President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1269 So Worried

C1269 So Worried

So worried.    


The fragrance of the girl rushed over. Before Ling Mofeng could reach out his hands to catch her, he felt the girl's soft and tender face leaning against his neck. Her moist lips kissed without saying a word.    


"Hmm..." Before Ling Mofeng could immerse himself in his ecstasy, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck. The girl's tiny white teeth were biting him, not letting go, like a puppy that had been provoked.    


Ling Mofeng's body tensed up. The happiness on his face also froze. This woman didn't rush over to hug her, but to bite him.    


"Yanxi..." She clearly bit a little in pain. However, Ling Mofeng's voice instantly turned hoarse. Even though he was bitten by her, his body still had a shocking reaction.    


Lan Yanxi finally released a stomach full of resentment. She let go of her teeth and looked very satisfied at the obvious bite mark on Ling Mofeng's neck. Only then did she push him away. She took two steps back and said angrily, "Next time I come to see you chatting and joking with other women, I will not only bite you, I will bite you countless times!"    


Ling Mofeng touched his neck and even touched her moist saliva. He did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Yanxi, your way of getting jealous is really special. If you like biting people so much, that would be great. " If you get angry in the future, just bite me. I still have a lot of places for you to bite me! " The serious Mr. Vice President was also teased by this cute and interesting girl.    


"You wish!" Lan Yanxi rolled her eyes at him and said angrily, "I only bite where others can see. If I can't see, I will bite for nothing. I have to let those women know that you, Ling Mofeng, have a master. Don't think too much!"    


Ling Mofeng's thin lips hooked up. "You are quite smart. Looks like you're really jealous of me this time."    


"Who said that?" Lan Yanxi's thoughts were exposed by his words. Her pretty face was red with embarrassment. She glared at him angrily and turned her back. Her two small hands were twisted together as she complained. "I just have a bit of a good impression of you. It's too early to say love!"    


"Is it really just a little good impression?" Ling Mofeng smiled.    


"Well, not only do you have a good impression, but you also like it a bit. Who asked you to have such a good figure and a good face? I am an association for appearance!" Lan Yanxi deliberately said angry words to anger him.    


"If I don't look good..."    


"Then the result will be hard to predict!" Lan Yanxi saw that he really suffered a blow and turned back to smile cockily.    


Ling Mofeng looked at her proud expression and could not help laughing out in anger. "Alright. Then I have to thank the heavens for giving me this appearance to make you happy for me!"    


"Forget it. I can't be bothered to say such boring things to you. I want a hug!" Lan Yanxi realized that it was also boring to trip her lips with this man because he did not seem to have much sense of humor. Every word he said seemed to be sincere and made her want to tease him but she could not bear to do it.    


Ling Mofeng obediently walked over. He reached out and gently hugged her. His thin lips pressed against her forehead and lightly kissed. "Yanxi, don't be jealous like this in the future. There is no need. Being angry is not good for your health."    


"I know, but I can't help it!" Of course Lan Yanxi knew that Ling Mofeng was not that kind of shameless and vulgar man. He really came to work today. It was because she was too narrow-minded and she was still angry about this kind of thing.    


At this moment, someone knocked on the door three times. Ling Mofeng had to let go of his hand. He lowered his eyes and focused on her bright and dazzling eyes. "I have to go first. You can go back in the car later."    


"En!" Even though she was reluctant to leave, she did not dare to show it. She was afraid that they would feel uncomfortable. Lan Yanxi looked very carefree. She raised her hand to him and said, "Go and do your work. Come to me when you    


"Okay!" The man firmly answered her and opened the door to go out    


As soon as Ling Mofeng walked out, the adjutant came over and gave a few paintings to Lan Yanxi. Lan Yanxi held them in her arms and walked out.    


She took the elevator down to the hall on the first floor. She had just arrived at the room where Yang He and the rest were resting when suddenly, in the quiet air, there were several gunshots.    


Lan Yanxi's footsteps seemed to have suddenly stopped. Her legs were stiff like ice and she could not move. Even when she turned her head, she became so slow and shocked.    


Yang He suddenly rushed out and ran towards the place where the gun was fired.    


Lan Yanxi also seemed as if she had woken up from a dream. She hugged the painting in her hands tightly and quickly ran forward with Yang He.    


For a moment, the art exhibition became a little chaotic. There were also a few customers who were frightened and did not know where to hide.    


"Miss Lan!" Just when Lan Yanxi was holding her breath and running forward, a person suddenly ran towards her. It was Ling Mofeng's adjutant. She quickly stopped and asked him urgently, "Did something happen to him? How is he?"    


"Miss Lan, come with me!" The adjutant was anxious but did not lose his composure. He pointed to a corridor.    


"I'm not going. Is he injured? Tell me!" Lan Yanxi was so anxious that her eyes were red. She firmly stood still. The next second, she stuffed the painting in her hand into her adjutant's pocket. "Take it. I will go and see the situation!"    


The adjutant was so scared that he quickly moved forward to block it. He said in a low voice, "Miss Lan, Mr. Vice President was shot and left. He asked me to take you away quickly. The next target might be you!"    


"What?" Lan Yanxi's mind was blank. The word "gunshot wound" was rolling back and forth in her mind.    


The adjutant was so anxious that he had to say something in a low voice. "Miss Lan, I have offended you!"    


Thus, the adjutant reached over and grabbed Lan Yanxi's arm, pulling her to run forward quickly.    


"Those paintings..."    


"Don't worry about it!" The adjutant only wanted to ensure her safety, how could he care about the paintings?    


However, Lan Yanxi thought that those paintings were for Ling Mofeng. They belonged to him. That was why she wanted to protect them.    


Lan Yanxi's mind was empty. She ran forward mechanically with her legs. Her eyes were filled with tears and she could not see the road ahead. She could only follow the adjutant.    


Yang He saw a man holding Lan Yanxi's hand and running wildly from afar. She was shocked.    


If she looked carefully again, wasn't that man one of Mr. Vice President's trusted aides?    


Could it be that he was Lan Yanxi's fiancé?    


Previously, she always felt that Lan Yanxi was lying. She said it was. She had come to the office to work for a man, but she was unwilling to tell which man it was. Now, she had confirmed it with her own eyes. It turned out that he was Vice President's favorite. He had a bright future ahead of him. It was no wonder Lan Yanxi admired him so much. She was willing to give up her status as a big miss for him. She had come here to be a small receptionist.    


Yang He felt that Lan Yanxi was a perfect match for this adjutant. At the same time, she secretly heaved a sigh of relief    


Just when she was about to run over, she was stopped by the staff and did not let her run forward. That was why she fell back. However, she was anxious and worried in her heart. There were gunshots in this kind of place. They must have taken advantage of Vice President's arrival. What should she do? Was he injured?    


Yang He was so worried that her face turned pale. Unfortunately, she could not ask about those things. She was just a small employee. She did not even have the right to care about Vice President.    


Lan Yanxi sat in the car with her hands and feet cold. She did not know how she got into this car. She only felt her heart beat very fast and her legs were a little numb. The tears in her eyes could not be held back and fell down one by one.    


"Did he hurt his vitals? Will he lose his life?" Lan Yanxi covered her face and asked the adjutant in fear.    


The adjutant also had a solemn expression. "Miss Lan, don't worry. Mr. Vice President wears bulletproof vests every day. His life shouldn't be in danger. I must escort you away now."    


"What about the others? I still have a few colleagues..."    


"Don't worry. No one will target them. They will be fine." The adjutant comforted her.    


Lan Yanxi lowered her head in frustration. She felt that these people might have hurt Ling Mofeng while she was here.    


"Where will he go now?" Lan Yanxi really wanted to see Ling Mofeng at this moment and know his situation.    


"Miss Lan, I can't answer that. Mr. Vice President must be safe." The adjutant answered dutifully.    


"Okay then. Can you let me talk to him on the phone?" Lan Yanxi looked at him pleadingly.    


The adjutant was also in a difficult position.    


"I just want to hear his voice. I know he's still awake!" Lan Yanxi choked.    


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