President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2004 The Cycad Tree also Opened

C2004 The Cycad Tree also Opened

When Tang Yixin heard Bind Xun's words, her eyes lit up and she asked in confusion, "Aren't all of you men women who like to be obedient?"    


"Tang Yixin, are you interested in me?" Bind Xun curled his thin lips and asked wickedly.    


Tang Yixin blinked her eyes and said with resentment, "You've already seen through me, so why don't you think about the things you're responsible for?"    


"Apart from your gender, you're a woman. What else do you look like a woman? " Bind Xun was about to laugh at her words.    


When Tang Yixin heard this, she was so angry that her pretty face turned ashen. "Your words are too hurtful, aren't they? How am I not a woman? My place isn't small either."    


"Alright, sit down. I'll change your medication." Seeing that he had successfully angered her, Bind Xun no longer dared to provoke her. Even if she was injured now, her lethality was top-notch.    


Tang Yixin sat down and took the initiative to remove her clothes, revealing her wounds. Bind Xun sighed and gently removed the old gauze for her to disinfect. Tang Yixin tightly held onto the gauze with both hands and her entire body trembled as the disinfectant touched her. However, she was stunned for a moment and did not make a sound. She completely endured it.    


"If you're in pain, you can shout it out. Don't hold it in." When Bind Xun saw the cold sweat on her forehead, he could not help but let it slide down. It could be seen how hard she had endured.    


"Bind Xun, I want to take a bath." Tang Yixin said softly.    


"Mm, I'll get someone to bring you some water." Bind Xun nodded.    


"Help me, I can't move my hand." Tang Yixin suddenly turned to look at him gently.    


"Me?" Bind Xun's handsome face was full of surprise. "I am a man. I will call Cheng Yue over to help you."    


"Then forget it. I'll do it myself." Tang Yixin was a bit disappointed.    


Bind Xun's eyes were stunned. Could this woman really be relying on him?    


"Forget it. Since I've saved your life, I'll be a good person until the end. I'll help you." Bind Xun didn't know which one of his nerves was wrong, but he immediately agreed to help her.    


After changing the medicine, Bind Xun got someone to bring two buckets of hot water. Tang Yixin didn't have any clothes to wear, so she borrowed Ji Tingyan's clothes. She sat in the bucket and looked up at the roof. She was with the Bind brothers. These two days could be considered the most relaxing days of the past few years. Everything in the past seemed to have pressed the pause button, giving her time to catch her breath.    


She really hoped that these days could be longer.    


Bind Ting was currently looking for his younger brother to discuss the next step of the plan. Only after asking did he find out that he was in Tang Yixin's room again.    


Bind Ting keenly sensed that something was wrong with his younger brother for the last two days. Tang Yixin was a woman. What was he always doing in her room?    


Could it be...    


When Bind Ting thought of this, his eyes darkened. He immediately instructed Wang Cheng to call Bind Xun over.    


Bind Xun didn't take advantage of the situation. He only had his back to Tang Yixin and had always thought that Tang Yixin would call him over to help. He never thought that Tang Yixin would trick him and make him stand with his back to her for half an hour, but she had already put on her clothes and walked out.    


Bind Xun was very angry. He felt that this woman's words didn't count. She clearly said that she wanted his help.    


Only when he realized his violent emotions did he suddenly wake up. Why was he angry? He wanted to act like a hooligan openly but failed, so he was angry.    


"Second Young Master, the boss is looking for you." Wang Cheng suddenly ran over and called out to him.    


Bind Xun wore a straight face and came to a room with a gloomy expression. Bind Ting was sitting in front of a computer. This was Wang Cheng's computer. He had hacked a few streets of surveillance and discovered that Skelsen's people were retreating. There was also a picture of Skelsen losing his temper and beating up a few people in charge.    


"Brother, the situation has improved a bit. When can we leave this place?" Bind Xun stared at the screen and asked in a low voice.    


"How's Tang Yixin's situation?" Bind Ting looked at him and asked.    


"Her wounds aren't healed yet. She might need another week to recover." Bind Xun replied.    


"You're not a doctor. How do you know so well?" Bind Ting raised his eyebrows and looked at his younger brother.    


Bind Xun:... ""    


"What's the situation between you and Tang Yixin?" Bind Ting asked him directly.    


"Nothing much. You asked me to monitor her. I did it. I kept an eye on her twenty-four hours a day. She's quite honest. " Bind Xun said proudly.    


I told you to keep an eye on her, not to keep an eye on her sleep or to take a bath. " Bind Ting angrily rebuked him.    


Bind Xun's beautiful face was embarrassed. He lowered his head, feeling somewhat helpless. "She's already so injured, she can't do anything to me."    


"I want to ask you what you want to do to her? " Don't tell me you're in love with her? " Bind Ting was speechless. "No, I haven't. She's so domineering that it doesn't suit my taste." Bind Xun immediately shook his head seriously and denied.    


"She's an international criminal police officer. Her job is to arrest people, and what we're going to do this time will violate her professional rules. She won't follow us all the way. When she recovers a little, let her and her junior brother leave. We can't cooperate with her." Bind Ting had to explain this matter clearly to his younger brother.    


"I know." Bind Xun nodded, his eyes somewhat dim.    


"Mother wants you to get married as soon as possible, but Tang Yixin's occupation is destined to not be a quiet wife. I don't want you to take any more risks. This is our last adventure. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Bind Ting really didn't want to hurt his younger brother, but to find an international criminal police to be his girlfriend, he was really worried that his father's tragedy would repeat itself. Tang Yixin's profession was destined to offend many people in the underworld. His younger brother was his family, and he sincerely hoped that he would have a stable relationship.    


"I know, I have nothing to do with her." Bind Xun didn't immediately reply, but rather hesitated for two seconds before answering. In his heart, he struggled for a long time.    


"Since you understand, then you can leave. We'll leave in four more days. My company has many matters to attend to, so we can't stay here indefinitely." Bind Ting had decided on the final time to leave.    


"Big brother, just make the arrangements. I'll listen to you." Bind Xun nodded.    


Tang Yixin leaned against the door and looked into the distance in boredom. His junior brother, Jack, was helping to prepare lunch. When he saw her standing there, he immediately ran over and handed her a delicious rabbit leg. "Senior Sister, eat more nutritious food. Your wounds will heal faster."    


"Jack, after we finish this case, I want to resign." Tang Yixin casually tore a piece of meat and started chewing.    


"Senior Sister, what did you get? I remember Boss said that if you close the case this time, " You are going to be promoted, "Wang Yao said. You don't have to run around anymore. You can sit in the office and blow on the air conditioner and tell me what to do. " Jack looked at her in shock. He could not believe that she would choose to give up at this moment.    


"I'm tired." Tang Yixin laughed at herself. "I want to live a peaceful life."    


"Is it because of Bind Merit Points? Senior Sister, you're in love." Jack had a look of disbelief on his face.    


The corner of Tang Yixin's mouth slightly raised: "Maybe I really like him a little bit."    


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