Lovely Substitute Bride



This was not Liang Ji'ann's first time doing this. In the past, whenever he received a project, he would outsource it and hire someone to complete it.    


When it was over, he would take it into his own name.    


In the past, everything had gone smoothly, but this time, Wen Tiantian had suddenly barged in.    


"President Wen, I …"    


He had no way to explain it, because it was all true.    


Wen Tiantian raised her hand to interrupt him.    


"You don't need to explain. Manager Liang, from now on, you can quit this project."    


With that, she turned and prepared to leave.    


This project was very important to the Ruan, but it was easily given away by Liang Ji'ann. It was hard to guarantee that the news wouldn't leak out.    


If other companies knew about this, all their activities would be affected.    


Just in case, Wen Tiantian still had a lot of work to do.    


However, she had only taken two steps when Liang Ji'ann ran in front of her and blocked her path.    


"President Wen, I really didn't do it on purpose. I was just distracted for a moment …"    


"Is it a trick or is it an act?"    


Wen Tiantian frowned slightly. With the aura of Ji Jingchen, she said, "You don't need to explain. You don't need to come back to work during this period of time, I will have someone investigate all the projects that you have worked on and see how many projects you can find that you have outsourced."    


These words were equivalent to expelling Liang Ji'ann!    


His face turned pale, and the color of his blood faded. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.    


After a long while, Liang Ji'ann took a deep breath.    


But soon, he seemed to have found something to rely on.    


"President Wen, for the sake of our relatives, do you remember Ruan Jiani?"    


"We even met before. She's your cousin, and I'm her husband. We're just people of Ruan Family."    


He tried to bring out the people from Ruan Family to plead, but Wen Tiantian Number Four remained unmoved.    


"It's precisely because you're a member of the Ruan Family that you need to be punished severely. I don't know how you managed to reach your current position step by step, but I definitely won't let this happen."    


Wen Tiantian did not waver in the slightest when she revealed Wen Family's identity. Liang Ji'ann's face instantly turned ashen.    


He gritted his teeth and decided to break the pot.    


"You really aren't giving me any face at all?"    


We, Wen Tiantian, didn't say anything and just walked outside.    


The moment he stepped out of the door, he saw the other employees in the office stop. They seemed to have heard the voices just now and were all looking in his direction in unison.    


Wen Tiantian's gaze swept across the crowd and ignored everyone's gaze as she directly walked out.    


Returning to the CEO's office, before he could sit down, he quickly found Manager Yang and informed him to revoke the position of General Manager of Liang Ji'ann, and then began to investigate the projects that he had previously handled.    


Manager Yang frowned when he heard her decision. He didn't act and started to hesitate instead.    


"Miss Wen, are you really going to investigate Liang Ji'ann?"    


Wen Tiantian bowed her head as she signed the document. She heard the concern in his voice and looked up at him.    


"Yes, is something wrong?"    


"Mm …"    


Manager Yang thought for a while and finally said, "Liang Ji'ann's father-in-law is the biggest shareholder other than Mrs Ruan …"    


"So what?" Wen Tiantian said.    


Manager Yang sighed in his heart, thinking that Wen Tiantian was still too young.    


With an experienced tone, he said, "Those shareholders are not easy to deal with, especially Liang Ji'ann's father-in-law, Ruan Jian'guo.    


He only had one daughter under his name, Ruan Jiani. Ruan Jiani was also very biased towards her, and she was also very fond of him, the son-in-law who was chosen by all in the past. Otherwise, why did Liang Ji'ann rise to the position of general manager in just two years of marriage? "    


Wen Tiantian slightly frowned as she listened. Although she had long since known that the majority of the higher-ups in the Ruan Enterprises were people of Ruan Family, she had thought that these people would at least have some ability.    


Unexpectedly, Liang Ji'ann was able to become the general manager in one fell swoop.    


What about the rest?    


How many other people are there who enter the company through relationships?    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's expression turn serious and her determination grow, Manager Yang guessed what she was thinking, but he didn't know what to do.    


He had told Wen Tiantian about Liang Ji'ann in Beijing in order to get her to give up on suppressing her. However, he didn't expect that it would have the opposite effect.    


Originally, many people were dissatisfied with Wen Tiantian's abrupt change in position.    


The people on the board of directors were staring at Wen Tiantian all day long, trying every possible way to catch her weakness so that they could pull her down from her position as president.    


If Wen Tiantian angered the biggest shareholder on the board at this moment, it would be over.    


Manager Yang became more anxious as he thought of this.    


"Miss Wen, you should think about it more carefully."    


However, Wen Tiantian made up her mind and raised her hand to interrupt him.    


"There's no need to consider it further. Just carry out the orders. If they really are dissatisfied, you can just come and find me."    


Seeing Wen Tiantian's forceful attitude, Manager Yang could only swallow his words halfway. His brows creased even more tightly.    


He looked at her worriedly for a moment, then sighed.    


That afternoon, the news of Liang Ji'ann being expelled had already spread to everyone in the company.    


When they heard that the position of the General Manager of Liang Ji'ann was requested by Wen Tiantian herself to be abolished, the producer would also change his position. Everyone was anxious and worried.    


Everyone knew Liang Ji'ann's ability. If not for him being the father-in-law of Ruan Jian'guo, the biggest shareholder in the board, how could his career have gone so smoothly? Being a bully in the company every day?    


Now that they were fired, the crowd cheered him on.    


However, they only dared to say those words in their hearts. Even if Liang Ji'ann left, there was still Ruan Jian'guo.    


However, there were also some people who started to worry about Wen Tiantian.    


As the saying goes, the new governor will be under any control. Wen Tiantian's first order was to pull Liang Ji'ann away like a tiger pulling its teeth out of its mouth. How could Ruan Jian'guo endure this?    


On the other side, Liang Ji'ann was hoping that Wen Tiantian was just trying to scare him.    


However, Liang Ji'ann didn't expect that he would really be expelled. He looked at the staff notification in his mind again and gritted his teeth.    


He left the company in a sorry state and returned to his villa with an ugly expression on his face.    


Ruan Jiani, who was watching TV in the living room, was puzzled when she saw him return.    


"Why are you back now? Don't you have to work? "    


Liang Ji'ann's heart was originally filled with anger. Now, when he saw Liang Ji'ann, who was sitting on the sofa and eating the melon seeds, a wave of anger erupted from the bottom of his heart.    


"You're still in the mood to eat at this time? Do you know that Wen Tiantian is about to climb on our roof after becoming the CEO? "He kicked me out of the company as soon as I came out!"    


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