President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1816 Relationship Forward

C1816 Relationship Forward

Nangong Yao was dumbfounded. When he saw the woman's beautiful body sink into the water again, he completely remembered her face. He didn't know if it was because the moon was too beautiful or the water was too hot, but he felt a little intoxicated.    


"Mu Yun, you are really bad." Nangong Yao's words were not acting coquettishly, but he felt that this woman was something he could not figure out. This was a feeling of anticipation and also a pleasant surprise. He liked not being able to see through her appearance, but at the same time, he could not get rid of her feelings.    


Mu Yun got what she wanted. She stretched her arms lazily and leaned against the smooth stone wall. She closed her eyes. "Anyway, when we go back later, they will definitely misunderstand us. Since we are all going to be misunderstood, then of course I cannot bear the name of a shameless mouth for nothing."    


Nangong Yao was stunned. What kind of logic was this?    


"If you are afraid that others will gossip about us, why don't you just admit that you are my girlfriend when we go back later? Didn't we agree before? You can try dating me, and now you're introducing me as your friend. To be honest, I'm quite disappointed. " Nangong Yaojun's face was full of grievance. He really hoped that she would openly introduce him to her friend.    


"No, let's be friends first. When I confirm that I can really be together with you, I'll be a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Otherwise, if I admit it, we're not together again. "Then I will lose my reputation and have a bad influence on you. In order to be responsible for love, let's get along like this." Mu Yun was clear-headed and rational as she said. She did not lose her mind because of his good looks.    


Nangong Yao was a little helpless and could only accept it. "If you say that, I actually can't refute you. Alright, if you are afraid that we will destroy each other's reputation, then let's be friends first."    


"I'm a little dizzy, I have to come up, you can leave for now." Mu Yun had soaked for too long and the sulfur aura made her feel a little dizzy. She could not continue to stay in the water.    


Nangong Yao immediately turned around. In a low voice: I won't look at you. Hurry up and come up. The temperature difference is huge. Hurry up and dry your body. Don't catch a cold."    


Mu Yun did not say anything. When she saw the man turn his back, she quickly stood up. When she lifted her foot, she did not notice that the stone beside her had been accidentally put on a lot of water. At this moment, she did not wear shoes and stepped on it barefooted. Her feet slipped and she let out a cry of surprise and fell back into the water.    


With a thud, Nangong Yao was so scared that he turned around and looked at her. He saw Mu Yun struggling in the water in a very sorry state. His heart became anxious and he quickly jumped into the pool to pick her up.    


"You scared me to death." Mu Yun's mind was still in a daze. At this moment, her hair and face were wet. Her ears were still buzzing.    


Nangong Yao picked her up, but found that she had yet to put on her clothes. With a bang in his head, he hurriedly turned his face away, but his voice was extremely hoarse. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"    


Only then did Mu Yun realize that she was actually being held horizontally by a man. She was both embarrassed and anxious and could only pretend to be calm as she spoke. "I'm fine. Thank you. Put me down first."    


Nangong Yao gently put her down and quickly turned around. "Hurry up and get dressed."    


Mu Yun did not dare to be careless this time. She quickly took out her slippers and put them on. She then took out a towel to dry and put on her clothes. When she turned around, she found that the man was still standing in the water. The place he stood was quite deep. The water went up his knees and his clothes were wet, revealing his sturdy body.    


In the cool moonlight, Mu Yun felt a little absent-minded. If Nangong Yao was a male mermaid, it would really be too alluring.    


"Sorry, I made your clothes wet too." Mu Yun felt guilty.    


"It's okay. I brought two sets of clothes. Let's go." Nangong Yao had just demonstrated his heroic act of saving a beauty. At this moment, he was not cold. Instead, his heart was unusually hot. When he saw her lovely figure, his handsome face became even redder.    


Although Mu Yun felt embarrassed, she did not make a big fuss about it. After all, she was not young anymore. She did not think much about this kind of thing.    


The two of them returned to the place where the tent was set up. Zhang Ke had already set a fire, and Li Qing and Xiao Chen sat beside him to set a fire. Zhang Ke also brought some simple cutlery, preparing to prepare dinner.    


"Mr. Nangong, why are your clothes all wet?" When Zhang Ke saw them return, he immediately asked curiously.    


Li Qing and Xiao Chen looked over and noticed that their expressions were complicated.    


Mu Yun immediately opened her mouth to explain. "It was a little slippery just now. I accidentally slipped and he saved me."    


"It's okay. I'll go into the tent and change into another set." Nangong Yao said and went straight into his tent.    


The fire reflected everything in the surroundings, and the shadows in the tent naturally became especially clear.    


Li Qing's gaze shifted over, and she saw the man's every move in the tent. Her heart inexplicably began to beat faster.    


Although she only saw Nangong Yaojian's figure through the tent, Li Qing couldn't help but swallow her saliva.    


Mu Yun's long hair was wet. At this moment, she was only in a hurry to dry her hair. She did not notice that Li Qing was staring at the tent behind her. Even Xiao Chen who knew his own limits could not help but look at it a few more times.    


After all, a man with such a good figure and such a handsome face was full of attraction. It was a pity not to take a look at him.    


Mu Yun was wearing a large towel. When she smelled the fragrance of roasted meat, she walked over and helped Zhang Ke prepare dinner.    


When Nangong Yao came out again, he wore a slightly tight gray sweater and a pair of sweatpants. It released the wild charm of a man. Under the dark moonlight, it was hard to say that he was charming. He had the most primitive attraction.    


Nangong Yao did not know that every move he made attracted the attention of the women at the scene. His eyes were only looking for the woman he wanted to see. When he saw Mu Yun sitting beside the barbecue, he immediately walked over and squatted beside her.    


"Do you know how to roast meat?" Nangong Yao saw Mu Yun adding all kinds of seasoning. Interesting.    


Zhang Ke smiled and said, "In the past when we were hiking and going out, Mu Yun was in charge of our dinner. Not only did she know how to roast meat, but she also knew how to cook a lot of delicious food."    


"Oh?" Nangong Yao raised his eyebrows and felt even more sour. He imagined those men eating the food Mu Yun cooked and secretly gritted his teeth.    


Mu Yun turned her head and handed him a spoonful of roasted lamb. "Is it good or not? Do you want to add more ingredients?"    


Nangong Yao took the lamb and quickly wanted to eat it. However, he scalded his lips. He immediately let out a low cry, which caused Mu Yun to continuously laugh.    


Not far away, Li Qing's eyes were filled with resentment. She decided not to call Mu Yun outside the house the next time. Did she bring a man here today to torture a dog?    


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