President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1391 She Is Not to be Trifled with

C1391 She Is Not to be Trifled with

She's not to be trifled with.    


Lan Lin's affirmative tone immediately boosted Lan Qianqian's confidence. The corner of her mouth curled and she snorted. "If it were me, I would definitely not lose face for the Lan Family. Ling Mofeng will definitely dote on me like a treasure!"    


Lan Lin looked at Lan Qianqian's overly confident expression and felt nauseous in her heart. However, she had no choice but to continue to flatter her and ask her to snatch Lan Yanxi's fiancé. This play would definitely be exciting. At that time, she and Lan Yanxi would fight to the death but she would definitely benefit from it.    


Furthermore, Lan Lin did not have Lan Qianqian's confidence and pride because her father did not have Lan Xianxian's father and was more capable. Although this company was managed by two people, Lan Bai was clearly stepping on his brother everywhere. Although Lan Lin was a daughter, she saw everything.    


She still hated her second uncle for oppressing her father. She wanted Lan Qianqian to play with fire and burn herself. In the end, Lan Bai would also be charged with a lack of discipline. Once her grandfather got angry, all the benefits would only belong to her and her father.    


"Sister, you don't need to say that. Ling Mofeng is calm and magnanimous. A charming and charming girl like you must be his favorite." Lan Lin continued to flatter her.    


"Xiao Lin, actually, I am not as good as you say. It's just that my dad said that I was born to be liked." Lan Qianqian also suddenly felt that it was a little too much and quickly smiled modestly.    


"Sister, my dad always scolded me like a log every day and even asked me to learn more from you. Now I remember his words every day. I want to learn from you properly how to be likable." Lan Lin immediately laughed at herself.    


"Okay. When Sister really takes Ling Mofeng over, I will definitely introduce you to a better boyfriend!" Lan Qianqian was already itching to give it a try.    


Jealousy made people crazy. Lan Qianqian hated that her grandfather doted on Lan Yanxi. So at this moment, she also became crazy.    


The time for family reunions always passed very quickly. The seven days of long vacation was about to end. Everyone returned to their posts and prepared for a new year of hard work and gambling.    


Lan Yanxi stayed at home and did not go anywhere during the Lunar New Year. Old Master Lan understood her current situation and attended all kinds of occasions. He also deliberately did not invite her.    


Although he felt sorry for his granddaughter's current situation, he felt that it was good to let his granddaughter suffer some setbacks. He was old. With today and no tomorrow, he could not protect her for the rest of her life. When she grew up, she had to know how to face the storm of society. She had to grow up slowly and be strong. Even if he found a shelter for her, no matter how strong the person beside her was, she was not as strong as him. No matter how expensive the car was, it was not as good as him holding the steering wheel. It was not that Old Master Lan did not trust the Ling family and did not He just can't afford it.    


Lan Yanxi naturally understood her grandfather's good intentions towards her. She silently accepted these facts and hoped that    


Finally, after her grandfather agreed, she could pack her things and go to Ling Mofeng's house to live.    


In two days, she would have to go to work. She heard that old president was going to give her a promotion and a raise, but Ling Mofeng seemed to be very dissatisfied with this matter. No matter what, Lan Yanxi was happy. No matter which position she was placed in the office, she was very close to him. Furthermore, she could stay at his house every day. His food and clothing were all his. This feeling was so real and satisfying.    


Lan Yanxi packed up the two big boxes of things. One of the big boxes was full of jewelry from childhood. She decided to take all of them away. Anyway, she still needed to use them once in a while. Most importantly, she found out that her things would be lost for no reason. She did not tell her grandfather about this and used her knees to think to know who had come to take them away.    


Lan Yanxi did not value these jewelry, but she definitely did not want to give them away for free. This was a matter of principle.    


When Lan Yanxi asked the housekeeper uncle to help her carry the boxes, Lan Qianqian drove her limited edition sports car past the main hall and quickly retreated. She took off her Mo Feng and poked her head out. She mocked, "Are you going to move to Ling Mofeng's house again? And you brought so many things. You haven't even married yet and you already started to move to the Ling Family to put on makeup? If he takes everything back and sends it to me, it will be really embarrassing."    


Lan Yanxi knew that if she did not tease her, her mouth would itch. She looked at her indifferently and said, "These are all my things. I will put them wherever I want them to. You are too nosy, aren't you?"    


What do you mean by your things? These are clearly the Lan Family... "    


"Lan Qianqian, be honest. How many things did you take from me? If you use them up, quickly return them to me." Lan Yanxi immediately interrupted her words and questioned with a cold smile.    


"What things? Where did I take your thing?" Lan Qianqian immediately pretended to be stupid.    


"Really? Then do you want me to bring out the surveillance camera in my room to see which thief stole my things?" Lan Yanxi deliberately threatened to scare her.    


"What? Are you sick? Who would install a camera in their room? Aren't you afraid of being exposed?" Lan Qianqian was indeed scared when she heard that. Because she had indeed brazenly entered her room. Moreover, she had also taken quite a lot of things.    


"I'll give you three days to return all my things. Otherwise, I'll have to go and find grandfather to judge!" Lan Yanxi was not someone to be bullied easily. She left after saying that and left in the car.    


Lan Qianqian was so angry that she smashed the car. He turned the wheel: "What a small-minded stinking woman. She makes me sound like she cares a lot!"    


Although she was angry, Lan Qianqian still went back to her room and packed all of Lan Yanxi's things. She knew that Lan Yanxi was a reasonable person who traveled the world. She might really go to her grandfather to reason with him. If her grandfather was angry, Lan Qianqian would not be able to gain anything.    


Lan Yanxi took the car to Ling Mofeng's door. When she got out of the car, she saw a tall figure quietly leaning against the pillar at the door.    


Seeing her get out of the car, the man reached out his hand that was in his pocket and walked towards her with a smile. He naturally picked up two big boxes for her.    


"Ah, this box is heavy enough. Is there gold in it?" Ling Mofeng thought he was strong. she asked, amused by one of the boxes.    


"Yeah, it's more valuable than gold." Lan Yanxi was dressed very ladylike today and wore a cute little hat. Her long hair was draped over her snow-white shawl. She looked as pure and flawless as snow. Her entire body was filled with the aura of an elf.    


It was Ling Mofeng's first time seeing her so much like a young lady from a noble family. That kind of natural arrogance made his handsome eyes flicker slightly. Previously, he felt that she was very life-like and had the temperament of a firework in the world. However, he had to remind himself that this woman had never suffered in her life since she was young. Now that she was with him, he naturally had to take care of her more.    


As soon as Lan Yan entered the living room, she immediately reverted to her original appearance. She took off her hat, threw her shawl, and lazily lied on the sofa. She stretched her limbs and sighed in satisfaction. "You are the one who is free here."    


Ling Mofeng was so shocked by this change that he could not recover from it. Alright, that little bit of emotion he had just now had disappeared.    


After he put down the box, he walked towards her. As she lay down, he directly attached himself to her and looked at her. "You fell in love with my home?"    


"Yes, I fell in love with this home first. Then, I suddenly realized that the owner of this family is quite pleasing to the eye. That's why I fell in love with you." Lan Yanxi playfully winked at him and said with a smile.    


"Oh!" The man dragged out his tone, indicating that he believed in you.    


"Since you only like me because you don't want to be strong, then I have to leave now, in case I get in your way..." If he wanted to act, Ling Mofeng naturally wouldn't lose to her. He naturally wanted to stand up.    


But in the next second, the girl's two small hands fiercely grabbed his clothes and pulled him down.    


Ling Mofeng didn't expect her actions to be so violent. She almost felt the pressure and had to suppress and hurt her. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. His strong arms supported firmly, but their auras intertwined. Their faces were very close, and their thin lips were almost touching her moist pink lips.    


"I can't bear to be so proactive!" The man laughed evilly and said in a daze.    


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