate at the Ruan Family."    


Ji Jingchen looked at Wen Tiantian grudgingly.    


Like an abandoned canine.    


Wen Tiantian choked and looked away helplessly.    


Ji Jingchen thought she mistook him for blaming her, so he quickly said, "Don't think too much into it, I just want to accompany you more. The Ruan Family is also quite good, but not as good as ours. "    


Our Home...    


Wen Tiantian pursed her lips and slowly nodded.    


"I know, you don't need to explain."    


After she finished speaking, the two of them fell into silence again.    


As long as the child remained, as long as their opinions remained divided, the estrangement between them would never be erased.    


With that thought, Wen Tiantian forced a smile.    


Perhaps, this estrangement, would last for the rest of his life.    


Furthermore, she might not be able to see the day that the estrangement was resolved.    


"Tiantian, the butler and the cook missed you very much as well."    


Finally, Ji Jingchen broke the silence.    


The housekeeper and the cook … Yes, she hadn't seen them for days.    


She had not contacted them since she left home.    


According to Ji Jingchen, they had always been blaming themselves for her leaving.    


"How about I give them a call?"    


Wen Tiantian wanted to tell them that she was safe.    


Ji Jingchen smiled, "I don't think so."    


No need?    


That's right, Ji Jingchen should have reported her safe and sound.    


Ji Jingchen could tell that she misunderstood when he saw Wen Tiantian's expression.    


"The steward and cook will come to visit us tomorrow at Ruan Family," Ji Jingchen said in a surprising tone. "They are here to visit you."    


"They're coming?"    


Wen Tiantian was stunned. It turned out that Ji Jingchen said it was unnecessary because of this.    


"Yes, since you won't go home, they'll have to come see you in person."    


Although Ji Jingchen's words didn't have any emotional fluctuations.    


However, from his expression, Wen Tiantian saw some compromise that was hidden beneath the surface.    


"I …"    


"You don't want to see them?"    


Ji Jingchen asked in confusion.    


"No, of course I welcome them."    


Wen Tiantian quickly shook her head.    


She just … He felt guilty.    


The housekeeper and the cook had been so kind to her, but she had run away from home without a word.    


It was unfair to them.    


When Ji Jingchen saw Wen Tiantian's hesitant expression, he quickly guessed what she was thinking about.    


"They won't blame you."    


Hearing this, Wen Tiantian had a strange expression on her face. "How did you know?"    


He wasn't the housekeeper or the cook, so how could he know what they were thinking?    


It should be to comfort her.    


Ji Jingchen stared at Wen Tiantian. Wen Tiantian was the only one in his deep gaze.    


"Because they care about you as much as I do."    




In the backyard.    


Ruan Jiani and Liu Meilan had been trapped in the yard for two or three days.    


At first, Liu Meilan thought that Ruan Jiani would make a move soon, but she didn't expect her to be so quiet.    


He seemed to have given up on the idea of leaving.    


On the third day, she finally couldn't help but ask, "Jiani, what is your plan?"    


Didn't he say that he would find a way to gather information?    


But after three days, she didn't move at all.    


Ruan Jiani was half-lying on the sofa as she weakly said, "Don't worry, we'll have the chance soon."    




Liu Meilan looked worriedly at Ruan Jiani. "Don't ruin your body by not waiting for an opportunity."    


"We have to destroy it!"    


Ruan Jiani glanced at her and said.    


Her words made Liu Meilan even more confused. "Why don't I understand what you mean?"    


"Don't ask, mom. Go to the housekeeper and tell him that I'm sick and I need to find a doctor."    


Ruan Jiani's eyes were closed, her face unusually flushed.    


He really did look like he was sick.    


Liu Meilan felt that something was wrong and quickly touched her forehead.    


So hot!    


"Jiani, why is your head so hot?"    


"Don't worry about that, hurry up and find someone."    


Ruan Jiani didn't explain any further and just told Liu Meilan to do as she was told.    


In order to get sick, she had to pour cold water on herself at night. She had to use cold water to bathe and blow the cold wind.    


This was why he had a high fever.    


Liu Meilan didn't dare to delay and immediately ran out to look for someone.    


But the servants of Ruan Family didn't want to pay any attention to her.    


After all, the one in charge of Ruan Family was Wen Tiantian, while her mother, Ruan Lee, had personally locked them in the backyard.    


Whoever helped them at this time would be considered an accomplice.    


Although the servants didn't know why Ruan Lee had restricted Liu Meilan and Ruan Jiani's movements, they all wisely chose to take advantage of the situation.    


They were not allowed to enter the front yard, but Ruan Jiani's illness could not be delayed either.    


She would have liked to call a doctor, but Ruan Lee had confiscated their communication equipment and refused to allow the servants to lend it to them.    


Helpless, she started to wail and cry in the courtyard!    


The crying quickly attracted the attention of others. After asking, the news of Ruan Jiani's illness reached Xu Ping's ears.    


He came over to take a look. Liu Meilan grabbed his arm and begged for help as if she had seen her lifeline.    


"Butler, Jiani is sick. Quickly find a doctor to look after her!" "Please!"    


Liu Meilan said humbly with tears streaming down her face. It was impossible for her to pretend to look so similar.    


Xu Ping thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.    


Arriving at their residence, Xu Ping also saw that Ruan Jiani was indeed having a fever, which was a bit severe.    


In the end, Ruan Jiani was still a member of Ruan Family. If she really did burn something like that, it would be hard for him to explain himself.    


After hesitating for a long time, the housekeeper still went to get a doctor for her.    


It was the family doctor in charge of taking care of Wen Tiantian.    


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