President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1693 Distance Calms You down

C1693 Distance Calms You down

Lan Yanxi was delighted by the man's words. Her beautiful eyes blinked a few times and she turned around to walk away from the man. She walked a few steps to the side and saw the road sign on it. There was a sign that said Heart Cleansing Water.    


Lan Yanxi immediately turned her head to Ling Mofeng and said, "I heard that the water is sweet and cold. Let's go and have a drink."    


Ling Mofeng had a smile on his handsome face. As gentle as water, he said, "The time from now to night belongs to you. You can do whatever you want."    


Lan Yanxi's heart trembled. God, this man's words were too touching. She had heard too much. What if she got pregnant?    


"You can only say these words to me alone. You are not allowed to say them to other women. You are not allowed to look at them word by word." Lan Yanxi did not know where she was feeling sour. She instantly rushed in front of him and stretched out a finger. She rudely and domineeringly asked for a man.    


Ling Mofeng was shocked by her sudden flash of body in front of him. He instinctively reached out to help her but did not expect to hear her domineering warning. His eyes were stunned.    


"Didn't you hear?" Lan Yanxi saw that he did not respond, and her beautiful eyes instantly narrowed.    


Ling Mofeng's thin lips. Lan Yanxi's eyes were anxious as she quickly put her small hand behind her back and dodged.    


"I heard you!" The man could not help smiling when he saw her cute behavior.    


"You can't be so lecherous when you smile at others." Lan Yanxi stared at him and realized that he was laughing. She did not know where her temper came from, so she warned him again.    


Ling Mofeng was speechless. He restrained the gentleness on his face and scratched her nose. "Where did you get such a sour taste?"    


Lan Yanxi knew she was being unreasonable. She could only turn around and walk towards the Heart Purification Pool as if she was blocking her breath.    


The man's eyes were stunned. His long legs immediately chased up and softly called out. "Yanxi... Yanxi, walk slower!"    


"Don't bother with you!" Lan Yanxi muttered softly like an unreasonable child.    


"The ground here is full of moss. Be careful not to slip." Ling Mofeng, however, was anxious. His long legs chased even tighter.    


Lan Yanxi was about to shamelessly reply him, but she did not expect that just as she turned her head, her feet slipped. She was so scared that she let out a low cry and fell backwards.    


Ling Mofeng seemed to have expected this. His long arm quickly reached over and firmly grabbed her arm. His other hand firmly held her waist. Her long hair scattered on the crook of his arm. Her face was so pale from fright that it did not have the same spirit as before.    


"Are you okay?" The man asked her with concern, but he could not help but laugh.    


Lan Yanxi looked embarrassed. She quickly got out of his arms and stood straight. She looked down at the shoes under her feet. "If you did not remind me earlier, I would have worn a pair of flat shoes."    


Ling Mofeng immediately held her hands tightly. "Let's go. Don't hold your breath anymore. This will make you lose your judgment of the road condition."    


"I didn't!" Lan Yanxi's pretty face turned hot and she said stubbornly.    


"Okay, if you don't, then you don't. Why are you staring at me?" Ling Mofeng still found it extremely interesting. What kind of creature was a woman? Did she use the manual or not? He was about to lose control of the little woman beside him.    


"You are pretty. Why aren't you letting people see you?" Lan Yanxi curled her lips, but her small hand held the man's palm. Only then did the two of them walk forward step by step.    


The Heart Purifying Pool was a naturally formed pool. It was shaped like a crescent moon and the water was clear to the bottom. There were small fish swimming around.    


Lan Yanxi was like a child as she happily squatted down. She reached out and scooped up the water that flowed down from the side. "Wow, it's so cold!"    


Ling Mofeng also squatted down with her and reached out to accumulate water. It was refreshing and refreshing. It was really a good spring.    


"It's a pity that I didn't bring a bottle. Otherwise, I could have packed some and went home." Lan Yanxi's eyes reflected the surface of the water. She spoke as if it was a pity.    


"How greedy. A few sips isn't enough. I still want to take it away." The man smiled and teased her.    


Lan Yanxi was angry again. She pouted and rolled her eyes at him. "That's right. I am just greedy."    


Ling Mofeng used his wet fingers to gently touch her face. "Didn't you want to drink? Drink a few mouthfuls to compensate."    


Lan Yanxi's face lit up again. She scooped a handful and drank it. It was dry and sweet like juice. It was really different from the water in the city.    


"You should drink a mouthful too!" Lan Yanxi scooped up some water and placed it in front of Ling Mofeng.    


The man was a little embarrassed and said quietly, "I'll do it myself."    


"Drink it, it's almost gone!" Lan Yanxi immediately urged him.    


Ling Mofeng finally got rid of the burden of his identity as President and lowered his head to drink the water in her palm.    


"How is it?" Lan Yanxi was like a child who wanted to take credit. Her eyes were full of smiles and happiness.    


Ling Mofeng immediately nodded. "It's quite sweet!"    


Lan Yanxi bent down to fetch the water again.    


Ling Mofeng stood up and reached for his phone. When Lan Yanxi was unaware, he took a few photos of her.    


Lan Yanxi immediately looked up. Ling Mofeng was so scared that he quickly focused on the scenery next to him. He looked like he was taking photos seriously.    


"Take one for me!" Lan Yanxi immediately said with a smile.    


Ling Mofeng took a few steps back and blended her into the scenery.    


She was still wearing a grey dress. She had a gentle smile on her face.    


Ling Mofeng felt a little lost. He put his phone away shyly. "Okay, where else do you want to go?"    


"I don't know either. It's getting late. Let's go home." As Lan Yanxi spoke, she reached out and slapped her foot. "There are mosquitoes biting me!"    


Ling Mofeng realized that she was still barefooted. There were a lot of mosquitoes here and they were poisonous. If he took a bite, he would get a big red packet.    


"Let's go!" Ling Mofeng did not want her to suffer. He quickly reached out and held her hand.    


It was dark. There were more mosquitoes. Lan Yanxi walked back to the car. There were already several bites on her legs.    


"It's okay!" Ling Mofeng saw her legs shaking and asked with concern.    


"I'm fine. I'll go home and apply some medicine." Lan Yanxi said with a smile as she grabbed it.    


Ling Mofeng looked at her with heartache. She was cute and pitiful.    


It was past nine o'clock in the evening. Ling Mofeng called his sister Ling Nuannuan and knew that she had already checked into the hotel. She would rest for the night and leave tomorrow. Ling Mofeng told her to take care of her for a long time before hanging up the phone. He even mentioned asking Mu Weicheng to come and pick her up. Ling Nuannuan answered vaguely, but her heart was filled with joy.    


Before she knew it, Yang had connected the wires to her. In the future, if Yang was angry and blamed her, she could take it out and contradict him. Hehe, could she be very bad?    


The next morning!    


Ling Nuannuan woke up from her alarm. The unfamiliar environment and the unfamiliar bed made her sleep worse. She had been dreaming all night. Some strange dreams were good and bad.    


Ling Nuannuan had just turned off the alarm clock when she heard a phone call. She brushed her teeth and answered, "Hello."    


"Are you awake?" It was Mu Weicheng's voice.    


Ling Nuannuan immediately woke up. "Why did you call me so early?"    


"I'm afraid you won't be able to get up and miss the car!" The man answered truthfully.    


"I'm not that stupid. I turned the alarm!" Ling Nuannuan pouted in protest. Did Mu Weicheng treat her like a child?    


"Okay, you are not stupid." Mu Weicheng immediately comforted her.    


"I heard it will take eight or nine hours. It is so far away. How could you be willing to work so far away?" Ling Nuannuan started to complain about him.    


"Every position needs people. If I don't come, there will be people coming." Mu Weicheng replied with a smile.    


"But why you? Did you apply for it yourself?" Ling Nuannuan pouted.    


"Yes, I applied for it myself." Mu Weicheng did not deny it.    


"Why? Why are you running so far away? Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Ling Nuannuan got up a little and spoke boldly.    


The man was silent for a few seconds. Then, he hummed.    


Ling Nuannuan was wrapped in water and when she heard his answer, she immediately spat.    


"Hey, Mu Weicheng, what do you mean? Are you really hiding from me? That's why you are so far away." Ling Nuannuan's heart was hurt.    


"No, I'm not hiding from you. I just want to stay away from you and calm myself down." Mu Weicheng quickly explained.    


"What? If you are very close to me, can't you calm down? I am so charming." Ling Nuannuan was amused by her own words.    


"If you keep shaking in front of me, I am afraid I cannot calm down." Mu Weicheng told her the truth. Ling Nuannuan suddenly became happy. "Alright, I will take it as you confessing to me. I accept it." Mu Weicheng was speechless.    


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