President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2024 Like to be Unable to Hide

C2024 Like to be Unable to Hide

There was some work to be done, something important had been done during the day, and it was time to get down to business at night.    


Ji Ting Yan lay on the bed, her movements extremely gentle. Ji Ting Yan was also someone who would forget after suffering pain. Or rather, she didn't give up and had to do it again. Only when she had gotten the sweet taste did she give up.    


Bind Ting kissed her lips and listened to her rapid breathing. Her body was boiling hot.    


"Xiaonai!" He muttered her name, his voice low and hoarse and charming.    


Ji Tingyan's ears echoed his breathing and his low call to her. Her mind was a little hazy as she clasped her hands around the man's neck.    


This time, Bind Ting had clearly demonstrated her skills once more. Ji Tingyan no longer felt uncomfortable at first and gradually began to get used to it.    


Nearly an hour and a half later, Ji Tingyan's waist was in so much pain that she could not straighten up. However, she didn't admit defeat. She couldn't get up. She would just lie on the bed and squint for a while. She would eventually recover.    


However, when she squinted, it was already 3: 30 in the morning. When she woke up by herself, the man beside her hugged her and had fallen into a deep sleep.    


"Ah..." Ji Tingyan let out a cry that was not gentle. The man beside her instinctively hugged her and suddenly opened his eyes. He urgently asked with concern, "Xiaonai, what's wrong?"    


"What time is it now?" Ji Tingyan's voice was trembling.    


Bind Ting's eyes froze as he extended his arm towards the bedside table. He switched on his phone and replied in a low voice: "It's only 3: 30. It's still early. Sleep a bit more."    


"No, I can't. ... My dad won't let me spend the night outside." Ji Tingyan quickly sat up. Her messy hair made her look charming and seductive. She was like a rose soaked in dew, bewitching people.    


When Bind Ting saw her turn on the light, he immediately heard her words. He abruptly turned around and sat up as well. "It can't be, right?"    


Bind Ting's mind went blank. Would his future father-in-law break his third leg?    


Ji Tingyan randomly wanted to put on her clothes. Bind Ting was also busy putting on his clothes. The two of them seemed to be in a hurry and panic, just like a student who had fallen in love early on. They were extremely afraid of their parents.    


Ji Tingyan took a look at her phone. There were more than ten missed calls. She forcefully pressed her head. Just now, in order to not disturb the two of them, she had specially turned her phone into a mute. Now, it was so quiet that it made her panic.    


"Xiaonai, I will go back with you. I can explain to uncle and aunt." Bind Ting could not let her go back alone to be scolded. If she wanted to scold, she should at least scold him. After dinner, Ji Tingyan originally wanted to go back. He was the one who lured, abducted, and tricked her into coming to the hotel.    


Ji Tingyan stopped what she was doing and looked at him with a smile. "You still want to explain? How do you explain? Explain what we did in the hotel?"    


Bind:... ""    


Ji Tingyan hurriedly said," Don't come back with me. I'll go back myself. My parents can't do anything to me. "    


"At least let me send you back to your house. It's already so late, so I can't trust you alone." Bind Ting felt a little helpless. Indeed, how could he explain?    


"Un." Ji Tingyan did not object to this.    


The new car that Bind Ting had bought had already been completed. It was parked in the parking lot downstairs. Ji Tingyan had driven a car over. Therefore, on the way back, the two of them drove two cars, one in front and the other behind. They took care of each other as they headed straight for the Ji's Manor Villa.    


Bind Ting gripped the steering wheel with one hand and subconsciously clenched his fingers. He had always been a calm person and had never been in such a sorry state like tonight. He had never been afraid of anything, but he was afraid of his future father-in-law.    


In the middle of the night, there were very few cars on the road. The two of them drove extremely fast. Thus, they quickly arrived at the entrance of the Ji Family.    


Ji Tingyan rolled down the window and waved at the man. Binding Ting's headlights shone in front of him. Only when the woman's car entered the entrance of the manor did he turn his head around and drive away quickly.    


After Ji Tingyan parked the car in the garage, she tiptoed towards the elevator.    


When the elevator reached the second floor, Ji Tingyan was very happy. Her family had all fallen asleep.    


When the elevator door opened, the lights in the corridor lit up.    


Ji Tingyan was so scared that she jumped up and down. She turned around and saw her father's serious expression, as well as her mother's lazy figure.    


"Dad, Mom, why aren't you guys asleep yet?" Ji Tingyan asked with a dry smile.    


Ji Xiaohan looked down at his phone. "It's three in the morning. I just got home. Xiaonai, aren't you looking at the time?"    


Ji Tingyan felt guilty that she had made a mistake and was caught. She had no choice but to walk over and explain. "I didn't come back so late on purpose. I accompanied Bind Ting to look at the house today. I was so tired that I just squinted at the hotel. I didn't expect it to be so late."    


"Have you taken care of the house?" When Ji Xiaohan heard that his daughter had fallen asleep because she was too tired, his face looked a little better.    


"Yes, I have. It's the same neighborhood as Yang. It's a villa halfway up the hill." Ji Tingyan revealed a happy and happy smile when she mentioned this matter.    


Tang Youyou pulled her husband's arm. "I told you, my daughter won't return late for no reason. She must be in trouble."    


Ji Xiaohan looked at his wife gently. "Go to sleep."    


Tang Youyou turned back to look at her daughter. Ji Tingyan was scared. Why did she feel like her mother had seen through her heart?    


Tang Youyou, who was also a woman, could naturally tell that her daughter was lying. Of course, she could understand. After all, she was with a man she liked. If she could still follow the rules and maintain her rationality, it would definitely not be true love. She understood her daughter's feelings. It was just that Ji Xiaohan was worried too much, so she could only not expose her daughter's narrow-mindedness.    


Ji Tingyan did not know whether to laugh or cry. Her mother had never seen her so shrewd before. It    


The next morning, Ji Tingyan ran into her mother's bedroom in a fawning manner. Tang Youyou was sitting in front of the dressing table. Ji Tingyan quickly took a comb and said with a smile, "Mom, let    


Tang Youyou nodded. "Okay, help me tie my hair up while you're at it."    


Ji Tingyan was smart enough to make a proper hairstyle for her mother. Tang Youyou was getting older and her temperament was becoming more dignified and elegant. There were traces of age between her brows, but her skin was still smooth and delicate. This was closely related to her daily maintenance. In addition, her mood had always been good. Her mentality was young and her looks were getting younger and younger.    


"Mom, do you know something?" Ji Tingyan looked at the beautiful lady in the mirror and spoke softly.    


"You're already with him?" Tang Youyou asked casually.    


"Which type are you referring to?" Ji Tingyan blushed.    


"Alright, mom won't scold you. Look at how anxious you are. Mom only wants you to take good care of yourself. If you don't want a child for the time being, you have to take good measures. It's not good to get pregnant before you get married." Tang Youyou gently said to her daughter.    


"Mom, what are you talking about?" Ji Tingyan pouted. Only in front of her parents could she be childish.    


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