President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C413 Empyrexia

C413 Empyrexia

Mu Shiye couldn't help but laugh. He nodded and admitted, "That's right. I feel guilty. I owe you too much. Can you give me a chance to make it up to you? Don't let me suffer day and night. "    


"Isn't this what I want? If I can torture you, I'll be the happiest!" Pei Anxin said against her conscience.    


Are you happy? " Mu Shiye suddenly reached out and pulled her into his arms. His voice trembled. "I know. You are not happy either."    


"Mu Shiye, what are you doing? Let go!" Pei Anxin did not expect him to be so bold. He dared to hug her in front of his sleeping daughter. She was angry from embarrassment and scolded in a low voice.    


"I don't want to let go!" Mu Shiye answered with his temper.    


He really didn't want to let her go. Countless times he thought he could hold her in his arms again.    


Pei Anxin did not ask him to let go again because she was also extremely infatuated with this embrace.    


Mu Shiye reached out his hand but could not touch her waist-length long hair. His heart inexplicably hurt and he asked in a low voice, "Why did you cut your hair?"    


"Because I want to forget you!" Pei Anxin told him the truth.    


"I remember you threatened me before. You said that if we broke up in the future, you would cut off my favorite hair. You are right!" Mu Shiye really missed the scene of her long black hair fluttering in the wind. However, that was also in the past. Now, she had short hair that was shoulder-length, yet she had a unique style. She was pretty and revealed a trace of wildness.    


He suddenly realized that he liked someone. No matter what she looked like, he already had a taste for her.    


"Only now do you know that I keep my word? Then you should know that I don't love you anymore. I just don't love you anymore. Give up!" Pei Anxin laughed mockingly.    


Mu Shiye kissed her neck hard with his thin lips. "If I give up so easily, I won't be called Mu Shiye anymore."    


When his thin lips touched her skin, Pei Anxin's entire body trembled. For some reason, she recalled the countless times she had been together with him. At that time, they were young and full of vitality. When they were together, they wantonly enjoyed the beauty of youth and tasted the sweetness of love. They thought that they could stay like that until they were old.    


Unfortunately, reality gave her a blow to the head and made her return to her original state of life. It was cruel.    


"Mu Shiye, I suddenly have an impulse to marry you and anger your mother to death. Do you still love me?" Pei Anxin struggled out of his arms and looked up with a sneer in her eyes.    


Mu Shiye looked at her in surprise.    


Pei Anxin crossed her arms and walked out the door.    


Mu Shiye quickly followed her out.    


When they arrived at the living room, Pei Anxin did not need to suppress her voice and speak. Her tone returned to normal. "I know this idea is very childish, but there was a period of time when I really hated it. However, fortunately I survived it. I did not really do anything stupid."    


Mu Shiye looked at her complicated and contradictory expression. That expression really made his heart ache.    


"Anxin, do you know why I still like you until now? It's because you are kind in nature. You never take the initiative to hurt anyone. You have your own character and principles." Mu Shiye sighed.    


"What's the use of being kind? People who are kind are more easily bullied. I would rather have a bad personality." Pei Anxin covered her face and tears fell from her fingers.    


Mu Shiye quickly walked over and hugged her gently from behind. He lowered his head to her shoulder and spoke in a low voice. "Don't think like that. Don't change yourself, Anxin. You are doing very well. Really, it's all my fault. If you want to hate me and torture me, I have no complaints. "    


Pei Anxin cried for a while and her emotions calmed down a little. Her two hands pulled the big palm that wrapped around his body away. "You go back. I want to rest!"    


Mu Shiye did not want to leave. The big palm that was pulled away by her pulled back again. A man's gentle voice sounded in his ear. "Anxin, I don't want to leave. I want to be with you all the time."    


Pei Anxin quickly escaped from his arms. Her face was cold. "If you want to be a scoundrel, I won't let you in in the future."    


Mu Shiye sighed helplessly. "I just want to be with you. I never wanted to hurt you again."    


"I don't need you." Pei Anxin looked even colder.    


Mu Shiye knew that she was stubborn. Forcing her to stay would not do him any good. He could only take his suit jacket and look at her again. He opened the door and went out.    


The night deepened and Pei Anxin went into a daze for a while. She decided to go into the room and sleep.    


She had just laid down when the little fellow reached out to touch her face. As he touched her, he called out in a dreamlike voice, "Daddy... Daddy!"    


Her entire body stiffened. In the dark, she looked at the corner of her daughter's mouth. Was she dreaming? Did she dream that her daddy was by her side?    


Tears rolled down her face inexplicably. Pei Anxin covered her lips and tried her best not to cry out.    


After Mu Shiye left the Pei Family, he had been sitting in the car!    


He was very depressed. After smoking two cigarettes, he found that he was still very bored. Hence, he had no choice but to call Luo Hening and ask him to come out for a drink.    


He didn't expect that Luo Hening was actually a little drunk. However, he was willing to come over and have a drink with him.    


When Luo Hening arrived at his side in the driver's car with a slightly red face, the two of them took advantage of the light from the street lamps and walked towards the coastline.    


At this moment, the night was a little dark and there were very few people. The two of them were dragged very long and the wind from the train blew their hair into a mess.    


Luo Hening picked up a small stone from the side and threw it fiercely. The small stone was instantly submerged in the sea level, not even a splash could be seen.    


"What's wrong?" Luo Hening followed him for a long time, but did not see him speak. He asked him with concern.    


Mu Shiye suddenly did not want to go. He leaned against the railing and let the sea breeze mess up his hair. He looked at the endless waves in front of him and said self-deprecatingly, "In the past, I felt that my reincarnation was very successful. I was a rich person. Now, I feel that I have failed to live. I have become a poor person with nothing. Luo Hening, tell me, how can I save my love? She did not even let me get close."    


Luo Hening saw that he was actually using emotions to sigh. He instantly felt even more disappointed.    


"You have at least had it before. I am the most pitiful. When I see your sister, I feel like a thief with a burning heart. I have to pretend that nothing happened on my face. When your sister's eyes swept over me, I felt scared. My reincarnation is not worse than yours. But I still failed to live, didn't I?" At this moment, the two of them were standing under the night sky, listening to the sound of the waves, comparing their failures.    


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