President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1573 She Became Sticky

C1573 She Became Sticky

"What's wrong? Why are you so sticky all of a sudden?" After entering the elevator, Ling Mofeng gently turned his eyes to the woman beside him. He felt that she was very sensitive right now.    


"Don't you know what happened?" the woman asked. Lan Yanxi's beautiful eyes instantly widened.    


"You mean Yang He?" Ling Mofeng's thin lips curled slightly. His expression turned cold.    


Lan Yanxi angrily pushed his arm away and turned her body to the side. She crossed her arms over her chest and said in a muffled voice, "You know why you are not explaining quickly. Are you trying to make me angry?"    


Ling Mofeng did not expect her to stick to him like a little cat who lacked love, but now she ignored him like a proud peacock. He could not help but laugh and explain seriously, "There is no need to explain. I saved her because I am a man and also a leader."    


"But others do not think so. Others think that you care about her and that is why they saved her." Lan Yanxi curled her lips and felt that his explanation was not sincere.    


"When did I care about her? Yanxi, I only care about you." Ling Mofeng felt innocent and helpless. Lan Yanxi was upset. Because of what he said, she was somehow coaxed. She then put away her temper. She turned her head and looked at the man with deep affection." Then what should we do about this matter? You can't let others say whatever they want, right?"    


"There are some things that will get darker the more you describe them. It is not something that can be changed by explaining or special treatment. Let's ignore it, okay?" Ling Mofeng said gently. It seemed that his solution was to ignore them. Lan Yanxi was stunned. "Will it be better if you ignore it?"    


"Everyone is suspecting that I am related to Yang He. If I still touch her, others will only think more. Yanxi, don't get involved in this matter. Rumors stop with the wise." Ling Mofeng was broad-minded and magnanimous. He would never go against a woman. Furthermore, this woman was a clerk in the office.    


Lan Yanxi actually felt that his way of handling things was pretty good. Only then did she nod her head. "En, since you have decided, then I will naturally listen to you."    


The two of them walked through the hall, got into the car and left.    


Leaving a group of people to watch the show in surprise, Yang He sat in the office in a daze. She was still very anxious in her heart because she did not know how Ling Mofeng and Lan Yanxi would deal with this matter. She believed that Ling Mofeng was magnanimous and would not make things difficult for him. But Lan Yanxi was overbearing, selfish, and unreasonable. She might be angry and want to kill her at this moment.    


"Yang He, are you still not getting off work? You have been frightened today. You should go back early." A colleague came over to comfort her.    


Yang He looked shocked and shook her head. "I don't dare to go back now. I'm afraid."    


"What are you afraid of?" Someone immediately asked curiously.    


"I'm afraid of being angry." Yang He buried her face in her palm and shook her shoulders to cry. She looked very helpless and very uneasy.    


Beside her, the expression of a woman changed. Her eyes quickly exchanged.    


"You mean you are afraid that Lan Yanxi will be angry."    


"Maybe she will be angry. After all, Mr. Vice President was injured in order to save you."    


"Yang He, there is nothing to be afraid of. This situation is not what you want."    


"That's right. Even if Lan Yanxi is angry, she has to be reasonable."    


Yang He was still leaning on the table and did not dare to look up to see people. She only knew that she could not stop crying.    


When everyone in the office had left, Yang He wiped away the tears on her face and quickly packed her things and left.    


Everything that happened today was within her expectations. The only thing that she did not expect was that Ling Mofeng's people did not seem to stand up to explain this matter. Even Lan Yanxi did not angrily run over to question her.    


"Hmph, Lan Yanxi, let's see how long you can endure. Your mask of hypocrisy will be torn off sooner or later. Let people see how selfish and unreasonable you are." Yang He finished her hateful words and drove home.    


Lan Yanxi and Ling Mofeng took the car back home. The sky was completely dark.    


Ling Mofeng's arm was injured and he could not cook dinner himself, so he asked his auntie to prepare it and send it over.    


The table was filled with delicious food. Lan Yanxi became diligent and served the man with rice and soup. She even prepared chopsticks.    


Ling Mofeng looked at her with a smile the whole time. Her beautiful eyes were as bright as the stars and charming.    


"Do you want me to feed you?" Lan Yanxi suddenly raised her head and asked him.    


"Are you willing to feed me?" Ling Mofeng kept laughing.    


"Of course!" Lan Yanxi took the spoon and prepared to feed him.    


"Yanxi, put it down. I can eat it myself." Ling Mofeng did not dare to eat the soup she fed him. As a man, he could not accept being taken care of like a child.    


Lan Yanxi was stunned. "You really don't need my help?"    


Ling Mofeng immediately took the chopsticks with his left hand and started to eat. "I really don't need it. I can do it." Lan Yanxi then remembered that this man also used his left hand as he wished. She sighed softly. "Okay, then eat more. I see that your face is a little pale."    


"Too much blood loss." Ling Mofeng explained in a low voice.    


Lan Yanxi suddenly remembered that he was injured to save Yang He. She could not help but ask, "What is going on? Are you really injured because you saved her?"    


"She saw someone throwing a knife at me. Maybe he wanted to block the knife for me. When I pushed him away, the knife stabbed my arm. " Actually, if she didn't turn around and tried to push me, I might have avoided the knife. " Ling Mofeng said in a low voice.    


Ah? So she injured you?" Lan Yanxi heard what happened and was so angry that she could not eat anymore.    


"Let's let this matter go. It is not important." Ling Mofeng quickly put a piece of beef in her bowl. "I can't get it over with. What's not important? We could have been together tonight. But because of her, I don't dare to have any evil thoughts about you anymore." Lan Yanxi was still angry and said angrily. Ling Mofeng felt that her angry look was quite cute. He immediately comforted her gently, "Don't worry. As long as you want, I can cooperate."    


"Don't joke around." Lan Yanxi glared at him.    


His hand was already injured and he still dared to act recklessly?    


"I'm not joking. Yanxi, you have to know that your charm can make me risk my life." The man's smile was elegant and charming. His deep eyes revealed his deep love for her.    


Lan Yanxi immediately lowered her eyes in embarrassment and did not dare to look at him. "Eat, don't think too much."    


When the man saw that she was shy, he did not tease her anymore. However, there was a fire burning in his heart that could not be extinguished, making him completely ignore the wound on his arm. If she was willing, tonight, he was willing to do anything for him.    


After dinner, Lan Yanxi took the initiative to clean up the table. Ling Mofeng had some work to do in the study room on the second floor. She washed the dishes and went upstairs. Lan Yanxi did not disturb him when she heard that he was on the phone. She turned around and went back to her room.    


Lan Yanxi opened her wardrobe and picked out a black nightgown from the clothes inside.    


She compared her body with hers. It was a little sexy but also a little cool.    


Lan Yanxi grabbed the dress and stared blankly for two seconds before throwing it back into the cabinet. Ling Mofeng was already injured. She could not use such sexy pajamas to seduce him. What if he really came?    


Lan Yanxi took a shower and went to bed to read.    


She was reading an autobiography written by the First Lady of a foreign country. It described a woman's legendary life. It was very realistic and touching. Lan Yanxi wanted to read this kind of book because she wanted to know more about this so that she could judge right and wrong.    


At ten o'clock, Ling Mofeng pushed open the door and walked in. He saw her holding a book and reading it seriously on the bed. He could not help laughing. "Are you willing to put down your phone?"    


"I want to protect my eyes. It will not look good if I wear glasses." Lan Yanxi joked. Ling Mofeng smiled speechlessly. "I don't believe you."    


"Why not?" Lan Yanxi immediately put down her book and got out of bed. She walked towards him. "You are really strange."    


Ling Mofeng looked at her after she took a shower. She was wearing pajamas and her long hair was hanging down her back. Her chest made her look even more charming.    


"Yanxi, I want to take a bath. Help me." Ling Mofeng suddenly asked.    


"Huh? Can I help you?" Lan Yanxi looked surprised.    


"Yes, you have to help me." Ling Mofeng nodded.    


"But... if I help you take a bath, I can see everything." Lan Yanxi blushed in embarrassment.    


"Let you see." The man's voice suddenly became low and hoarse.    


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