President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1299 He Would Never be Able to Trample on Her

C1299 He Would Never be Able to Trample on Her

1299. He can't beat her.    


Lan Yanxi's two thin arms tried to support the weight of the book. Her eyes were wide open. She looked at Ling Mofeng, who was still stretching out his arms to pick up the row of books in disbelief.    


The atmosphere in the surroundings was a little depressing. Lan Yanxi suddenly felt wronged. At the same time, a trace of resentment arose in her heart. She asked loudly, "Ling Mofeng, are you abusing me?"    


Hearing this, the man's arm that was holding the book stopped. His dark eyes sunk. In the end, he did not continue to put the book in her arms.    


"You abused me before I got married. In the future, when I get married, won't I die of grievance?" Lan Yanxi looked pitiful and her small face was serious, as if Ling Mofeng had really done something terrible.    


The man did not know whether to laugh or cry at this moment. Who was the one who tortured who?    


Lan Yanxi tried hard to squeeze out two drops of tears to accuse him of his crimes but found that she could not cry.    


At this moment, the man's tensed body suddenly turned around, scaring her. The book in her arms almost fell off.    


She instinctively adjusted her hand gesture to prevent the book from falling.    


"Ling Mofeng, let me remind you. If you make fun of me, I will..."    


"So what? Are you going to flirt with another man?" Ling Mofeng took a step forward and forced her to a corner. His tall body almost completely covered her and the dozen books in her arms.    


"My arm is going to break." Lan Yanxi struggled with her hands. Her eyes were red and her lips were biting tightly.    


The man snorted and reached over. He took away a few books and put them on the shelf next to him. He continued to hold her hand. "Lan Yanxi, your new department seems to have a lot of young and handsome men. You are very popular!"    


Lan Yanxi's beautiful eyes immediately widened. She thought about it and instantly understood the complicated relationship between them.    


"Ha, what kind of jealousy does Mr. Vice President have? It's really sour!" Lan Yanxi immediately put on a proud look. Her smiling eyes looked straight at the man as if she knew something big was going to happen.    


"I am not joking with you. You better..."    


"Stay away from those male colleagues. I know, I know. I know what I'm doing. I'm new here. I can't handle a lot of things properly. " Someone came over to give me some pointers and help me with a small favor. Not only can I not thank him, I also have to point at his face and say, "Stay away from me. What you want. Is this the result?" Lan Yanxi tilted her small face and raised her eyes. She looked at the man from the corner of her eyes. That playful expression almost made the man mad.    


"Lan Yanxi, what do you think you should do? The two of them were lying on a table and chatting. This is your sense of propriety?" The man suddenly leaned forward again. At this moment, Lan Yanxi's face was almost touching his chest.    


Unfortunately, she was still holding a few books in her hands, which made her chest hurt.    


"It hurts... Lan Yanxi ignored his question and cried out pitifully.    


Ling Mofeng really wanted her to suffer. But when he met her wrinkled eyebrows, he took away all the books in her arms with his long arms.    


Lan Yanxi, who was just a poor kitten, instantly turned into a cunning little fox. Her watery eyes flashed with a smile. She boldly looked into the man's eyes and asked, "Ling Mofeng, you still care about me, right?"    


"If I catch you approaching another man again, I won't be punished like this today!" The man's face suddenly turned red. He took two steps back and released her. He turned around and pretended to tidy up the books he had taken out.    


Lan Yanxi was like a cockroach that would not die. She continued to probe and ask, "You made me carry such a heavy book just now to punish me. Your punishment is so strange!"    


"What else? What kind of punishment do you want?" Ling Mofeng realized that he was no match for this woman. In terms of words and courage, he seemed to be inferior to her.    


Strange, he was a man. How could he lose to her?    


"When I saw a man's reaction after getting jealous on TV, he would usually push a woman against the wall. First, he would force a kiss, followed by all kinds of warnings and threats..."    


"You really have a lot of imagination!" Ling Mofeng was almost amused by her words.    


"It's your imagination that is too poor!" Lan Yanxi crossed her arms and leaned against the bookshelf. Her beautiful eyes glanced at the man's tall and muscular back.    


Ling Mofeng had the illusion that he was being flirted with by this woman. He put the book away and turned around to face her beautiful eyes. Under the warm light, it was like a crystal light flowing. It was very beautiful.    


"Ahem, um, did you want to hear me explain to you about working with a male colleague when you called me over? I'm done explaining. It's not as bad as you think. It's really just work!" Being stared at by the man's deep eyes, Lan Yanxi immediately put away her cynicism and became serious.    


"Are you looking forward to that kind of punishment?" The man's voice suddenly became low and bewitching.    


"Which kind?" Lan Yanxi instantly lost her memory.    


The man's tall body pushed her forward. Lan Yanxi was originally leaning against the bookshelf, but when she was scared by him, she immediately pressed herself against the bookshelf. The two small hands that were wrapped around her chest also subconsciously moved to her side. Her eyes were filled with panic. "Hey, Ling Mofeng, I was joking with you!"    


"Remember, I don't like joking!" The man pushed her to the side with one hand and held her chin with the other. His lips were burning.    


Lan Yanxi's entire body trembled. An electric current hit her heart, causing her brain to instantly lack blood.    


Ling Mofeng's mind was thinking about the way she bent over the table and smiled at the man. She kissed her thin lips and instantly became angry. She became even more violent and cold.    


Lan Yanxi's mind was blank and her chest was sore and swollen. An unfamiliar feeling surged back and forth in her body. She stretched out her two small hands and instinctively wanted to grab something, but in the end, she grabbed onto the man's clothes. She did not know if she wanted to push him away or pull him closer to her.    


"That's enough. Go home tonight!" No matter how bold Lan Yanxi was, she could not do this kind of private matter at work. Therefore, her breathing was rapid and her voice was softly whispering against him.    


The man involuntarily laughed. "Who is it that doesn't want to let go?"    


Lan Yanxi's whole body trembled. Only then did she realize that the man had already taken back the big palm that he had placed on his chin. Her two small hands were still tightly holding onto his clothes and did not want to let go at all.    


Her pretty face was embarrassed. She quickly let go of her hand and even pushed him hard. "Didn't you say you wanted to keep a distance? This is to let people know..."    


"Don't worry, this library is my territory, I won't be able to see it!" The man gently adjusted her messy collar, comforting her with a gentle and gentle voice.    


"Really? Then I can rest assured!" Lan Yanxi said and quickly pinched the man's handsome face.    


In terms of physical strength, Lan Yanxi would never admit defeat.    


When the girl's warm fingers passed his nose, the man's heart shook again. Until he felt pain on his face. Only then did he realize that this woman had done something bad again.    


"I wanted to pinch you like this a long time ago!" Lan Yanxi said with a smile.    


"You are really dishonest!" Ling Mofeng had never seen a girl like her.    


Lan Yanxi shrugged. "I never said I am an honest person."    


"Go to work. I will leave after reading some books." Ling Mofeng was in a better mood. He naturally had to let her go.    


"I want to stay with you for a while." Lan Yanxi lowered her head and drew a circle on the ground with her toes.    


Ling Mofeng heard her words and smiled. His eyes inadvertently saw the rose brooch on her clothes. His fingers gently touched it. "It seems that you like it very much."    


When this was mentioned, Lan Yanxi became angry again. She raised her head and glared at him. "I thought you gave me something else. Why did you give me this?"    


"Don't you like it?" Ling Mofeng suddenly became nervous.    


"It looks good. I like it!" Lan Yanxi told him the truth.    


"I'll pick something else for you next time. You can tell me what you like!" Ling Mofeng really knew nothing about girls.    


"I like it... you, give it to me!" Lan Yanxi playfully stuck out her little tongue.    


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