President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1754 Baby Is in a Mood

C1754 Baby Is in a Mood

Ling Nuannuan really ran over and took two small bottles of fruit wine that had the flavor of plum. There was also the taste of apple. Ling Nuannuan really liked the packaging of small bottles. It had an ancient style. Just by looking at it, one could imagine how delicious the wine inside was.    


"Warm and warm. Don't drink so much. Just give me a few mouthfuls. This kind of wine is very strong after drinking." Mu Weicheng had stayed here for a few years and had some understanding of the wine culture here. It looked delicious, but in fact, if one did not drink, it was easy to be confused by their beautiful appearance and get drunk.    


"Don't look down on me. I can drink well. I don't want to sleep well at night. I don't have enough of these two bottles." Ling Nuannuan pouted and answered with a confident expression.    


Mu Weicheng could not help laughing in anger and shaking his head. She really did not know the immensity of heaven and earth. If she got drunk later, she would not be treated as a joke by him.    


Delicious dishes were served. A big plate of chicken and a secret beef dish were served. There was also a thick soup and a vegetable dish, which smelled very good and made one's appetite stir.    


Ling Nuannuan impatiently opened a bottle of wine, took her chopsticks, and ate the food while sipping the wine. The taste was really hard to describe. She felt that this kind of life was enough to satisfy her. She drank the sweetest wine, ate the most delicious dishes, and looked at the man she loved the most.    


Mu Weicheng looked at her infatuated expression and did not know whether to laugh or cry. How satisfied was she to be able to show such an intoxicating expression?    


Ling Nuannuan was really in a good mood. After she drank a mouthful of wine, she squinted her eyes and foolishly laughed at Mu Weicheng. Mu Weicheng quickly put the fattest chicken leg into her bowl. "It's time to eat. Don't just drink."    


Ling Nuannuan looked at the fat chicken leg. Chuckling: "Mu Weicheng, don't be so nice to me. I will swell up. If one day I drift and like to bully you, don't blame me. You are used to it."    


Mu Weicheng looked at her smug face and couldn't help but sigh. "Eat your food. Such delicious food won't stop your mouth."    


Ling Nuannuan gave him a dull look and put on a glove. She picked up the chicken leg and took a bite. The meat was tender and tender. The taste was three parts. It was really the fragrance of the earth. Ling Nuannuan instantly turned into a foodie and decided to sweep away all the dishes.    


Compared to Ling Nuannuan's casual nature, Mu Weicheng retained his elegance and grace as he slowly ate and drank. Actually, this moment was also incomparably happy and satisfied for him. The girl he loved sat opposite him and looked at him with a pair of charming smiling eyes from time to time. He had never loved to be so relaxed.    


There were a few enthusiastic and unrestrained girls gathered at the side. Perhaps it was because there were a lot of people, so everyone was emboldened. They actually started to play a game, and the person who lost had to go to the table to ask for contact information.    


One of the beautiful girls stared at Mu Weicheng. Because in this restaurant, there were basically couples. They felt that this game was very challenging. If they could ask for a man's phone in front of his girlfriend, that would be proof of their charm.    


Ling Nuannuan had actually noticed the girls at the table a long time ago because their voices were very loud and very noisy.    


Finally, that beautiful girl lost the game. She took a cup of wine from the table and drank it with her head up. Under the group of female friends' cowardly courage, she walked with intoxicated steps and slightly swayed to the front of Mu Weicheng and Ling Nuannuan's table.    


"Handsome guy, swim and exercise to get a better understanding. Give me a contact number and I'll give you a discount." That girl was quite smart and immediately used her means of promoting. She felt that if she asked her directly, she definitely wouldn't get it. She had to think of a way.    


Ling Nuannuan stared at that girl in surprise. She did not expect that she would actually walk over and ask for a phone call from Mu Weicheng directly.    


Mu Weicheng calmly took a sip of tea. He coldly replied, "Not interested."    


The girl thought Mu Weicheng would at least look at her and politely reject her in front of his girlfriend. However, she did not expect Mu Weicheng to directly throw out three words. Furthermore, the aura around his body dispersed all of a sudden, making people not dare to disturb his meal any longer.    


"Handsome man, don't be so heartless. Support other people's work." The girl deliberately flirted with her long hair because she was very pretty. She leaned her body slightly. She was wearing a tight low-collar T-shirt. Thus, the moment she leaned forward, her advantage was instantly revealed.    


Ling Nuannuan's eating movements slowed down and her eyes widened. Then, she laughed. "Big sister, you are not mistaken, right? He is my boyfriend and you are asking for the phone openly. I don't know if you are too confident or too lonely and cold?"    


That girl did not expect Ling Nuannuan to directly scold her. The people around looked at her and she immediately felt a little ashamed. She did not dare to continue chatting and turned back to her seat.    


Mu Weicheng lowered his head and pursed his thin lips into a smile. He did not expect Ling Nuannuan to be so good at scolding people.    


However, Ling Nuannuan angrily glared at him. "Did you look at her?"    


Mu Weicheng was sitting on his gun with an innocent look on his face. "I didn't."    


"Why else would she ask you for your contact details? You must have hinted to her." Ling Nuannuan's pretty face was unhappy.    


"Warm and warm. If you are full, let's go back first. Don't be angry about this." Mu Weicheng looked at her unhappy eyes and immediately got up. He walked over and held her hand.    


Ling Nuannuan stood up and suddenly found there was a bottle of wine not drunk. She picked it up and drank it all in one breath. She then took her backpack and followed Mu Weicheng to the front desk to settle the bill.    


Mu Weicheng looked at her in disbelief. "You finished two bottles of wine?"    


Ling Nuannuan nodded. "I'm not in a good mood, so I need to drink some wine."    


"There's a pedestrian street next to us. It's very lively at night. Why don't we take a walk before we go back?" Mu Weicheng suggested in a low voice.    


"Yes, I will follow you." Ling Nuannuan looked obedient.    


Mu Weicheng paid the bill and led her to the pedestrian street. Ling Nuannuan was still very conscious just now. When she walked to the car, her feet suddenly floated. She almost lost her footing and leaned against Mu Weicheng's body.    


Mu Weicheng originally held her hand, but now he put his arm around her waist and stabilized her body.    


Ling Nuannuan pulled away the corner of her mouth and laughed, "It's too dark. My eyes are playing tricks on me. I can't see the road clearly."    


Mu Weicheng was speechless. He was clearly starting to get drunk.    


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