President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2007 Xiao Nai Is Angry

C2007 Xiao Nai Is Angry

Tang Yixin turned around and looked at the worry and concern in the man's eyes. She slightly raised the corner of her mouth. : "Are you concerned about me?    


Bind Xun frowned. Seeing the playful expression on her face, he felt an indescribable anger in his heart. His expression darkened as he looked at her seriously: Don't joke about your life. We can save you once, but we can't save you a second time.    


The light in the woman's eyes became brighter, and an inexplicable emotion echoed in her heart.    


Was he angry because he was afraid that she would die?    


"You already said that my life was picked up by you guys. If I don't do anything for you guys, my conscience will be uneasy. Tang Wei lowered her eyes and covered her emotions.    


"I never asked you to repay me. Saving people is just a person's instinct. Before you make a detailed plan, don't always think about working for us. "The man turned around and left after he said that angrily.    


Tang Yixin looked at the man's huge reaction. Not only was she not angry, she was also quite happy in her heart.    


When she saw the door leading to the international airport, she finally let out a sigh of relief. Cheng Yue looked at the sleeping woman in her arms and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


She could see that Xiaonai and Mister Bind really loved each other. Furthermore, they were the kind of people who loved to the bone.    


If Xiaonai were to wake up in such a sad way, she would definitely be very disappointed.    


I hope she can understand Mister Bind's good intentions.    


The vibration when the plane took off woke up the sleeping woman. She slowly opened her eyes and the scene in front of her shocked her.    


The simple wooden house was gone. In its place was a high-end seat.    


"Where is this? She turned her head and saw Cheng Yue, frowning as she asked her.    


"This is a plane. Your big brother sent a plane to pick us up. "Cheng Yue said sadly.    


Ji Tingyan's head exploded. She nervously grabbed her sleeve and anxiously asked, "Where are Bind Ting and the others?    


Cheng Yue didn't have the heart to tell her the truth, but she had no choice but to tell her.    


"Mister Bind put some medicine in the warm water you drank and let you sleep until now. They are still there, Xiaonai. I'm sorry I cheated on you with them. If you want to hit or scold, come at me. I really don't want to see you in danger. Cheng Yue said with red eyes.    


Ji Tingyan's eyes darkened and she became silent.    


She didn't cry or make a fuss or speak, which made people even more worried.    


Cheng Yue apologized to her for a long time before she finally spoke. Her voice was filled with sorrow. "I don't blame you. You all want me to be fine.    


Cheng Yue blamed herself even more. It turned out that she understood everything, but it was because of this that it made her heart ache even more. On the way back from the plane, Ji Tingyan became speechless.    


Cheng Yue didn't dare to disturb her, and could only silently accompany her.    


From day to night, the clouds outside the window churned. Just as they were about to hit the ground, there was a huge thunder in the sky. Seeing that a storm was about to arrive, the tears that Ji Tingyan had endured finally silently slid down her face.    


She decided to ignore him from now on.    


Although he said that she was his woman, he did not think so in his heart. Otherwise, why would he not discuss such a big decision with her?    


Pushing her away in such a childish way, he would see if she would forgive him the next time they met.    


A thousand miles away, Bind Ting was currently taking a car back to the city. For some reason, he felt a chill run down his back, and his heart couldn't help but tighten.    


Forget about the time, she should have already returned home.    


Although he felt a bit disappointed that he didn't have her by his side, it was precisely because he knew that she was waiting for him in the distance that he had the greater motivation to face reality.    


Leaving his brother and Tang Yixin in the same spot, he brought a few people back to the city. With Po's contact information, he had to quickly plan to get the evidence.    


In the car, he had already contacted Po's leader. When the other party heard that he wanted 20 million worth of goods, he seemed very sincere and had even agreed on the meeting location.    


Time was very urgent, and Bind Ting didn't want to delay for even a second. That night, he wanted to mention meeting, but the other party seemed to be very happy as well.    


The sky darkened. The winter here wasn't too cold. Biting Ting wore a suit and brought his men to the meeting place.    


In a very lively bar, all sorts of people were mixed together. It was the most suitable place to do some shady business. Bind Ting really didn't like this atmosphere. It might have something to do with his occupation. He had also joined the army before, and there was a type of righteousness in his bones. This sort of shady business made him extremely disgusted.    


In a private room on the second floor, behind the gray floor-to-ceiling windows, there was an extremely beautiful woman. Her long hair was curvy and curvy, and she expressionlessly looked at Bind Ting who had walked in. She had a very unfamiliar eastern face.    


And extremely Eastern men's handsomeness and fierceness. Her sturdy and tall body exuded a strong male hormones. Everywhere he passed, there were women who turned their heads to look at him. Their eyes were filled with greed and possessiveness.    


The eyes of the woman hiding behind the curtains also became brighter.    


After staying here for so long, there was finally a face that could shock her.    


Po often spat out the smoke from his mouth and sat down comfortably on the sofa beside him. He held the cigarette in his hand and slightly raised the corner of his mouth.    


From time to time, some women would reach out their hands and try to put oil on the man's sturdy body, trying to test him with love and love.    


Bind Ting's temperament had two sides. When he was serious, he would give people a cold and proud feeling, but when the corner of his mouth rose up, he was full of evil.    


Women were the most obsessed with bad men. The moment they stepped into the bar, Bind Ting had the mentality of acting on the spot.    


His sharp eyes swept across every corner of the bar, but he didn't find that woman Po. He looked up and felt confident.    


The woman sitting on the sofa flicked her cigarette ash and said slowly, "Go down and greet him, then bring him up.    


A man next to him immediately went downstairs.    


Mr. Bind, "Wang Yao said. Hello, we talked on the phone. You can call me Leon. The man smiled and spoke to him in English.    


"Are you sure you can supply the goods I want? "I will leave the dock early tomorrow morning. Bind Ting expressionlessly looked at him as he spoke.    


Our boss is upstairs. Whether or not we can produce the goods still requires her to nod her head. Why don't you go up and sit down and have a good chat with her. Leon said with a smile.    


Biting Ting nodded. His men wanted to follow, but Leon stopped them." Boss, I just want to talk to Mr. Bind alone. "    


Bind Ting gave the people behind him a look, then walked up the stairs.    


The second floor was very private. Bind Ting looked around. It seemed that this woman called Ah'Bao already had her power here.    


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