President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1968 Start Nearing

C1968 Start Nearing

Ji Tingyan had no choice but to fall into Bind Ting's arms. When she felt his strong physique, her pretty face turned red, and she nervously used the strength of his chest to regain her balance.    


"Bind Ting, this joke isn't funny." Feeling both embarrassed and angry, Ji Tingyan frowned.    


Yesterday, she was still in the hotel asking her to go back to where she came from, but now, he actually said such ambiguous words.    


"I'm not joking. I'm almost thirty years old. I really should consider the big matters of life." Bind Ting looked at her with sincerity, a faint smile in his deep eyes.    


Ji Tingyan's beautiful eyes stared at him in astonishment. Was this man for real?    


"I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to talk about feelings right now. I... I'm hungry. I'm going to eat." Ji Tingyan carefully walked around him and quickly walked into the house.    


The depressed Bind Ting was left behind.    


Just as Ji Tingyan was about to enter the door, a shadow quickly flashed past. She didn't have time to see it clearly. That person had disappeared.    


She shook her head, thinking that she had fainted from the fall. Her eyes were playing tricks on her.    


She returned to her seat and didn't see Li Jingwen. He asked Cheng Yue curiously, "Where's Jingwen?"    


"Didn't she go to the washroom?" Cheng Yue then realized that Li Jingwen had been there for quite some time.    


Wang Cheng smiled and said, "It can't be that she ate badly, right?"    


"I'll go take a look." Cheng Yue immediately stood up. At this moment, Li Jingwen walked back with an ugly expression on her face.    


"What's wrong? There's something wrong with her expression." Cheng Yue immediately asked with concern.    


Li Jingwen let out a breath of anger," I met a thick-skinned rat. "    


When Ji Tingyan heard her words, she somehow didn't like it. When they first met, she actually quite liked these two bodyguards. But along the way, she clearly felt that Li Jingwen's professionalism wasn't as good as Cheng Yue's.    


Of course, this was normal. No matter what profession it was, there was a quality to it.    


"It can't be, you're even afraid of rats?" Wang Cheng immediately asked in surprise.    


Li Jingwen was so angry that she turned pale. He said, "I'm not afraid. I almost wanted to kick it to death."    


Cheng Yue saw that Li Jingwen's emotions were a little intense. Afraid that Ji Tingyan wouldn't like it, she quickly comforted her. "Alright, don't be angry. We're still on a mission."    


Only then did Li Jingwen return to her seat. However, her heart was extremely distressed. Just now, she saw Ji Tingyan throw herself into Bind Ting's arms in the corridor. Her heart was really uncomfortable. She never thought that this big miss of the Ji Family would actually be a scheming girl. Using such a despicable method to seduce Bind Ting, she was really afraid that Bind Ting would obey her someday.    


Bind Ting's tall figure came in from the main entrance. When Lu Mengmeng saw him, she immediately stuck to him, "Big Brother Bind Ting, the dishes are all served. Come and    


Bind Ting looked at Ji Tingyan. Ji Tingyan's heartbeat sped up a little. Pretending not to notice, she    


After the meal, the group of people began to set off again. This time, Bind Ting directly let Lu Mengmeng sit in the passenger seat and drive off. Lu Mengmeng looked at Ji Tingyan with some pride. She opened the car door and sat inside, thinking to herself. Big brother Bind Ting had finally taken care of her.    


Ji Tingyan didn't care about the change in her position at all. She sat in the back seat. Just as she was about to close the door, Bind Ting's tall figure sat in forcefully. Mr. Driver, who had been arranged, also got into the car.    


"You..." Lu Mengmeng glared angrily at the driver.    


Mr. Driver looked at her in a daze. He heard a deep male voice from behind him. "Let's go. Drive slowly."    


Only then did Lu Mengmeng realize that she had been fooled. Furthermore, the person who played her was her lover. She had nowhere to vent her anger, and her eyes turned red.    


Ji Tingyan also realized that Bind Ting had intentionally played tricks on Lu Mengmeng. She felt that this man was really bad. Even though she knew the other party's intentions, he had used her as a shield.    


Ji Tingyan sat on the other side. Bind Ting sighed softly. He wasn't a man who liked to speak flowery words. Seeing that Ji Tingyan seemed to have a problem with him, even though he was frustrated, he could do nothing about it.    


The car continued forward. Ji Tingyan took out her phone and took quite a few pictures. When she turned her head to look at Bind Ting's scenery, she saw that there seemed to be a temple of poetry at the peak of the mountain. In this white world, it seemed ethereal and distant. She hurriedly moved towards the man's side.    


Bind Ting was suddenly pushed over by her. His mind was in a mess. He thought that she was going to do something, so he saw her press the camera a few times.    


After Ji Tingyan finished filming, she lowered her head to check the effects. She was not satisfied with the photos, so she wanted to take a few more photos.    


"Let's change positions." The man said in a low voice.    


Ji Tingyan nodded and bent down to move to the other side of the man.    


Coincidentally, just as she stood up and started to move, the car suddenly came to a stop, as if it had been pressed against a rock. Ji Tingyan sat on the man's body without any warning.    


"Mm!" When she heard the man groan, Ji Tingyan felt extremely awkward. She pretended to be fine and quickly moved over.    


Bind Ting felt as if all his descendants were crying. It was so painful that he clenched his fist into a fist.    


When Lu Mengmeng heard that they had changed their positions, she angrily turned her head around to take a look.    


Ji Tingyan stole a glance at the man's expression. Bind Ting could only pretend as if nothing had happened.    


"I'm sorry, are you alright?" Ji Tingyan still felt that she had to care about him. As an adult, If she acted like an ignorant girl again, she would be a little insensible.    


"Don't worry, it's not broken." Biting Ting's voice was low, like a magnet.    


Ji Tingyan: Her pretty face flushed red.    


Lu Mengmeng curiously turned around and asked, "Big Brother Biting Ting, what hasn't been broken?"    


"Nothing." Bind Ting immediately replied calmly.    


Ji Tingyan was extremely embarrassed. She lowered her head, as if she and Bind Ting really had an unspeakable secret.    


Lu Mengmeng huffed angrily. "Big Brother Bind Ting. Why didn't you tell me anything I asked you?"    


"I promised your grandfather that I would show you the scenery. I will definitely do it." Bind Ting didn't have any other feelings for Lu Mengmeng. He only treated her as a younger sister. There were some things that he naturally didn't need to explain to her too much.    


"I didn't come here just to see the scenery." Lu Mengmeng pouted and muttered softly.    


Ji Tingyan raised her camera again and realized that she had already missed the scenery. She was a little depressed.    


"If you like that scenery, I'll send it to you." Biting Ting had guessed what was on her mind and comforted her in a low voice.    


Ji Tingyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Thank you, I really do like it."    


"When can you give me a painting?" Bind Ting spoke with thick skin.    


Ji Tingyan looked at him in astonishment. The man had a sincere expression on his face.    


"If it's difficult, then forget it." Bind Ting wanted it, but he couldn't help but force her.    


Ji Tingyan thought of his help in the last two days. Giving him a painting wasn't much, so she nodded and agreed, "When I'm free, I'll draw one for you."    


"Alright!" Bind Ting suddenly laughed. It was as if a thousand years of ice and snow had melted away, making one feel as if they were bathing in a spring breeze.    


Ji Tingyan's expression was in a trance. She didn't expect this man to look so good when he laughed.    


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