President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1809 Dream Come True

C1809 Dream Come True

Mu Weicheng stood in the bathroom. Although it was spring, he had been in the cold bath for a long time. Today, even if cold water was poured on his body, he still felt a strange heat. He put his hands on the wall and allowed the water to flow down. He closed his eyes and only opened them after a long time. He turned off the water and put a towel on his body that was still dripping water.    


The mirror reflected the body of a man. He was tall and strong. He was definitely the most standard male body. His bronze skin was more healthy.    


Mu Weicheng had always maintained his figure and never neglected it. He wanted to one day be able to show his most perfect side to the woman he loved. Today, he seemed to have come in handy.    


He casually pulled the towel and wiped the water off his short hair and face. Then, he opened the bathroom door.    


The lights in the bedroom were turned very dark. Mu Weicheng's breathing was heavy. He looked at the small bump in the blanket and his thin lips curled into a smile.    


He walked to the edge of the bed and suddenly found that the body under the blanket was shaking.    


It seemed that she was not asleep.    


After drinking so much wine, he deliberately sped up when he was taking a bath just now in case she would fall asleep.    


Now, it seemed that she had been waiting for him all this time.    


"Warm!" Mu Weicheng possessed her body. One of his hands gently lifted the corner of the blanket. When he saw the pretty face under the blanket that was filled with lust, his intoxicated eyes secretly looked over and met his gaze.    


Mu Weicheng's heart seemed to have been violently hit by an electric current. He could not help but possess her. His thin lips kissed her smooth and full forehead.    


"Mu Weicheng, can you be gentler?" Ling Nuannuan begged him in a low voice.    


Mu Weicheng did not know whether to laugh or cry. Did this woman really think he was a wolf who had been evil for eight hundred years?    


"I will try my best." The man agreed to her in a low voice.    


Ling Nuannuan raised her eyebrows. He was trying his best. How was he trying his best?    


His healthy body got into the blanket and was warmed by the girl. It was extremely warm, just like her. Mu Weicheng smelled the faint fragrance coming from her body. It did not seem to be man-made spices. It was completely her own fragrance.    


His heart shook violently, and he finally could not restrain it anymore.    


The night passed. Early in the morning, Ling Nuannuan finally knew how "tragic" it was last night.    


Fortunately, she did not have to go to work tomorrow. Otherwise, she might have to take a day off.    


Mu Weicheng woke up early in the morning and prepared breakfast for her. While making breakfast, he was a little absent-minded because he was almost reliving the wonderful feeling of last night.    


Although he had imagined it, he found that no matter how good his imagination was, he could not imagine that kind of beauty.    


He cooked the pumpkin and millet congee with all his heart, fried the poached eggs, made five grains of soybean milk, and baked bread.    


When he was done with all this, he pushed open the door and entered the bedroom. There was still an alluring aura in the bedroom. Mu Weicheng's thin lips curled up in satisfaction. He walked to the window and opened the curtains a little to breathe.    


Ling Nuannuan opened one of her eyes and peeked at the man.    


"It's warm. When you wake up, put on your clothes and come out for breakfast. Don't sleep." The man walked to the bed and pampered her.    


Ling Nuannuan knew it was no use pretending to sleep anymore. She could only pull the blanket and sit up. "I'll go out immediately. Don't stand here."    


Mu Weicheng saw that she was shy. He smiled wickedly. "What are you afraid of? We are husband and wife."    


"That won't do, but it won't do." Ling Nuannuan could not give a reason, but she felt that she was walking in front of him just like that. That would be no longer mysterious.    


Mu Weicheng did not want to make things difficult for her, so he obediently turned around and left. He even closed the door.    


Ling Nuannuan ran to the bathroom. In front of the mirror, she realized that she probably did not have the face to see anyone today. At her neck. At her collarbone, there were all kinds of marks. Of course, it was not just these places.    


Ling Nuannuan changed into a new set of clothes and walked out. She walked a little unnaturally. The man sat on the sofa and looked at her gently.    


Ling Nuannuan immediately stood up and did not dare to show weakness in front of him. Because last night, she did not show weakness all night, so she changed her pitiful appearance today.    


Mu Weicheng got up and walked in front of her. He could not help but ask with a smile. "Do you need me to help you to the dining table?"    


"No!" Ling Nuannuan walked to the table, but it hurt. She took a deep breath.    


"Sorry, it's my fault. I did not take pity on you." Mu Weicheng blamed himself.    


"It's good that you know." Ling Nuannuan felt much better.    


Mu Weicheng served her porridge and suddenly thought of something. Although he had a good night, he was still worried about his sister's situation.    


"Warm, do you know what happened between Nangong Yao and Little Yun?" Mu Weicheng actually wanted to call his sister at this time, but he felt that it was inappropriate to call her early in the morning, so he could only get some information from Ling Nuannuan.    


"Does Nangong Yao like her? Anyone with discerning eyes can tell." Ling Nuannuan smiled as she tasted the delicious porridge.    


I know, what is Little Yun's attitude towards him? " Mu Weicheng frowned and asked worriedly.    


"I don't know yet. However, since she brought him to your birthday party last night, she must have had a good impression of him." Ling Nuannuan guessed that a woman would not easily bring a man to see her family unless she felt that they had a future.    


Mu Weicheng's expression froze. His sister would not really want to date this man, right?    


The time went back to last night. Mu Yun sat in Nangong Yao's car, drank some wine, and worked for another day. Once she sat in the car, she leaned back in her chair to rest.    


Nangong Yao, who was sitting beside her, was clear-headed. Both of his hands were tightly clasped together, and his eyes occasionally peeked at the woman beside him.    


She had a cold aura on her body, but when she closed her eyes to rest, her beautiful face became much gentler and had a sweet sense of beauty.    


Nangong Yao greedily looked at her sleeping face and was absent-minded. He really did not think that Mu Yun would actually accept his pursuit so quickly. He thought that this would be a long process.    


Mu Yun did not fall asleep completely. She just took a nap and opened her eyes.    


When she opened her eyes, she met the man's dark gaze.    


Nangong Yao was caught peeping at her. He looked a little embarrassed and quickly looked outside the window.    


Mu Yun suddenly reached out and grabbed one of his big hands. The man's body trembled as if he had been electrocuted. He looked at the hand she was holding in disbelief.    


"Hug me!" Mu Yun requested.    


The surprise came so suddenly that Nangong Yao could not believe it. His handsome face was stunned.    


"You don't want to?" Mu Yun raised her eyebrows and was about to let go of his big hand.    


Seeing that she was about to let go, Nangong Liang immediately grabbed her fingers and pulled her into his arms.    


Mu Yun laid in his arms and closed her eyes to rest.    


Nangong Yao could not guess what she was thinking. Seeing her obediently leaning into his arms, he felt like he was in a dream.    


"I don't need to go to class tomorrow. Do you have any plans?" Mu Yun suddenly asked him.    


"Where do you want to go? I will accompany you." Nangong Yao's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked in a low voice.    


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