President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1500 Fear of Exposure

C1500 Fear of Exposure

Ling Mofeng looked at Lan Yanxi, who was sleeping soundly. She was tired and sick, so he was afraid that she would not wake up.    


Ling Mofeng's pretty brows were knitted together. If he didn't take off his wet undergarments, he was afraid that once he left this door, not only would her condition not recover, it would even get worse because of the cold.    


At present, the only way was to help her change the clothes that were soaked in sweat.    


Ling Mofeng gently pushed Lan Yanxi's arm and shouted. Yanxi, wake up!"    


"Let me sleep for a while, please!" Lan Yanxi's head was dizzy at this moment. In addition, the medicine she had just taken had the effect of making people sleepy. Although she knew that Ling Mofeng was disturbing her, she really could not muster the strength to open her eyes to respond. She could only beg like a pitiful child.    


Ling Mofeng sighed lightly. It seemed that he could only do it himself.    


Ling Mofeng looked outside the door and looked at the door. He wanted to ask Cheng Yuan to help him, but she was busy at the moment.    


Ling Mofeng could only gently help the girl up from under the blanket and let her lean into his arms. He then reached out and took off her two sweaters. There was a thin shirt inside, and it was indeed damp. Ling Mofeng's big hand stretched out and hesitated for a moment.    


He wondered if she would be angry with him treating her like this.    


The hesitation only lasted for two seconds. Ling Mofeng could not care less. He still reached out and took off her undershirt. But soon, his handsome eyes froze.    


Because he seemed to have forgotten that women needed to wear something more than men.    


There was a trace of embarrassment on his handsome face. To be honest, although he had interacted with Lan Yanxi in the blanket before, this was the first time he had done something like this. He could not help but feel a little nervous.    


His fingers finally reached her back. His stiff fingers only found a way to release the inner buckle after a long time.    


"Ling Mofeng, what are you doing?" Lan Yanxi only felt that her body was extremely cold. She opened her eyes to see that the man seemed to be peeling off her clothes. She asked weakly, but her pretty face turned red.    


"Your clothes are wet. I have to change them for you. Don't misunderstand. I don't mean anything else." After Ling Mofeng finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something more important. Lan Yanxi did not seem to have changed her clothes.    


"Yes, thank you!" Lan Yanxi finally knew what he was doing and immediately felt relieved.    


Ling Mofeng was handsome. His face stiffened for a moment. Finally, he reached into his luggage bag and found a piece of his undergarment. At present, he could only take his own and put it on for her.    


Ling Mofeng had never worn clothes for a woman. It took him a while to put the first one on for her. When his fingers helped her tidy up her clothes, it was inevitable that they would touch some soft places. Ling Mofeng's handsome face became even hotter.    


However, even though he felt a little shy, he did not dare to let his imagination run wild. She was already so sick that she could not even take care of herself. If he dared to act recklessly again, He was no longer a human being.    


After Lan Yanxi changed her clothes, she clearly felt a little better. Satisfied, she let out a breath and lay down. After covering herself with the blanket, she slept even more peacefully.    


Ling Mofeng reached out and took her clothes. He carelessly put them into his luggage. He did not know if it was an illusion or not, but after changing her clothes, he actually felt much warmer and even sweated a little.    


That was because he was embarrassed!    


Lan Xianxian took her phone and looked at the time. Lan Yanxi had been inside for more than two hours and Ling Mofeng had not come out. What were they doing inside?    


"Second Miss, are you monitoring Eldest Miss?" Uncle Yu appeared behind Lan Xianxian at some point and asked her coldly.    


Lan Xianxian suddenly turned around and looked at him with some resentment, "Can you care?"    


"Second Miss better not have bad ideas about Eldest Miss. Otherwise, I have to care!" Uncle Yu said coldly.    


Ah, this servant wants to turn over and be the master? Uncle Yu, you are not married even when you are young. Don't tell me... you have fallen in love with Lan Yanxi? This is interesting?" Lan Xianxian did not try to hide her words and deliberately made fun of her.    


Bang! " Uncle Yu punched the wooden stake behind Lan Xianxian. The stake shook three times and Lan Xianxian was so scared that her blood froze. Her eyes were wide open and she felt cold all over.    


"Please be careful with your words, Second Miss. You can insult me as you please, but you are not allowed to damage Eldest Miss's reputation. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite." Uncle Yu was so angry that his face turned green. Clearly, he was really angry this time.    


Although Lan Xianxian had never looked at Uncle Yu directly, she was still scared when she hit him just now. She saw that Uncle Yu's five fingers and joints were bleeding, but he did not seem to know pain. He only warned her with a cold face. She felt that Uncle Yu had gone mad.    


"Uncle Yu, don't forget that I am the Second Miss of the Lan Family. Can't you threaten me like this?" Lan Xianxian's Qi instantly weakened, but she still reminded him of her own identity.    


"The Eldest Miss is going to be engaged to Mr. Vice President. If you dare to ruin her reputation, I will not treat you as the Second Miss." Uncle Yu warned her coldly.    


"Don't worry, I won't say anything else. However, you are too protective of her. It is inevitable that people will... be happy. I was thinking too much!" Lan Xianxian was still afraid. If she was in Lan Family right now, she definitely wouldn't be afraid of Uncle Yu. However, this was a mountainous area. She was so far away from home that she couldn't find anyone to ask for help.    


Lan Yanxi stayed in Ling Mofeng's office until noon and recovered some of her strength. When she woke up, she found that she had changed into a grey man's sweater. It was too big for her.    


Lan Yanxi could not help but lower her head and smell it. The dry and cold fragrance was like it was unique to men.    


Lan Yanxi quickly put on her two thermal sweater and put on the jacket. She had just gotten out of bed and was about to pour a cup of water to drink when Cheng Yuan walked in with lunch. Seeing that she was awake, she could not help but be filled with joy. "Yanxi, you are finally awake. Perfect, I brought food over!"    


"Where is he?" Lan Yanxi asked curiously.    


"He is resting in the room next door. He is very tired." Cheng Yuan knew who he was asking and could only answer her with a smile.    


"He has not slept for two days and two nights. It is time to rest." Lan Yanxi said with heartache.    


"In the past, I didn't know Sir was a stubborn person. This time, I finally saw him. He refused to sleep until the last moment!" Cheng Yuan also shook her head and sighed softly.    


"Cheng Yuan, it has been hard on you. I still have to trouble you to take care of me. I am too ashamed!" Lan Yanxi mocked herself.    


"What kind of polite words. My physical fitness is much better than yours. It is also appropriate for me to take care of you." Cheng Yuan was a straightforward person and had a good impression of Lan Yanxi. She was happy to take care of her as a younger sister.    


"Right, I just found Lan Xianxian peeping outside the door. I don't know what she wants to do." Cheng Yuan immediately said unhappily.    


"Ah?" When Lan Yanxi heard this, her expression instantly froze. It was over. If Lan Xianxian suspected her relationship with Ling Mofeng, that would be bad.    


"Do you want me to chase her away? I feel that she has no good intentions!" Cheng Yuan asked angrily.    


"No need. I will go out after lunch." Lan Yanxi's heart was uneasy. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, she was in a hurry to go out.    


"Yanxi, do you really not need my help? Fighting is my forte." Cheng Yuan knew that Lan Yanxi had fought with Lan Xianxian the last time and there was no winner. At this moment, Cheng Yuan wanted to fight for Lan Yanxi. She must beat Lan Xianxian until her teeth were all over the ground.    


Lan Yanxi was amused by her and quickly shook her head," There is really no need. I have a personal grudge with her! "    


After Lan Yanxi finished speaking, she walked out in large strides. The cold wind blew and she felt dizzy again.    


"Lan Xianxian, are you done or not?" Lan Yanxi loudly called out to her. Lan Xianxian's face became angry and she coldly snorted. "Lan Yanxi, You're so thick-skinned. You've gone to someone else's office again."    


Lan Yanxi immediately sneered. "Let me remind you. If you stop me from getting closer to Ling Mofeng, I will call my grandpa and ask him to treat you."    


"Increase your relationship? Who are you laughing at? I didn't see Mr. Vice President trying to improve his relationship with you. You were the one who took the initiative to approach him shamelessly." Lan Xianxian immediately mocked him angrily.    


Lan Yanxi combed her messy hair and smiled proudly. I'm sick. Do you have a problem with borrowing his bed to rest?"    


"Are you sick? Are you faking it?" Lan Xianxian's eyes widened. Wasn't this the technique she wanted to play? Why did it become Lan Yanxi's trick?    


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