President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1682 Mischievous Woman

C1682 Mischievous Woman

Lan Yanxi heard Ling's mother's words. Her face heated up for no reason. She shyly lowered her head and mumbled, "Actually... We have been thinking about this matter all along."    


"Thinking is one thing. Whether or not there is action is another. Yanxi, you and Mo Feng are married and we are also women. Don't be shy. It is very normal to talk about this kind of topic." Lan's mother could see that Lan Yanxi was scared by her own words. She quickly smiled and comforted her.    


Only then did Lan Yanxi raise her head. Her pretty face was red and she dryly laughed twice. "Mom, don't worry. We will definitely seriously consider this matter. We all quite like children."    


"Since you guys are working hard, then I will not urge you guys." Ling's mother was not a person who liked to nag. She knew that young people had young people's thoughts and lifestyle, so she was not willing to interfere too much. She only needed to remind them occasionally.    


"Okay, Mom. Don't worry. We are really thinking about the child." Lan Yanxi could understand her mother-in-law's mood. The arrival of a small life was really a joyous event for a family. Children represented the future. She had made up her mind to give Ling Mofeng two more children. It would be best if she had a little lover. This way, she would know what kind of scene Ling Mofeng would have when he doted on his daughter.    


Ling's mother and Lan Yanxi had dinner. Before they left, she gave some tonics and a few gifts to Lan Yanxi.    


Lan Yanxi looked at the tonics on the coffee table and did not know whether to laugh or cry. Among them were a few bottles of nutrition prepared before pregnancy. She could not help but reach out to touch her forehead. It seemed that she could not not not not give birth. Her mother-in-law was looking forward to it.    


At around ten o'clock in the evening, Ling Mofeng came back. His handsome face was tired. Lan Yanxi had just taken a shower and her long hair was still half wet. When she pushed open the bathroom door, she saw a man sitting on a single sofa by the bed. He was supporting his head with one hand and looking at her with a deep gaze.    


"You are back? Lan Yanxi saw him suddenly appear and her pretty face was filled with joy.    


Ling Mofeng lazily made a gesture to her. Lan Yanxi immediately walked over obediently and sat in his arms.    


Ling Mofeng reached out and touched her half-wet long hair. "Why isn't it dry? It's easy to catch a cold like this."    


"I'll wait for you to dry it for me." Lan Yanxi deliberately replied coquettishly.    


Ling Mofeng smiled speechlessly and pushed her away gently. His tall body stood up and pressed her down on the sofa. Then, he found a hair dryer.    


"F * ck!" Ling Mofeng was very considerate and let her lean against him. His fingers gently rubbed her long black hair. The strong hot wind blew and the water evaporated. Soon, her long hair was dry. She looked very elegant and fresh, like a lotus flower that came out of water. Lan Yanxi looked up at him in embarrassment. "Did your mom call you?"    


"No. Did she eat dinner here and go back?" The man suddenly put his hands on her two chairs. His tall body leaned close to her. His deep eyes locked her pretty face. At this moment, looking at her bright and spirited eyes, all the fatigue in his body seemed to have disappeared.    


Lan Yanxi nodded. "She left after dinner. She gave me a lot of things."    


"Oh!" The man's eyes were full of smiles, "My mother treats you like her own daughter. My son has never taken her gifts before."    


Lan Yanxi heard his sour reply and could not help but chuckle. "Really? Then I am really honored."    


"Did my mom say anything else? What did you guys talk about? " Ling Mofeng could not help but feel curious.    


Lan Yanxi's pretty face turned shy. "We didn't talk much. We just talked about some family matters. Ah, right, she seems to want us to quickly have a child."    


Ling Mofeng was surprised. As expected, I guessed it right. She must be here to talk about it. How did you answer her?"    


"How can I answer? Of course I said yes. And I promised to do it as soon as possible." Lan Yanxi answered straightforwardly.    


"Oh?" The man's voice rose and his expression was unclear, "You still dare to guarantee that you will do it as soon as possible."    


Lan Yanxi did not understand his hint. Her beautiful eyes looked at him and blinked twice. "Yes, of course we have to do it as soon as possible. I can see that your mother seems to really hope to have a grandson."    


"Okay, wait for me!" The man straightened up.    


"What are you waiting for?" Lan Yanxi asked, puzzled.    


The man reached out to take off his collar. "Of course it's to do something that can make you give birth as soon as possible." Lan Yanxi understood and her pretty face immediately turned red, "I didn't mean that."    


"That's what I meant." The man's eyes were filled with danger. Then, he turned around and went into the bathroom. Lan Yanxi did not know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that she had nowhere to run.    


Of course, she would not run away either. No matter what kind of future she would face, as long as she was with Ling Mofeng, she would not be afraid.    


Early in the morning, the rain and dew met. After a spring rain, everything became more lively.    


Lan Yanxi rubbed her back, turned over, and sat up.    


Looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock. She was sleeping again.    


Ling Mofeng had already left. After Lan Yanxi finished washing up, she suddenly went to sleep. She did not know what to do today.    


After that, while she was eating breakfast, she looked at the newspaper next to her.    


This was the morning newspaper Ling Mofeng used to read every morning when he ate breakfast. She casually flipped through it and saw a page. It was all about the history of the Ji Family company's development. Lan Yanxi's eyes lit up. She suddenly seemed to know what she was going to do today.    


She took out her phone and dialed Tang Youyou's number.    


"Hello?" A gentle and sweet voice came.    


"Sister Youyou, I am Lan Yanxi. Are you at home? I want to come and see you." Lan Yanxi smiled and asked directly.    


"It's you. If you are free, you can come. I am at home." Tang Youyou heard her voice and was a little surprised.    


"I won't disturb you, will I?" Lan Yanxi felt that her decision was a little too impulsive.    


"No, I am also bored." Tang Youyou replied with a smile.    


Lan Yanxi prepared a few gifts and asked the driver to send her to the Ji Family.    


When they arrived at the entrance of the Ji's Manor villa, Lan Yanxi was really amazed. She did not expect the villa to be so big. It was like a huge park, as beautiful as a painting.    


Tang Youyou had people prepare fruit pastries and she sat in the garden outside the door waiting for Lan Yanxi to come over.    


Lan Yanxi's car stopped, and Tang Youyou walked over with a smile to welcome her.    


"Sister Youyou!" Lan Yanxi saw her and felt incomparably warm. Perhaps it was because of the gentleness between the other party's brows that she could not help but want to get close to her.    


"Yanxi, come over here and sit. I have prepared some good food." Tang Youyou immediately suggested with a smile.    


Lan Yanxi brought down the gifts she brought over, "I came in a hurry and did not prepare anything. These two toys were bought by me on the way and were given to your little princess and little prince."    


Tang Youyou immediately laughed lightly, "Those who come are guests. If you buy something like this, you will be treated as a stranger. In the future, don't buy anything else. Children cannot be too used to it."    


Lan Yanxi immediately opened her mouth and giggled, "Did they all go to school? I really want to see them."    


"Yeah, why don't you stay for dinner." Tang Youyou asked.    


"Well, I have to ask Ling Mofeng. If he comes tonight, I will stay for dinner." Lan Yanxi was very tactful. She came to play with Tang Youyou. Ji Xiaohan would come back at night. If she was alone, it would not be good to disturb their warm family life.    


Tang Youyou heard it and immediately rejoiced. "Don't worry. I asked Ji Xiaohan to call him and tell him to lock your wife up at home and not let her go. Let's see if he wants to come and take you home."    


Lan Yanxi heard and nodded playfully. "Yes, this is a good idea. Let Boss Ji tell him this. I also want to know if he will come and pick me up."    


"He will definitely!" Tang Youyou was very confident in this young Mr. President. She had experienced it before. A man loved a woman. He did not say it, but his eyes must have given the most real answer. Tang Youyou could see that at his banquet that day, Ling Mofeng had Lan Yanxi in his eyes. As long as she was there, he would rush to her side regardless of how busy he was.    


"Okay. How about we make a bet?" Lan Yanxi immediately became interested as if she was a child.    


"What do you want to bet?" Tang Youyou was also a mischievous person.    


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