Lovely Substitute Bride



Wen Tiantian became more spirited when she thought of the surprise.    


"What surprise? "Quick, let me take a look."    


Ji Jingchen smiled mysteriously and did not reply. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed forward.    


Wen Tiantian turned her head in the direction he pointed. When she saw the lake, her eyes widened in surprise.    


"Wah …" Are those fireflies? "    


Two days ago, I heard from the other people in the Manor that fireflies might appear by the lake at night. Originally, I was worried that the fireflies wouldn't appear in winter, so I came over to try my luck.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the fireflies flying in front of her with a pleasant surprise.    


It was the first time she had seen so many fireflies.    


Glittering fireflies danced in groups above the lake, and even the water reflected beautiful spots of light, as bright as the stars in the sky.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the fireflies dancing on the surface of the lake, unable to shift her eyes away.    


Just as he was thinking, a few fireflies left the lake and slowly flew towards him.    


Wen Tiantian couldn't help but hold her breath as she watched the fireflies get closer and closer.    


They didn't seem to be afraid of anyone. They didn't leave when they saw Wen Tiantian and Ji Jingchen, and instead stayed around the two of them.    


Wen Tiantian didn't dare to say a word, afraid that the fireflies that had finally gotten close would run away. She was ready to make a move, but she didn't dare to do so.    


After a while, Ji Jingchen pulled her hand and gently lifted it.    


At that moment, a firefly flew over and landed on Wen Tiantian's fingertip.    


Wen Tiantian's eyes widened once again as she looked at the firefly on her fingertip. Although she was overwhelmed by ecstasy, she didn't dare to move for fear of scaring the other party away.    


Her eyes sparkled with the light of the fireflies.    


Ji Jingchen slightly raised the corner of his mouth and held her gently. His gaze fell on the side of Wen Tiantian's face and was filled with an expression of extreme gentleness, as if he had the whole world in his hands.    


The fireflies paused for a moment on their fingertips, then left with the other fireflies, returning to the surface of the lake.    


Wen Tiantian watched with a look of pleasant surprise. She finally dared to speak up and let out a breath, as if she hadn't dared to breathe for a long time.    


"Ji Jingchen, did you see that?" Did you see that? " she said excitedly.    


The smile in Ji Jingchen's eyes became even wider. "I saw it."    


However, Wen Tiantian was still extremely excited. She looked at her fingertips and said, "That firefly was in my hand!"    


"Because if it's Wen Tiantian's words, the fireflies don't have to be afraid."    


When Wen Tiantian heard this, she said unhappily, "Are you saying that I don't have any deterrent power?"    


"Of course not."    


Ji Jingchen laughed, "It's my Tiantian that is too cute, even the fireflies can't help but stop."    


With a flushed face, Wen Tiantian's gaze once again fell on the fireflies.    


"I didn't expect to see so many fireflies here. I've only seen them in books and documentaries before."    


"This villa was bought by the Ruan Family a long time ago and was used as a recuperation area in the future. It has always been well protected and its ecology is even better than other places. That's why fireflies live." Ji Jingchen explained.    


"So beautiful."    


She couldn't resist saying, but when she turned around, she saw Ji Jingchen was looking at her.    


Wen Tiantian's face was slightly flushed as she said in embarrassment, "Why are you looking at me?"    


Ji Jingchen only said, "No beauty in my eyes can compare to Tiantian."    


Wen Tiantian's face turned a little redder when she heard this. She turned her head to look at the countless stars in the sky.    


Fireflies danced on the surface of the lake. At a glance, it was as if the stars in the sky had descended into the mortal world. They were so beautiful that they couldn't be compared.    


Wen Tiantian looked at the beautiful scene in front of her, while Ji Jingchen's gaze was fixed on Wen Tiantian.    


Just as she had said, there was no other beautiful scenery that could compare to the Wen Tiantian before her.    


The fireflies continued to dance in the air until the early hours of the morning.    


Wen Tiantian had already fallen asleep in Ji Jingchen's arms with a sweet smile on her lips.    


Ji Jingchen looked at her, his eyes emitting a gentle light.    


That was it. As long as he could see Wen Tiantian An sleeping in his arms, no matter how much suffering and danger he faced, it would all be worth it.    


From the moment Wen Tiantian had appeared in his life, his life had only been for this woman.    


Ji Jingchen's eyes were filled with love and gentleness as he looked at her almost reverently.    


After a while, she lowered her head slightly and kissed Wen Tiantian's cheek.    


The person sleeping vaguely felt something, the curve of his mouth slightly raised, he rubbed Ji Jingchen's chest with his cheek and fell asleep again.    


The next day, when Wen Tiantian woke up, the sky was already bright.    


The light of the morning sun poured out from the clouds on the horizon, illuminating half of the sky.    


Wen Tiantian rubbed her eyes. She couldn't remember when she returned to the tent yesterday, so all that was left in her mind were those gorgeous fireflies.    


Walking out of the tent, Ji Jingchen had already packed up his things. Not far away, there were already people training on the lakeside.    


Looking at the lake in front of her, Wen Tiantian was once again reminded of the fireflies from last night, and she exclaimed in admiration once again.    


A few people walked past on the side of the road. Seeing them greeting her with a smile, Wen Tiantian felt a little embarrassed. She quickly bent over and greeted them.    


After they left, Ji Jingchen and the others cleaned up the rest of the tents and took the remaining fish back to Mrs Ruan's villa.    


Mrs Ruan was in the yard watering the flowers when she saw Wen Tiantian and the others bring a fish over and happily received it.    


"How is it? "Did you have fun?"    


Wen Tiantian nodded excitedly.    


"We also saw fireflies. I didn't expect there to be fireflies in winter."    


Mrs Ruan said in surprise, "Really? "It seems like we can go and take a look together next time."    




Ji Jingchen took the things off the car. Seeing Wen Honghai standing in front of him, he nodded slightly and said, "The tent is very easy to use."    


Wen Hongyu did not sense anything amiss when she heard his words. She nodded and helped to remove all the things on the car.    


Since there seemed to be no difference between a single person tent and a double person tent, he didn't know that Ji Jingchen didn't bring a double person tent, but a single person tent.    


On the other side, Wen Tiantian and Mrs Ruan brought their things to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.    


Looking at the items she brought back, Wen Tiantian made up her mind once again.    


She turned her head to look at Mrs Ruan, who was busying herself, and took a deep breath.    


Before he could say anything, Mrs Ruan had already spoken.    


"I heard about the Wen Family before and was worried that you might be unhappy about it, so I invited you guys over to play for a while. Now that I see that Ji Jingchen has taken good care of you, I am relieved."    


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