President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1521 Be Romantic Once

C1521 Be Romantic Once

Ling Mofeng's words made Lan Yanxi speechless, and she burst into laughter.    


"Her child is already so old, and you're only jealous now. Isn't it too late?" Lan Yanxi looked at him teasingly and said.    


Ling Mofeng's mood instantly became much better when he was looked at by her smiling eyes. He reached out and hugged her. The two of them sat together on a sofa.    


His big palm played with a strand of her long hair. He said softly, "There are two more days. We are about to get engaged. I have made a list of the betrothal gifts. Tomorrow night, our family will come to your house to discuss this matter with your grandfather. To be honest, my betrothal gifts may not be as much as you think. Will you be disappointed?"    


Lan Yanxi's beautiful face was instantly stunned. She turned her head and focused her gaze on the man's face. After a long while, she pretended to be infatuated and her fingers moved towards the man's handsome face. "Such a handsome face and such a good figure. It can warm the bed and hurt people. It is free. I will marry too."    


Ling Mofeng saw that she was still playing this kind of improper joke with him at this time. He did not know whether to laugh or cry. He grabbed her hand that was moving about. "I am talking to you seriously."    


"I'm serious too. I don't want to live with your betrothal gifts. " What I want is you, a living, warm person. Why do you say such unconfident words? "    


"I know, but I feel a bit guilty." Ling Mofeng knew she did not care about things. She never lacked these things.    


"Don't feel guilty, Ling Mofeng. I won't argue with you about these things. Really, I will care about whether you treat me well or not. If you love me enough, will you dislike me for being lazy and stupid and have a big temper?" Lan Yanxi leaned against his chest and closed her eyes as she muttered in a low voice, like a child who had lost his sense of security.    


Ling Mofeng lowered his head and pressed his thin lips against her forehead. "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore."    


"Ling Mofeng, the curtains are already drawn. Are we just going to sit like this?" Lan Yanxi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked curiously.    


Ling Mofeng saw that she had started to say something improper again. He lightly knocked on her forehead. "Where are you thinking? I was just afraid that someone in the distance would see what happened in the office. That's why I pulled the curtains to cover it."    


"Oh, so it's not to do bad things. Sure enough, I was thinking too much. " Lan Yanxi's face was full of shame.    


Ling Mofeng was so angry that he laughed out loud. "How could I do bad things here? Let's go. Come home with me."    


"Let's go together?" Lan Yanxi's face was full of disbelief, as if she had misheard.    


"Yes, let's go together. Before we get engaged, we will go home together." Ling Mofeng wanted to do this because he was worried. She drove alone.    


Ling Mofeng arranged for spies to infiltrate old president's internal department and learned a piece of news that made him furious.    


old president did not take Lan Yanxi seriously before. He only felt that she was an unimportant person. He knew that she and Ling Mofeng were unhappy because of their engagement. He only felt that the existence of such a woman could disrupt Ling Mofeng's private life. It was also beneficial to him.    


But now, many people around old president had lost old president's important position because they did not work hard. Ling Mofeng took the opportunity to sell one of them. Only then did he know that old president had started to look at Lan Yanxi.    


He wanted Lan Yanxi to put a big green hat on him before the engagement and make him a joke to the people of the country.    


When Ling Mofeng heard this news, he almost went mad on the spot. That stubborn old man was actually going to attack Lan Yanxi. It seemed that no matter if he continued to act or not, it was already meaningless.    


Since it was meaningless, Ling Mofeng decided not to act anymore. He missed her, so he must see her. If he wanted to bring her by his side, he would not let her leave his line of sight.    


In fact, he had wanted to pick her up from work a long time ago. They would go home together and enjoy the most ordinary pleasures of love. Today, he did everything he did not dare to do in the past.    


"Really? Will we all go home together in the future?" Lan Yanxi seemed to be dreaming as well. It was a little unreal and the smile on her face was already full of charm.    


" "Yes, it will all be in the future." Ling Mofeng answered her in a low voice. He was very determined.    


Lan Yanxi followed Ling Mofeng out of the elevator and immediately attracted the attention of many people.    


The sudden surprise made Lan Yanxi a little embarrassed. She slowed down and followed Ling Mofeng. As long as she raised her eyes, she could see his clean back collar and his broad shoulders. She was in a very good mood.    


At a corner in the distance, a pair of eyes full of resentment was staring at Lan Yanxi.    


Yang He heard that Ling Mofeng had returned. She deliberately delayed the time to get off work and waited for him to pass by after work. Even if she took a look from afar, it could fill up the blank space she had during this period of time.    


But when she waited, there was another person waiting. Lan Yanxi was dressed in black overalls and had long black hair. Her body was slender and graceful as she walked together with Ling Mofeng. That perfect match made people jealous to the point their eyes turned red.    


Yang He clenched her fists tightly. She really hated Ling Mofeng. This hatred became deeper as her love for Ling Mofeng deepened.    


Yang He could only watch from afar. She did not even have the courage to go forward and greet Ling Mofeng. Because she was not qualified.    


Outside the door, the black orderly convoy was waiting. Ling Mofeng came over. Someone took the initiative to open the door.    


Ling Mofeng was still a gentleman. He let Lan Yanxi sit in first, then he bent over and sat in as well. As soon as the door was closed, the small and narrow space inside was sealed. It immediately made people imagine a scene that could not be described with ten thousand words.    


It had been a few days since they returned home. The two of them stood in the living room and looked at each other.    


"What do you want to eat? I asked someone to bring food over at noon yesterday." Ling Mofeng walked to the fridge and opened it. He took out a bottle of water and drank it while walking towards her elegantly.    


"No way. You were working overseas at noon yesterday." Lan Yanxi immediately laughed.    


Ling Mofeng slightly raised his pretty eyebrows. "No matter where I am, the first thing I think about is my family matters."    


"Alright. I will give you full marks for your answer. " You can cook the good dishes that you have prepared. Also, can I have some wine tonight? " Lan Yanxi suddenly made a request.    


"Drink?" Ling Mofeng did not expect her to make such a request. His eyes were slightly surprised. "What are you drinking at home?"    


"I want to drink once. We are all engaged. We have never been romantic before. Wait for me. I will go upstairs and take a shower and change my clothes." Lan Yanxi said and ran upstairs. She did not give the man a chance to ask more questions.    


Ling Mofeng's handsome face was slightly stunned. What should she do to make her feel romantic?    


For the first time, the man felt that his brain was empty. He could not think of anything romantic.    


Could it be that he had to ask someone to buy a bouquet of flowers? Chocolate? Gift?    


He looked down at his watch. It was already seven o'clock. What would he buy? It was too late.    


In the end, Ling Mofeng suddenly remembered how many flowers he had planted. His eyes lit up as he turned around and walked towards the backyard.    


He turned on the light and saw that spring had come. The seeds he had planted in the past had bloomed.    


Some of them could be called famous. Some of them were unknown. Ling Mofeng bent down and picked a small bouquet. He turned around and went back to the living room. He took out the newspaper he usually read and picked one out. He wrapped the small bouquet of flowers gently and carefully.    


Ling Mofeng was a man, but he could not do such delicate work. Therefore, although the bouquet was wrapped, it did not seem to be very beautiful.    


"I tried my best." Ling Mofeng sighed and put the bouquet of flowers on the table. He took off his suit jacket and rolled up his white sleeves. He went into the kitchen to cook dinner for the little girl.    


The first thing Lan Yanxi did when she ran upstairs was to take a shower. After she took a shower and washed her hair, she immediately found all kinds of equipment and sat in front of the mirror. She started to roll her wet and dry long hair. Soon, her black and smooth hair turned into big waves. Lan Yanxi sat in front of the mirror and put on makeup. The girl in the mirror was bright and eye-catching. She already had the feminine charm.    


"Where's my dress?" After Lan Yanxi was done with these things, she started to rummage through the cabinets again. Finally, she found the small black ceremonial group at the side of the wardrobe. It was a gift she had bought for herself. There were only a few thin ribbons on her back. She had not worn it once. Today, she had to use it.    


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