CEO's NO.1 Sweetheart

C607 Dream on

C607 Dream on

"It seems like Mr Ye is reluctant to part with Ming Zhu. Even after such a big thing happened in the company, he still did not forget to tell special assistant Wang to pick up Ming Zhu. If Ming Zhu can catch his heart, then she can compete with Tang Wanting. But I am worried that this will affect you. "    


Xiang Junbo deliberated his choice of words. If Ye Zhiqiu really had feelings for Ming Zhu, then wouldn't Lu Wanxin want to be with Ye Zhiqiu be another whimsical idea?    


Lu Wanxin understood what he meant. She naturally did not want to see Ye Zhiqiu having feelings for another woman.    


But she could not bear to part with the child. Tang Wanting was not easy to deal with now, but Ming Zhu was different. Who was she? As long as Tang Wanting was pushed away, she had ten thousand ways to kill Ming Zhu.    


She sneered, "If she has the ability to catch his heart, it is her ability. Let her use all her abilities!"    


Hearing her say this, Xiang Junbo did not try to persuade her anymore. After hanging up the phone, a cold look flashed across Xiang Junbo's face.    


If Ming Zhu could catch Ye Zhiqiu's heart. . . Then that's not how it's sung.    


He had always been a lackey and subordinate of Lu Wanxin and Ye Zhiqiu, but if Ming Zhu could become Madam Ye, then he would be her brother-in-law. He already had a scale in his heart.    


Not long after Tang Wanting returned to Top Villa, Ye Zhiqiu called, "Hai City has some urgent matters to attend to. I need to go and take care of it. I won't be coming back tonight. "    


His report made Tang Wanting feel sweet in her heart. "Got it. Don't worry about it. Go. "    


Recalling the time when Han Muyang went back to Hai City to bring Tang Wanting the specialty of Hai City that she liked, Ye Zhiqiu asked again, "What do you want to eat? Tell me. I will bring it back for you. "    


"No need, just do what you need to do. "    


"You don't need to pretend to be fake with me. I know very well who you are. " This meant that she was a foodie. Tang Wanting laughed dryly.    


"Then bring me some delicious food. "    


"Alright. "    


Tang Wanting hung up the phone and was about to go upstairs when she heard the sound of a car outside. A maid came in and reported, "Master Young Master Lu is here. "    


Tang Wanting frowned. Didn't Lu Jingcheng just come in the morning? Why did he come again now?    


Thinking that Lu Jingcheng had already appeared at the door, she squeezed out a smile, "Mr. Lu!"    


Lu Jingcheng walked in with a smile. The driver behind him carried a few boxes. "These are the fresh bamboo and pomegranate that my dad brought back from Yunnan. I will bring you a few boxes of pomegranate. "    


"Thank you! Please take a seat here!" Tang Wanting thanked him politely. Lu Jingcheng definitely did not just want to give her a few boxes of fruits. There must be something wrong.    


Lu Jingcheng looked at Tang Wanting with a complicated expression. After looking at the words Jing written exactly the same as Qiao Wanting's in the morning, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.    


He kept feeling that Tang Wanting and Qiao Wanting had some kind of connection. It was not just the cousins, but another relationship.    


But he could not figure out what exactly it was, so he found an excuse.    


The letter in the morning was taken away by Mrs Guan in the end. Lu Jingcheng suspected that his eyes were wrong. Now that he came, he had made preparations. He wanted to see if Tang Wanting's handwriting was really the same as Qiao Wanting's.    


The maid brought Lu Jingcheng a cup of tea. Lu Jingcheng took a sip and put down the cup.    


"Other than sending fruits today, I have another thing to do. It is the matter of the shopping center. This is the report for this month. Because the handover was not completed, it was sent to me according to the old rules. I will send it to you. If you see that there is no problem, sign it. "    


Lu Jingcheng opened the bag he brought and took out a report from inside and handed it to Tang Wanting. Tang Wanting took it and looked at it. Lu Jingcheng continued to say, "I have already looked at the report. There are no problems. "    


Lu Jingcheng did not need to falsify the monthly report. It was not humane for her to stare at it like this. Tang Wanting nodded, "Okay, I will sign right away. "    


Lu Jingcheng took out a pen and handed it to Tang Wanting. Tang Wanting took the pen and began to sign on the report. Lu Jingcheng noticed one detail. Tang Wanting used her left hand.    


The handwriting was very delicate and delicate, but it was completely different from Qiao Wanting's. Lu Jingcheng put away the report. "Okay, I will go first!"    


Tang Wanting got up and sent him to the door. She watched Lu Jingcheng's car leave before turning around and returning to the living room, staring at the boxes of fruits.    


The fruits that Lu Jingcheng sent over were all fruits that she liked to eat in the past. Was this a coincidence or was he suspecting something?    


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