President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1701 Full Support

C1701 Full Support

Liu Yi's face was full of anger. He said with a red face, "Miss, it's really not right for you to doubt us like this. We have worked hard for the company for more than ten years. If you want to deny it now, I have no objections. But if you say that our hands and feet are dirty, then I really can't accept it."    


Lan Yanxi's eyes darkened. She exchanged a look with Uncle Yu. Uncle Yu immediately asked, "What do you mean by that?" Then have you ever wondered who took the company's money behind the scenes?"    


"This... I am not sure." Liu Yi was shocked. Clearly, he had a suspect.    


"Just say it. Anyway, we have to settle this matter properly. We can't let the company have any problems." Lan Yanxi gave him the confidence. Since it was related to the company's internal accounts, Lan Yanxi still had the right to ask.    


"Eldest Miss, I want to say it. You can't say it out loud. After all, I don't have any evidence. I suspect that your two uncles have done something, but we really can't find any evidence." Liu Yi had a bitter expression on his face.    


"Why did they tamper with it? Do you know the inside story?" Lan Yanxi's expression froze for a few seconds. Actually, she also knew that when her two uncles were managing the company, the company was in a lot of conditions. Several times, they even made her grandfather angry and hospitalized.    


"I am not too sure about that. We don't have any concrete evidence." Liu Yi had a blank expression on his face.    


Lan Yanxi sighed. "If you still remember anything, please give me a call."    


Liu Yi reluctantly accepted her business card and nodded, "Okay."    


Lan Yanxi then left with Uncle Yu. In the car, Lan Yanxi's face was filled with sadness. She looked out the window with a helpless and confused expression. The Lan Corporation used to be a big company. Although the chess pieces had been cut in half, there were many benefits involved. It's a huge and amazing data, Lan Yanxi's mind was in a mess at the moment, and she did not know where to start investigating.    


"Big miss, I feel that there must be someone behind this matter. Why don't you ask Mr. President to help you capture those people who beat them up first and interrogate them one by one. We will definitely get a result from this." Uncle Yu could be considered a rough person. He only felt a headache when it came to scheming. Since the other party had used violence, using violence to suppress violence would be the key to solving the problem.    


Lan Yanxi nodded and sighed. "Yes, I really need his help."    


When the sky turned dark, Lan Yanxi ran outside for an entire afternoon without any clues, but she did not find anything. On the contrary, she could see it. The top brass of the Lancey Group used to have a big problem with her. They thought she'd ruined their business.    


Lan Yanxi did not say anything about this. She did not need to explain too much to outsiders and did not explain. Her grandfather's decision must have been supported by her. At present, it seemed that the charity organization had succeeded and more than 300,000 people benefited from it. Moreover, many large corporations had also joined in. They would definitely be able to improve the poverty problem and solve the problem of survival for more people. Why would she need to explain too much about such kind actions? The renovation of the presidential palace was not completed yet. The last time Lan Yanxi went to see it, Ling Mofeng decided to change the area a lot after Lan Yanxi was frightened. Therefore, he might not be able to move in for a while.    


When Lan Yanxi returned home, it was already past seven o'clock. Her pretty face was full of worry.    


Ling Mofeng's work had become more and more convenient recently. Furthermore, the people's hearts were on their side. Everything was developing in a positive direction. Ling Mofeng became even more high-spirited.    


Lan Yanxi came back. Not long after, Ling Mofeng's car stopped. The man got out of the car and took off his coat. He put it on his arm. It was already early summer and the temperature had risen. It was hot and stuffy.    


Ling Mofeng walked into the living room and untied his bow tie. He unbuttoned his shirt and saw that there was no trace of that delicate figure in the living room. He curled his lips and walked to the stairs.    


When he went upstairs, Ling Mofeng saw that there was a light in the bedroom Lan Yanxi used to live in. His heart skipped a beat and he quickened his steps.    


The door was not closed. Ling Mofeng walked in and found Lan Yanxi sitting on the floor with her knees bent. She was reading a thick notebook in her hand and her expression was anxious.    


"Yanxi, why are you sitting on the floor?" Ling Mofeng was stunned. He squatted down and asked with concern.    


Lan Yanxi lifted her head and looked at him. Her clear eyes flashed with a blank expression. In the next second, she threw herself into the man's arms. Her two small hands tightly hugged his waist. Her face rubbed against his embrace and she muttered, "Ling Mofeng, there is a problem with the Lan family. What should I do? I can't find a way to solve it."    


"What problem?" Ling Mofeng's handsome face turned cold. He immediately reached out to comfort her. "Tell me what happened. I'll help you."    


Lan Yanxi pulled herself away from him and sat down on the floor. She held the notebook in her hand. "My grandfather gave this to me. He recorded a lot of things about the company in here, but I searched for a long time and couldn't find a solution. Maybe my intelligence is too low, and I don't understand a lot of things and accounts."    


Ling Mofeng saw that. She looked defeated, and she couldn't help feeling sorry for her. He said gently, "You are not a professional in this field. It is normal that you do not understand. Let's talk about the situation first."    


Lan Yanxi nodded. Seeing that the man extended his hand to her, she could only place her small hand on his palm. The man gently pulled her up. The two of them fell on the sofa beside them.    


Lan Yanxi told him everything that happened in the afternoon in detail. When Ling Mofeng heard that, he frowned and sneered. "It seems that someone played a game of hidden chess a long time ago. Now that the old man has passed away, this game of chess has begun. It is specifically used to target you. They want to borrow this matter to take back the company."    


Lan Yanxi's pretty face turned pale. Her two small hands were clenched into fists and she said angrily, "Are you my two uncles? How could they do such a thing? Could it be that they did not get enough?"    


"You can't imagine how greedy people are. Perhaps 200 million is enough for you, but for some people, even if it's 20 billion, they will still think it's too little. You can't use your thoughts to measure others." Ling Mofeng sighed. He felt that the woman in his arms was too innocent. There were many things that she could only look at in a good way, but how could she understand how dark and complicated it was?    


Lan Yanxi was shocked, but she also felt that what he said was very reasonable. She could be easily satisfied, but many people would never be satisfied.    


"They violated my grandfather's last wish." Lan Yanxi murmured, feeling very sad.    


Ling Mofeng lowered his eyes to look at her. He saw tears flash in her eyes. He sighed and hugged her tighter. His thin lips pressed against her forehead and comforted her in a low voice, "Don't worry. We will find out about this. I will ask Chu Lie to help you tomorrow. With him around, it will be more convenient to do a lot of things."    


"Some of the people who were fired from the Lan Corporation have a big opinion of me. I am afraid that if I use your identity as a shield, they will attack you and say that I am bullying others." Lan Yanxi smiled bitterly. She suddenly realized that even if she married Ling Mofeng, there were still many things that she could not take care of.    


"You are my wife. It is normal for you to rely on my power." Ling Mofeng's handsome face was stunned. He felt that she said these words to be an outsider to him.    


"No, I don't want to drag the negative image onto you anymore. It's not easy for you to sit firmly in your seat now. If I let you be suspected because of me, I will blame myself." Lan Yanxi also thought very clearly. The Lan Family was now a mess. Apart from her, no one else could stand out and clean up the mess. The two uncles were watching the fire from the other side. They only hoped that she would be in a mess and would not be able to clean up the mess. In the end, they    


"Do you think the group of managers that your grandfather Ling Mofeng had actually never really infiltrated the internal problems of the Lan Corporation. His identity was sensitive. Therefore, he had always been standing at the periphery and watching. He could only reinvestigate the current situation of the Lan Corporation.    


Lan Yanxi shook her head. "I am not too sure about this, but at present, the company is operating very well. This quarter has just ended and the profits have increased by 5% compared to the previous quarter. Although it is not as glorious as when Grandfather was alive, at least it is still growing."    


"Have you decided to take care of the Lan Family? If you have decided, I will unconditionally support you." Ling Mofeng knew that the Lan Family needed a leader now. Lan Yanxi was the only one who had the right to manage them. However, she would face the obstruction of her two cunning uncles.    


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