Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian quickly turned her head and saw Ji Jingchen's appearance on the television.    


He's so haggard.    


It was just that after not seeing her for a few days, she seemed to have lost a lot of weight.    


His eyes were red and his face haggard.    


Had he ever slept?    


Ji Jingchen stared at the camera, as if staring into Wen Tiantian's heart.    


"I missed you so much." He murmured softly.    


The scene on the television had now become the scene of their marriage.    


The two of them stood in the flower wall and looked at each other as they smiled. The scene of her father leading her onto the red carpet …    


Finally, it stopped at the moment of exchanging rings.    


"We've been through so many setbacks to get together. Are you going to give up on our promise?"    


"Stop hiding from me, I'm begging you, Tiantian. I'm very worried about you."    


"I …"    


He fell silent, a look of struggle appearing in his eyes, as if he was fighting in his heart.    


After a long time, he finally opened his mouth.    


"As long as you come back, I can promise you anything …"    


When the other people standing in the broadcast room heard this, they were slightly surprised.    


The butler looked at him in surprise. Had the monsieur really decided to leave the child behind?    


Wen Tiantian had already been kidnapped a few times. As the owner and matriarch of Ruan Family, many people would turn their sights on her.    


Ji Jingchen's action undoubtedly told everyone: Wen Tiantian ran away from home with no one to protect her.    


What if someone had ulterior motives?    


However, Ji Jingchen couldn't care so much anymore. As long as he could get Tiantian back, he was willing to do it.    


Because that woman …    


That stupid woman's life had long been threatened!    


The live broadcast on the television was very short, but only for a minute.    


However, Wen Tiantian felt as if she had experienced the vicissitudes of life, as if mountains and rivers had changed.    


Her and Ji Jingchen's past flashed through her mind like a movie.    


Looking at the man's face in front of him, it was obvious that he was very close.    


But it was far away.    


"I'm sorry …"    


Wen Tiantian's face was covered in tears the moment she opened her mouth.    


She was too selfish.    


She was selfish enough to save her child, but she didn't care about Ji Jingchen's feelings.    


She had been selfish enough to leave, but she didn't know that he had done so much in order to find her.    


Wen Tiantian knew that Ji Jingchen was not a person who liked to show himself in public, not to mention saying those words in front of the whole world.    


But to find her, he did.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the footage of Ji Jingchen on her computer again and again.    


Although she could already recite every single sentence, she still read them very seriously.    


Very devout.    


It was as if he was afraid to forget this man's face, and he kept turning it over and over. She only came back to her senses when the nanny came to press her again.    


The food on the table was already cold.    


Wen Tiantian lowered her head with a wry smile on her face.    




The next day, Luan Zhi came to find her, her eyes filled with worry.    


As soon as they met, he asked her, "Last night's advertisement... Have you seen it? "    


Wen Tiantian nodded silently.    


Her originally thin face sank even deeper into his body.    


His eyes were dark, showing that he had not slept well last night.    


Luan Zhi's heart ached when she saw this.    


"Why don't we go back?"    


She held Wen Tiantian's hand, "I can see that Ji Jingchen really cares about you. As long as you guys have a good conversation, you will definitely think of a way."    


It was not like now, where they tortured each other.    


Luan Zhi couldn't help but blush.    


To put it harshly, this might have been Tiantian's final moments.    


She did not want Tiantian to have to endure the torment of her thoughts in her final moments. She did not want to have to endure so much pain.    


"Go back."    


she said again.    


Returning to Ji Jingchen, at least he wouldn't feel as bad as he did now.    


Wen Tiantian stubbornly shook her head.    


"I can't go back …"    


She stroked her belly. "I heard him talking to the housekeeper. He said he would do anything to take the child away for me."    


Hearing this, Luan Zhi's gaze became even more complicated.    


What Ji Jingchen did couldn't be said to be wrong. He loved Wen Tiantian too much that he couldn't just let Wen Tiantian carry on carrying on carrying the child and end up dying.    


He could only use this method to protect Wen Tiantian.    


But what Wen Tiantian wanted was to have a baby.    


If they couldn't convince each other, the result would be the same as now.    


"Tiantian, didn't Ji Jingchen say in the advertisement that he was willing to give up? He will support you. "    


Luan Zhi was reluctant to part with Wen Tiantian, and also unwilling to watch her and Ji Jingchen torture each other like this.    


She had also seen last night's advertisement.    


She did not expect Ji Jingchen to do this for Wen Tiantian.    


How could Wen Tiantian not understand this logic?    


She shook her head.    


"I know him well. He won't. All I have to do is think that I am carrying a little life, and that he needs my protection. I can't just sit by and watch him … "    


Wen Tiantian didn't finish her sentence.    


She was sobbing.    


Afraid that she would be too upset, Luan Zhi hurriedly comforted her, "Alright, alright, alright. I'll listen to you. You can do whatever you want!"    


Wen Tiantian cried even harder.    


It was as if he was venting all of his grievances and thoughts.    


Luan Zhi accompanied her and lightly patted her back.    


She waited until noon before she helped Wen Tiantian, who was already exhausted from her crying, to sit at the dining table.    


"I'll have to go back after lunch with you. "You don't know how close Ji Jingchen has been watching me these past two days."    


Luan Zhi changed the topic as she smiled and changed the topic.    


Wen Tiantian had calmed down a lot.    


She looked at Luan Zhi strangely. "Then why don't you come over? Aren't you afraid that he'll find out?"    


"I was very careful when I came here. I had the driver circle the village a few times to make sure no one was following me before coming in."    


Wen Tiantian smiled and said, "Since it's not easy to get here, why are you heading back after lunch? "Why are you in such a hurry?"    


She also wanted Luan Zhi to stay and talk to her a little longer.    


Luan Zhi sighed. "That's right. Ji Jingchen has sent people to watch over my house, so it's not good for me to chase them away. Today was the day they sneaked out when they weren't paying attention. "    


"So it's like that …"    


Wen Tiantian said embarrassedly, "Sorry to trouble you."    


"That's nothing. Besides, I have nowhere else to go besides here."    


Luan Zhi shook her head, gesturing for Wen Tiantian not to mind. "I stay at home all day. I'm so bored."    


"If you're bored, then I'm even more bored."    


Since Luan Zhi was at home, she had a family to talk to. Min Ann'ge would take care of her every now and then.    


She was here and she didn't even know anyone.    


Luan Zhi didn't continue to persuade her to go back. She just suggested, "You can walk around. The air here isn't bad. If you call for an aunt to accompany you, aren't you afraid that someone will bully you?"    


Wen Tiantian was slightly moved.    


It was time for Luan Zhi to leave after lunch.    


They said their goodbyes to each other, but neither of them noticed that not far away, there was a pair of eyes gazing at them affectionately.    


The car was parked in the shadows.    


A figure was sitting in the darkness, staring at Wen Tiantian.    




Her sweets.    


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