President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1352 This Is the Feeling of Wanting to Die

C1352 This Is the Feeling of Wanting to Die

"Yeah, but didn't you say you don't want a boyfriend..."    


"I suddenly want to find a boyfriend now. Yanxi, I think so. What you said is right. We can find a boyfriend to fight for a career together." Cheng Yuan expressed her thoughts anxiously.    


Lan Yanxi was shocked by her and then sat up again. She blinked her eyes and looked at her, "Cheng Yuan, are you okay?"    


"I'm fine. You said you wanted to introduce me to a boyfriend, right? Who is it?" Cheng Yuan blushed and asked shyly.    


"Lieutenant Chu, Chu Lie, the one who calls you every day!" Lan Yanxi blinked and said in a daze.    


"I'm not good enough for him!" Cheng Yuan suddenly realized a very realistic problem. She turned around and said sadly.    


"How can you not be good enough for him? You are already very outstanding." Lan Yanxi instantly became anxious for her.    


Cheng Yuan's back was facing her as she looked at the night scene outside the window. She asked faintly, "Yanxi, if only I could be as confident as you. But I was born to feel inferior. That's why I worked so hard. "    


"Me? I've always been blindly confident. " It's a good thing for everyone to find a way to make themselves happy 24 hours a day. Even if you're trying to coax yourself and lie to yourself, you should at least be happy. " This was Lan Yanxi's way of handling things. She was thinking in a good direction.    


Yanxi, you always give people a positive feeling. To be able to make friends like you, I am really very happy. " Cheng Yuan turned around and revealed a smile and appreciation.    


"Actually you can also be a little happier. Many people like to weave life in their dreams, but it is very important to be able to live well in reality. Cheng Yuan, don't worry. I have asked around and Chu Li does not have a girlfriend. He is currently single!" Lan Yanxi, this Hong Niang, was very professional. Only after she had inquired about all aspects did she dare to make connections with her good friend.    


"Really?" Cheng Yuan immediately became excited.    


"Wait a minute!" Lan Yanxi's beautiful big eyes narrowed as she looked at Cheng Yuan.    


Only then did Cheng Yuan realize that she seemed to be happy too early and exposed something.    


"Cheng Yuan, you are not honest. You actually lied to me!" Lan Yanxi pretended to be angry.    


Cheng Yuan quickly walked over and sat beside her bed. She held one of her hands. "Yanxi, I didn't lie to you. I really don't deserve him!"    


"In that case, you actually liked him a long time ago. Right? "No wonder you reacted so quickly just now. When you heard that I wanted to introduce him to you, you didn't even care about his clothes. You must have liked him a lot. " Lan Yanxi suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent. So her red line was actually linked to the right one.    


Cheng Yuan finally nodded and honestly admitted. "Yes, I actually liked him a long time ago. However, he did not know and I did not dare to let him know."    


"Why not let others know? Then it's very easy for you to miss your own happiness like this. " Lan Yanxi could not help sighing.    


"Of course I am also afraid and very anxious, but I do not dare to confess. Yanxi, Who exactly confessed to you and Mr. Vice President first?" Cheng Yuan immediately became curious.    


"Me!" Lan Yanxi shamelessly pointed at her face. "I didn't like him at first and found him to be uninteresting. He is old-fashioned and does not have the vigor of young people like us. But when I came into contact with him, I found that he is very good. He does not play any emotional tricks. If you like him, just show it to me. I was immediately conquered by his sincerity and fell in love with him for no reason."    


"Yes, yes, yes. I don't like playing tricks on my feelings. I also like to be more sincere. " There are people around me who treat relationships like a game. Whoever loses must be clear. I look scared. There is no security at all. " Cheng Yuan was instantly aroused by Lan Yanxi's thoughts of a young girl. It was no longer the cold indifference of the iron-blooded Vajra.    


"Don't worry. I feel that this Lieutenant Chu definitely doesn't have the time to play tricks with women. Men who value their careers will usually be more gentle and tolerant towards women." Lan Yanxi comforted her.    


"Yanxi, do you think he will like me? I am not pretty and I am not gentle. I do not have any feminine feeling at all!" Cheng Yuan looked at Lan Yanxi's current appearance. She was weak and slender, and her long hair was soft and smooth to match her delicate and delicate face. Mr. Vice President would probably love her even more when he saw her delicate and moving appearance. Looking at herself again, her hair was shorter than a man's and her skills were better than a man's. Her speech was more manly than a man's. She realized that she was not a woman at all and really wanted to cry and faint in the toilet.    


"There are many definitions of beauty. You have your strengths. Besides, your facial features are also very pretty, your figure is good, and you are valiant. I believe that many men still like your type." Lan Yanxi genuinely felt that Cheng Yuan was also quite pretty.    


"Yanxi, you really know how to comfort people. I look like a man. " What if Lieutenant Chu doesn't want to be my boyfriend and only wants to be my brother? Then I'm really done for! " Cheng Yuan looked like she was hit. She buried her face in her palm. The more she thought about it, the more sad she felt. When she first reported to the police academy, her family had reminded her that women were too strong and tough. It was very hard to find a boyfriend. Which man didn't want his woman to be petite and moving and needed her protection?    


But at that time, she was stubborn like a cow. She even said vicious words. At most, she would be single for the rest Who knew that on the day she graduated from the police academy, she would bump into Chu Li. He was an elite senior in her school. During the graduation ceremony, he performed a martial arts performance That handsome and stylish action directly hit her heart.    


The girl who said she was going to be single suddenly felt a small flower bloom in her withered heart. The color of the world had turned pink. She was so damn tempted.    


When she had armed herself to become a woman who did not need anyone's protection or pain, the prince charming senior who had descended from the sky had given her the most fatal gentleness.    


"Cheng Yuan, are you okay?" Lan Yanxi felt that she had done something bad and made Cheng Yuan cry. Cheng Yuan really cried like a child. She cried like she had lost her beloved toy and cried like she did not care.    


"Cheng Yuan, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. It's my fault. I shouldn't have mentioned a boyfriend. Don't cry, okay?" Lan Yanxi was at a loss. Her mind was blank. She wanted to comfort her but found that there was no way to comfort her.    


"Yanxi, I am finished. My life is over!" Cheng Yuan was really sad. She liked someone but found that she would never be able to be with him. That feeling was like wanting to die. It was like the end of the world.    


"You are not finished yet. You are so young. You still have a long life, you must not be so pessimistic!" Lan Yanxi quickly reached out and pulled a tissue to wipe her snot and tears.    


"No, I know. My life is really over. I am definitely not the type Lieutenant Chu likes!" Cheng Yuan cried until her eyes turned red. She really felt wronged and sad.    


"Things in this world are not absolute. What if Lieutenant Chu likes your type? You have to hold onto a bit of hope!" Lan Yanxi felt that Cheng Yuan was as cute as a child. If Lieutenant Chu found out about this, he might fall in love with her. After all, children were very likable.    


"No, there is no such thing!" Cheng Yuan could not stop sobbing. She could not wipe away her tears no matter how hard she tried.    


"Yes, I will try my best to help you!" Lan Yanxi decided to help this Cheng Yuan who did not have confidence.    


Cheng Yuan's eyes lit up as she looked at her and nervously grabbed her arm. "Yanxi, will you really help me?"    


"Of course. Such a good man cannot let others get ahead of him first. Besides, It is his fortune that you like him so much!" Lan Yanxi patted her shoulder and comforted her with a smile.    


"Thank you, Yanxi. If I am really with him, You are my benefactor for life. " I will return this favor for the rest of my life! " Cheng Yuan said seriously.    


"What do you mean return it? "Don't forget to give me the wedding candy when the time comes. You have helped me now. " I was so thick-skinned that I didn't say I wanted to return it! " Lan Yanxi said with a smile.    


Cheng Yuan also laughed.    


"Mr. Vice President will be here tomorrow. Yanxi, I wish you all a happy day. I will sleep first!" Cheng Yuan felt that she could have a good dream tonight.    


Lan Yanxi sighed and said, "Yes, I can see him tomorrow. That's great. I really hope that time passes quickly and the sky will light up earlier."    


Thinking of a person, thinking of insomnia, But Lan Yanxi was willing to feel pain and happiness like this. Around three in the morning, she even got up and wrote a diary.    


Actually, Ling Mofeng, who had the same thoughts as Lan Yanxi, did not fall asleep in the morning. He laid on his bed and closed his eyes. It was the feeling of being squeezed under the sheets with her. Her gentle and lovely body was still in her arms, but when she opened her eyes, she was empty. He could not help but laugh at himself. Ever since he had Lan Yanxi, he was no longer used to being alone.    


However, he would be able to visit her tomorrow. Knowing that her condition had improved, he could put down his nervousness.    


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