President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1363 Fall Asleep

C1363 Fall Asleep

To sleep.    


Gao Yue immediately shared the good news with Zhang Lu.    


Zhang Lu was still working overseas. When he received a call from Gao Yue, he was in a good mood at night.    


"Miss Gao, your chance has come again. This time, you have to make good use of it." Zhang Lu said with a serious expression.    


Minister Zhang, don't worry. Of course I will take good care of it. It's just that... I don't know what kind of identity I will use to attend this banquet. If I still use my identity as a reporter, it will be very unfair to me. I will lose my value." Gao Yue immediately asked him with a helpless and wronged tone.    


"You are right. If you are allowed to attend the banquet as a reporter, Ji Xiaohan will not be enchanted by you." Zhang Lu also felt that this identity was not suitable.    


"He must have left a deep impression on me during the ribbon cutting ceremony at Ji Xiaohan's company. I need to add fuel to the fire and let him remember me completely." Gao Yue said with extreme confidence.    


Zhang Lu suddenly felt a little annoyed. He thought about the woman he liked and wanted to push her to another man. He was inexplicably upset.    


"Miss Gao, your mission is to break up her family and damage his reputation. Don't really lose yourself." Zhang Lu tried to persuade her.    


"Minister Zhang, are you worried about me?" Gao Yue immediately giggled charmingly.    


"I just feel that you don't need to sacrifice your life. You are so young and beautiful. Your future will definitely be more exciting!" Zhang Lu explained with a smile.    


"Don't worry. If I have the chance to have a romantic encounter with Ji Xiaohan, my life will definitely be very exciting." Gao Yue had given up on herself a long time ago. She could not wait to have a great battle with Ji Xiaohan. Even if it was just a romantic relationship, she was willing to do it.    


When Zhang Lu heard that, his face turned green. Was Gao Yue so impatient to give herself to Ji Xiaohan?    


"Miss Gao, aren't all the men in this world three-legged? Ji Xiaohan is nothing special." Zhang Lu sounded jealous.    


Gao Yue suddenly felt that she should not talk to Zhang Lu about this topic. She laughed. "Minister Zhang, this is my personal choice. You don't have to worry about it. Although all men in the world are the same, Ji Xiaohan is a unique man."    


Zhang Lu's expression became even uglier. He really wanted to confess to Gao Yue, but he was afraid that old president would get angry when he found out. Therefore, Zhang Lu could only endure his love for Gao Yue.    


"Department Head Zhang, quickly think of a way. What identity do I have to attend the banquet? The banquet will be held three days later. I will wait for your call tomorrow!" Gao Yue hung up right after she finished speaking.    


Zhang Lu was originally in a good mood. When he suddenly heard Gao Yue taking the initiative to curry favor with Ji Xiaohan, he was so angry that he threw his phone away. He was so angry that he cursed. "Women are snobbish indeed. Ji Xiaohan only has a pretty face, right? What's so great about it?"    


Ji Xiaohan not only had a pretty face, but also a perfect figure with a golden ratio. He had status and status. Most importantly, he had money, and ordinary people could not imagine how much wealth he had.    


In the middle of the night, Lan Yanxi suddenly felt thirsty. She could not help but lift the blanket and was gently hugged back by a man's hand. She heard his soft voice in her ear, "Where are you going?"    


"Drink water, I'm thirsty!" Lan Yanxi snuggled into his embrace and softly replied.    


"I'll get it for you!" As the man said that, he gently lifted the bed and got off the bed. Without putting on a coat, he directly opened the door and walked to the living room outside. He poured a cup of warm water for Lan Yanxi and brought it in.    


He turned on a wall lamp. Under the hazy light, the girl hugged the blanket and sat up. Her long hair was messy. However, her pretty face was full of sleep. It was clear and full.    


"Here!" Ling Mofeng's eyes swept over her body greedily. He could not move his gaze away. Her delicate and cute appearance was really too charming.    


Lan Yanxi drank half of the cup and passed it to him. "Thank you. Hurry up and go to bed. It's too cold!"    


Ling Mofeng drank the remaining half of the cup of water before putting the cup beside the bed and lying down under the blanket again.    


The moment he laid down, Lan Yanxi quickly reached out to hug him. It was winter and she got cold when she got up. Lan Yanxi tried hard to warm his body.    


Ling Mofeng smiled and reached out to use her as a pillow. She gently leaned against his arm. Suddenly, she could not sleep anymore.    


"Ling Mofeng!" The girl called him by his name in a low voice.    


"Yes!" The man replied in a deep voice.    


"What if I can't sleep?" Lan Yanxi did not want to sleep. She just wanted to feel his warmth.    


"Why can't I sleep?" The man's voice was full of smiles.    


"Because you're by my side!" Lan Yanxi's two small hands pressed against his chest and gently pressed down. She could feel the man's firm muscles.    


The man reached out and held one of her small hands. He smiled and said, "I heard that counting sheep can sleep. Do you want to count?"    


"No, it's too childish. It's used to trick children. I'm not!" Lan Yanxi pouted and did not think much of it.    


"Then what should we do?" Ling Mofeng had no choice.    


"Singing for me!" Lan Yanxi suddenly suggested a way to make things difficult for him.    


"Ah?" Mr. Vice President was confused. Let him sing?    


"What? Can't you sing?" Lan Yanxi hid in his arms with interest and giggled. She liked to see him put in a difficult position by her.    


"No, I can't remember the lyrics!" Ling Mofeng was actually a very talented man. He had been raised by his family since he was young. He was proficient in music, chess, and painting. If Lan Yanxi knew that he could play a very good piano, she would not be surprised.    


"Then hum the tune. Don't sing the lyrics!" Lan Yanxi relaxed her requirements.    


"Okay!" Ling Mofeng suddenly felt that he had become very childish when he was with her.    


But he had no choice. If he could not ignore the person he loved, then what was the fun in life?    


Ling Mofeng hummed the tune. It was not the popular slobber songs, but a classic old song. Lan Yanxi had heard it before, but she was not familiar with it. Now that she heard him humming in her ear, there was an indescribable charm. She quietly listened. The rhythm of the man's humming was neither fast nor slow. It was languid and casual.    


Lan Yanxi originally wanted to sleep. When she heard the man's voice, her consciousness slowly dispersed. Finally, she quietly fell asleep.    


When Ling Mofeng heard her rhythmic breathing, he sighed softly. He remembered that when his younger sister was still young, he often coaxed her. Now, there was another Lan Yanxi. He was afraid that this kind of thing would happen frequently in the future.    


After Qiao Zhuo woke up in the middle of the night, he deliberately passed by Lan Yanxi's door. He found that Lan Yanxi and Cheng Yuan did not come back to stay. His expression flashed with a cold smile. It seemed that his guess was right. The relationship between Ling Mofeng and Lan Yanxi was not that simple.    


Last night at the dinner table, Ling Mofeng's ugly expression woke Qiao Zhuo up. He felt that Ling Mofeng actually cared about Lan Yanxi. Otherwise, he would not suddenly be angry.    


Early morning.    


The fog evaporated. It was a vast expanse of white snow. Last night, it actually snowed again.    


Cheng Yuan woke up at six in the morning. She was used to running. However, she did not run very far. She was just running in the snow in the yard. Suddenly, she saw a person walk out of the door of the hall. She quickly turned around and kept running with her back to him.    


"Cheng Yuan, good morning!" Chu Luo walked over with a smile and greeted her.    


"Good morning!" Cheng Yuan was nervous and embarrassed.    


"Miss Lan may not be up yet. You guys can go back after breakfast!" Chu Lie looked up at the bedroom on the second floor. Mr. Vice President must have slept well last night.    


Cheng Yuan also looked up. She said in a low voice, Ask Yanxi about her decision. I don't care."    


"Cheng Yuan, about what happened last night... I'm very sorry. I don't look like a man. I actually touched you. Are your injuries better?" Chu Lie began to regret. He seemed to have hit her too hard last night.    


"It's okay. Thank you for your concern." Cheng Yuan's expression tensed up. She was afraid to mention what had happened last night.    


"That... there is something I want to ask you again. Is what you said yesterday true?" Chu Lie also touched the back of his head in embarrassment and laughed dryly.    


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