President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1364 To Separate

C1364 To Separate

Cheng Yuan tensed up. Her pretty face instantly turned red.    


"Just take it that I'm joking!" Cheng Yuan lowered her head in embarrassment.    


"Cheng Yuan, you are blushing. You are definitely not joking with me!" Chu Luo suddenly flashed in front of her and looked at her face at a close distance. Seeing that her face was red, he immediately said with a smile.    


Cheng Yuan did not expect Chu Lie to be such an easy-going and straightforward person in private. She thought Chu Lie was as serious as he usually was at work.    


Cheng Yuan did not dare to admit it because she was afraid that he would laugh at her. Now, when he asked again, Cheng Yuan's brain heated up and she directly nodded her head to admit it. "That's right, I like you!"    


Chu Lie's face was covered in circles as he stared at her for a long time. He smiled and said, "Cheng Yuan, I have always regarded you as... brother. I can't accept you suddenly saying you like me."    


When Cheng Yuan heard the word brother, her brain exploded. Then, Chu Lie laughed again. She really wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.    


"How am I like your brother? I am a girl. Can you respect my gender? " Even if I look like a man, you can't laugh at me like that! " Cheng Yuan glared at him angrily.    


Don't be agitated. I am just telling the truth. However, you're quite cute. Really!" Chu Lie quickly smiled and praised her.    


"Chu Lie, now you know what I think of you. If you dislike me, I promise I won't disturb your life. But... please don't laugh at me!" Cheng Yuan's face was full of sadness and disappointment. She knew that she was not like a woman and would not make him like her, but she still wanted to live with dignity. She was neither servile nor overbearing.    


Chu Lie instantly put away the playful smile on his face. He looked at her seriously and said, "I don't mean to laugh at you. I am quite surprised that you like me. Really!"    


"What is there to be surprised about? I've been secretly contacting you before. Did you really not notice at all?" Cheng Yuan lowered her head and mocked herself.    


"I really did not think about it elsewhere. I felt that you were a good child who worked hard to improve. I wanted to promote you a little more!" Chu Lie replied with a smile.    


"I worked hard for you. I also wanted to think about you for a year. You are very important to me at such a young age." Cheng Yuan blushed again. She felt like a fool.    


"Cheng Yuan, when you finish your training, can I treat you to a meal when you return home?" Chu Lie invited her, feeling a little embarrassed.    


"Huh?" Cheng Yuan thought she had misheard him. She opened her eyes wide and looked at him.    


"I heard people say that when two people start dating, they start eating and watching movies!" Chu Lie said with a forced smile.    


Cheng Yuan trembled as if she had been electrocuted. She did not expect Chu Lie to ask her out for dinner.    


"Protect Miss Lan well now. We will talk about it when we return home." Chu Lie said shyly and turned to leave.    


Cheng Yuan turned back and looked at his back. She still could not believe what she had just heard.    


Would all relationships have an echo if they were smashed down?    


Cheng Yuan did not know but she seemed to have heard the sound of the flower of love slowly blooming.    


Lan Yanxi had recently developed a good biological clock habit. She would wake up at 6: 30 in the morning.    


At this moment, when she opened her eyes, she found that the man had already woken up. It was just that he did not get up. He held his head to one side and was looking at her gently.    


"Uh..." Lan Yanxi's breathing became messy and her face immediately turned red. She stared at him angrily and asked, "Ling Mofeng, you are not watching me sleep, are you?"    


Ling Mofeng pursed his lips in embarrassment and smiled. "No, I just woke up too!"    


"What time is it? I have to hurry to class!" Lan Yanxi did not want to leave her bed, but she had a heavy responsibility. She could not let her temper take its course.    


"Six thirty. Are you going to rush over now?" When he heard that she was about to leave, the man was inexplicably reluctant.    


Lan Yanxi stretched out her arm and found that the air conditioner in the bedroom was already warm. She was about to get off the bed but was suddenly hugged by the man from behind. Her entire body was pressed lightly on his body.    


"What do you want?" Lan Yanxi was already very calm. She only raised her eyes and asked him with a smile.    


Ling Mofeng's breath was heavy. Yes, what was he doing?    


He clearly couldn't do anything, but why did he still push her down?    


"What you didn't do last night, it's too late now!" Lan Yanxi reminded him with a smile.    


In the end, Ling Mofeng only gave her a gentle kiss at the corner of her mouth. He let go of her hand and got off the bed.    


"We'll talk about it when we get back home!" Ling Mofeng stared at her in a dangerous manner.    


Lan Yanxi lazily supported her arms and deliberately provoked him. "Is that so? I dare to bet that you will not do anything bad to me when you return home. Do you believe me?"    


Ling Mofeng's handsome face stiffened. He snorted lightly. "That's not for sure!"    


"Then let's make a bet. If our relationship can improve, then you win. " If you can't, you lose. You can make any demands on the bet! " Lan Yanxi was really too bored. She could even play with this kind of thing.    


"I've fallen in love with you. I've already lost. I don't want to beat you in this lifetime!" Ling Mofeng's modest and gentlemanly attitude was full of indulgence.    


Lan Yanxi pouted her small mouth. "How boring. I wanted to play goading with you. So you saw it long ago."    


"Don't we still need to go to class? Why are you still lazy and not moving?" Ling Mofeng smiled again.    


"Okay, I will go in and change first." Lan Yanxi did not dare to talk anymore. She quickly got off the bed and ran into the bathroom. When she realized that there were no women's things in the bathroom, she was stunned. In the end, she took the man's toothbrushes. Anyway, she had kissed him countless times. She did not dislike him anymore.    


When Lan Yanxi came out again, she was already dressed in work clothes. Her temperament was elegant and beautiful.    


Ling Mofeng saw her confident look and reached out to hug her. "Go, be careful!"    




"He has to be careful of Qiao Zhuo. He must be up to no good if he gets close to you now. You must stay away from him." Ling Mofeng had asked Chu Lie to investigate Qiao Zhuo last night. He found out that he was the man who had been demoted.    


He was a diplomat back then. Because of his mistake, Ling Mofeng had been demoted in a fit of anger. Perhaps he would hold a grudge against him. After knowing his relationship with Lan Yanxi, he wanted to use Lan Yanxi to attack him.    


"I don't need you to remind me. I have already offended him. He must treat me like his enemy now." Lan Yanxi shrugged her shoulders. Thinking back to the vicious words she said to Qiao Zhuo last night, Qiao Zhuo must have hated her as well.    


"Cheng Yuan will protect you well. Don't worry and go to school." Ling Mofeng knew Lan Yanxi was smart and would not respond to Qiao Zhuo. He was relieved.    


Lan Yanxi lifted the tip of her foot and kissed his thin lips. She turned around and walked downstairs.    


Cheng Yuan saw Lan Yanxi come down and quickly walked over to ask, "Yanxi, should we go back now?" Lan Yanxi nodded. "Yes, we should go back earlier. I am afraid that people will find out."    


Cheng Yuan raised her head and looked in Chu Lie's direction. She did not say anything and followed Lan Yanxi out the door.    


Chu Lie saw them get into the car and immediately ran over. He said goodbye to them and watched their car leave.    


Lan Yanxi recalled the way Cheng Yuan walked up from the basement with red eyes last night. At this moment, she kept looking back and could not help but ask curiously, "Cheng Yuan, Did something interesting happen between you and Lieutenant Chu?"    


Cheng Yuan nervously twisted her fingers and shyly said, "Yanxi, I confessed to him."    


"Really?" Lan Yanxi's face was full of disbelief.    


"Yes, I was so excited that I confessed to him!" Cheng Yuan laughed at herself.    


"How did Lieutenant Chu answer you?" Lan Yanxi suddenly became a gossiper.    


"He... he said he treated me as a brother."    


"Pfft!" Lan Yanxi was very unkind and directly burst out laughing.    


Cheng Yuan also laughed. "But just now, he said that when we return from studying, he will treat me to a meal."    


"Do you want to go on a date with you?" Lan Yanxi immediately became happy for her. She felt that Chu Lie must have good taste. Although Cheng Yuan looked like a fake kid, she was very good-looking and had a good personality. Whoever really married her would definitely be full of good fortune.    


"I don't know! Yanxi, please don't ask!" Cheng Yuan was already extremely embarrassed. She was usually very calm. When she touched the question of feelings, she instantly became as embarrassed as a little girl.    


Okay okay okay okay no more questions. In any case, I am optimistic about you guys! " Lan Yanxi smiled and blessed.    


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