President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2047 Family Gossip

C2047 Family Gossip

Bengxun left the company with Tang Yixin and went straight home. At night, several of Bind's family members arrived. They were Bind Mother and Bind Clan's third aunt and sixth aunt and uncles, because they had heard that Bind Clan's two brothers had brought their girlfriends home. The Bind Clan's two brothers were almost thirty years old. There had been no news of them looking for a girlfriend before. The Bind Clan's Third Aunt and Sixth Aunt had introduced more than five people every year. They would call Bind Mother at any time to tell her which family's girls were pretty and They were well-educated and wanted to help introduce them.    


Alright, there was no need for that this time. The two brothers had already found a girlfriend, so they did not want to come and see what kind of girl she was. She could attract the eyes of these two vigilant nephews.    


Ji Tingyan and Tang Yixin both sat on the sofa in a daze. The Bind brothers instantly became obedient children. In front of these aunts and uncles, they did not want to talk about anything.    


The two beautiful women sat there in an orderly manner, allowing the group of people in front of them to size them up.    


The Bind mother had a smile on her face, but to be honest, she really felt that today's atmosphere wasn't good for her two daughter-in-law. However, over the years, her maternal in-laws were worthy of helping her. It was not good for her to let them leave without dinner.    


"Little Ting, what does your girlfriend do?" An aunt at the side was holding a cup of tea. After sizing up Ji Tingyan, she felt that she looked delicate and delicate, and couldn't help but want to ask.    


"She... she's an artist." Bind Ting's dark eyes dotingly looked at Ji Tingyan as she replied.    


"Oh? A painter? How much can this artist earn? "It seems that no one around us is engaged in this profession." His aunt immediately asked curiously. Some of the people around him also shook their heads. They felt that the occupation of a painter was more or less the same as not doing proper work. In any case, there was nothing serious to do every day.    


This was the first time Ji Tingyan had felt that her occupation was insignificant. Her beautiful eyes narrowed.    


Tang Yixin immediately smiled at her aunt and said, "Aunt, there are some things that can't be measured with money. Does it matter if she can earn money or how much she earns when she's at the top of the pyramid? "    


"Not making money? Everyone has to earn money when they are born. " The older generation were all honest people. When they heard that Ji Tingyan didn't need to earn money, they immediately retorted.    


Tang Yixin continued," Why don't you ask her about her family background first? Perhaps you can understand why she can treat painting as a hobby."    


Binding Mother immediately helped, "If Ting Yan were to marry Little Ting, I wouldn't let her work. It would be good if she could do what she likes."    


Ji Ting Yan looked gratefully at her mother-in-law. She also believed that her mother-in-law was speaking the truth. As a junior, in front of the elders of the Bind Family, Ji Ting Yan had chosen to speak less. Bind Ting immediately stood up and sat beside her. He said to his family, "I know that you all care about me. Xiaonai and I truly love each other. I hope that we can treat you to a wedding banquet when the time comes."    


"We're all talking about marriage? How long have you been dating?" An aunt beside him asked in surprise.    


Bind Xun was a little disgusted. He immediately said, "Aunt, I heard that your cousin has been dating for a long time. Married someone I've only known for less than a month. Is that true?"    


"That was a blind date. She fell in love at first sight." Third Aunt immediately answered him.    


"My brother and sister-in-law fell in love at first sight as well. They have been together for more than two months. Can't they get married?" Bind Xun stared at her without mercy and asked.    


"This... I don't mean anything else. I'm just asking."    


Seeing that these people's questions were a little sharp, Bind Mother quickly said to her two sons, "Young people, go upstairs and have a seat. We'll chat with some of the older ones."    


As if they had gotten a breather, the four of them immediately turned around and went upstairs. Bind Xun even made coffee and carried it upstairs.    


"Bind Xun, your family has quite a few." Sitting on the sofa, Tang Yixin's sharp eyes stared at the man who was bending over to place the cup of coffee.    


"My dad has two older brothers and two younger sisters. My mom also has two older sisters and one younger brother. Moreover, our big family is considered locals. In terms of kinship, it is indeed quite complicated. " Bind Xun explained with a dry smile.    


"Since these elders are so concerned about you, they should have introduced you to quite a number of girlfriends, right?" Tang Yixin held a cup of coffee and casually drank it as she asked.    


Ji Tingyan's beautiful eyes instantly narrowed as she stared at the face of the man beside her. Duan Ting's handsome face tensed up. She pretended to bring coffee and ignored the woman's gaze.    


Bind Xun laughed dryly and said, "How is this possible? We brothers are so handsome. We won't use blind dates to solve our single life."    


After Bind Xun finished speaking, he intentionally exchanged glances with his big brother. Bind Ting's eyes contained a smile. His little brother's words were so far-fetched, who would believe them?    


"Really?" Sure enough, Tang Yixin was the first to not believe it.    


Ji Tingyan reached out and pinched Bind Ting's arm. "Tell me, have you introduced yourself?"    


Bind Ting did not have a younger brother who could lie to him. When he saw Ji Tingyan's serious expression, he could only sigh, "I've introduced myself."    


"How many have you introduced?" Ji Tingyan realized that she really didn't like to hear the truth.    


Confining Xun Junrong looked awkwardly at Tang Yixin, feeling embarrassed.    


When Tang Yixin saw that the man's face had turned red, her heartbeat suddenly sped up. She couldn't help but take a few breaths of air.    


"A lot. I remember that when we were 25 years old, they would introduce us almost every year." Bind Ting really wasn't good at lying in front of his girlfriend. Because the price of a lie could be the destruction of a relationship.    


"Every year?" Tang Yixin's expression stiffened. "Isn't this too exaggerated? You two don't look like people who can't find a girlfriend."    


"They're just worried that we don't meet a suitable candidate." Bind Xun laughed to the extreme.    


"Forget it, there's no point in chatting about these things. It's just that if you're overly concerned about them, you'll sometimes end up becoming a burden." Ji Tingyan's mood was much better. She felt that Bind Ting was rather honest and had given everything he had.    


"You're right. Xiaonai, do you want to hear what we're talking about downstairs?" Tang Yixin suddenly smiled wickedly.    


How do you hear it? " Ji Tingyan was slightly moved.    


"You're not allowed to go." Bind Ting suddenly pulled her back to his side in an overbearing manner.    


Bind Xun was also somewhat nervous as he pressed Tang Yixin back to her seat. "What's so good about it? It's all gossip and gossip. I've heard too much and I'm not in a good mood."    


"If it's a rumor between the two of you, why can't Xiaonai and I listen to it?" Tang Yixin said discontentedly.    


"It's because it's ours. You guys don't want to hear it. Otherwise, if you guys mess around with us, Then how can we stand it? Bind Xun smiled evilly.    


Ji Tingyan's wrist had been forcefully grabbed by the man. She glared at him angrily, but Bind Ting whispered into her ear, I'm doing this for your own good. Don't be angry, okay?"    


Ji Tingyan gently struggled, and the man immediately let go.    


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