President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1466 The Blind Date Has Been Arranged

C1466 The Blind Date Has Been Arranged

Lan Yanxi reached into her pocket and took out the small box. When she opened it, there was a folded Fangzheng talisman inside. There was a seal on it. Lan Yanxi could not help but chuckle as she pressed it against her chest. Her eyes were filled with delight.    


She did not expect Ling Mofeng to believe in this as well. It was interesting. During today's meal, she had more understanding of him. It turned out that apart from his meticulous work, he was very serious. In life, he was also such an interesting man.    


Lan Yanxi sighed in satisfaction. How could she bear to leave a man who treated her like this? Regardless of life or death, she would only be with him in this life.    


Gao Yue's whereabouts became a mystery. Sister Mei was flustered and exasperated as she smashed a bunch of things. She bit her teeth and cursed angrily, "It's Ji Xiaohan. This Gao Yue actually betrayed me. Damn woman. I should have expected that she would not be honest. I did not expect that she would betray me. Ji Xiaohan hid her. My identity must have been exposed by this slut. That's why Ling Mofeng came to my door to force me. Heh, so this series of events was caused by my negligence."    


"Now that Ling Mofeng knows that you are working for Mr. President, he will definitely not let you go. Do you have any plans?" A subordinate beside him was also worried about his own safety.    


"What are you afraid of? If you're scared to death, I won't take this job. Ling Mofeng doesn't dare to do anything to me. He's a famous gentleman. He doesn't play dirty tricks, but it won't be easy for him to catch my evidence!" Sister Mei did not know that Gao Yue had secretly recorded her voice. She only felt that Gao Yue could become a witness in the future and it was also a huge hidden danger. She still had to send people to find her. As long as she was found, she would undoubtedly die.    


Sister Mei, Ling Mofeng has used all his time to do actual things. Mr. President's moves are endless but he does not seem to have touched Ling Mofeng's foundation. His popularity is currently high and almost exceeds Mr. President. I am really worried that he will be elected. If he becomes the next president, then our situation... "That person is so afraid that he does not dare to continue.    


"Ling Mofeng is a person who thinks highly of himself and is extremely conceited. Of course, he is also indeed because there is no negative news that can be used against others. This is my biggest headache. Mr. President will definitely fight with his back against the water. We do not need to worry about it. The most important thing right now is to find Gao Yue and punish her. Also, use Yang Chuchu's life to threaten Luo Jinyu to withdraw from the election. As for Ji Xiaohan, don't give me the chance. Otherwise, save Gao Yue and I will definitely follow him." Sister Mei thought she had analyzed it once and her eyes were full of anger and hatred.    


Last time, Ling Mofeng came to her without any reason and made old president question her for a long time. Sister Mei was so scared that her soul almost left her body. It was not easy for her to get old president's trust again. Therefore, Sister Mei still hated Ling Mofeng very much. Just coming to her door made her suffer terribly. Her shrewdness really made people gnash their teeth in anger.    


"Sister Mei, I wonder if that woman from the Liu Family can do it!"    


Sister Mei did not think much of it and coldly snorted. "Liu Lan and Yang Chuchu's grudges. Even if I did not add fuel to the fire, they would settle it sooner or later. Now, I just let Liu Lan see a glimmer of hope and let her have more motivation to deal with Yang Chuchu. I dare not say what her ability is. If she really has the ability, she would not let the mother and daughter scatter. However, idiots have the advantages of fools. Let's see the result."    


Lan Xianxian had recently been anxious about another matter. Sister Mei wanted her to get the evidence of Lan Yanxi personally admitting that she did not like Ling Mofeng. For a moment, she did not know how to argue with Lan Yanxi again.    


Lan Yanxi had learned to be smart now and knew that something would happen to her. She might as well hide from her and leave. Lan Xianxian was extremely annoyed. She really wanted to run over and scold her. She secretly took a recorder and recorded Lan Yanxi's words. This way, there would be evidence for Sister Mei to see.    


Lan Xianxian also secretly understood the piece of land Sister Mei mentioned. The market value was about 200 million. Lan Xianxian sneered in her heart. Sister Mei was a politician and did not know where she got so much money. She actually dared to buy this piece of land?    


However, this was not what Lan Xianxian was concerned about. What she was concerned about was whether Sister Mei could help him and Ling Mofeng connect. But that Sister Mei did not seem to be joking. She really wanted that piece of land. Her matter must be very serious. She just waited to see.    


Just when Lan Xianxian could not find a good solution, she suddenly heard her father's phone call from outside the door.    


Vaguely, she heard about Lan Yanxi's mother's monthly dividends. Her expression changed. Wasn't this an opportunity?    


Lan Xianxian waited until her father hung up the phone and quickly walked out. She asked with a face full of curiosity, "Dad, we still have to pay Lan Yanxi's mother every month? What right does she have?"    


"No way. Your grandfather has made a rule that she can take away two-thousandth of the profits from the company every month. Although it is only a little more than a million, she signed the agreement when she left. If I don't give it to her, I'm afraid she will cause trouble. That won't be good! " Lan Bai didn't want to give it to her, but it was written in black and white. If he didn't give it to her, the old master would be unhappy.    


"Humph, what a vampire. It's fine if she doesn't contribute to the company. Just because she gave birth to a daughter, she is able to take away so much money every month. She really thinks that our money came from the wind. She took it so easily. No, Dad, if we don't give her money this time, what can we do about them?" The more Lan Xianxian thought about it, the angrier she became. She felt that this was very unfair. Perhaps it was because she hated Lan Yanxi that she acted even more intensely.    


Xianxian, as a businessman, we still need to be honest. But I will not give her dividends according to two-thousandth of the profits. I will symbolically give her two-three hundred thousand. She does not dare to say anything but if she does not give, she Lan Bai immediately reached out and patted his daughter's shoulder. He smiled and gave her an education lesson.    


"Isn't two-three hundred thousand yuan? I think she must have saved it. She will use it as a dowry for Lan Yanxi in the future. The more she thinks about it, the angrier she gets. They don't have any contributions and just want to share the family's money. Grandpa likes her too much." Lan Xianxian still said angrily.    


The mother and daughter have no contributions but my brother's contributions to the company are not small. Don't fuss about it. It's not worth it. After Father gets the management rights of the company, I will cut off the mother and daughter's financial path. If they want money, they have to come and do things. " Lan Bai was still comforting his daughter.    


Lan Xianxian's face was dark. She looked like she could not let go.    


"Alright, Xianxian. Daddy has an appointment to have dinner with your Uncle Liu tomorrow night. You should dress up better tomorrow. Let's go and take a look!" Lan Bai said with a gentle smile.    


"Uncle Liu? Dad, are you going to give me a blind date? That son of his is fat like a pig. You actually introduced this kind of trash to me? Am I your biological child? I'm not going! " Lan Xianxian was very clever. What did her father plan to do? She immediately guessed and her face became even darker.    


"Xianxian, men are all potential stocks after losing weight. I'm not that fat. Don't pick this and that..."    


"I want to choose. I just don't like fat people. Dad, don't go on blind dates for me. I won't go and see any of them." Lan Xianxian was heartbroken. After Ling Mofeng occupied her mind, she felt that she would not fall in love with any man. Even if she died, she would not fall in love with anyone else.    


"Xianxian, you are too willful. Dad is also too. For your own good, of course you are my biological child. I am also choosing the best family for you. What else do you have to be unhappy about? Ah? Do you really think Ling Mofeng will marry you? Wake up and stop daydreaming. If he dares to marry you, I won't dare to marry you! " Lan Bai was serious and scolded her angrily.    


"I don't care. I don't want to marry. I don't want to!" Lan Xianxian immediately started to cry. How sad.    


Lan Bai was furious. He was not in a good mood when he saw his daughter running upstairs. He punched the table and said angrily, "Ling Mofeng, what did you do to my daughter?"    


Lan Xianxian ran upstairs and her tears kept falling. She compared the two men in her mind. Ling Mofeng was like the bright moon on the horizon. The son of Uncle Liu's family was not even as good as the mud on the ground. There was no comparison.    


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