President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2084 Disrepute of Reputation

C2084 Disrepute of Reputation

When Qiao Anan came to school today, she found two big bags of things on the table she was sitting on. Her name was attached to them, and there was a pink card. When she arrived, the dean of the school was standing next to her desk. He was about to reach for the card.    


"Anan, someone gave you something." A girl saw her and quickly came over to tell her.    


Qiao Anan was stunned for a moment and quickly walked over.    


"Qiao Anan, take these things away quickly. Don't ruin the school's atmosphere." The dean stared at her seriously and said.    


Qiao Anan was confused. She saw the card that he handed over. On it was a piece of numb confession.    


Qiao Anan was stunned. Then, she opened the two bags and saw the clothes and bags that she had picked with Li Tang last night. The card said that she wanted to give them to her as a gift and asked her to contact him.    


"Director, this may be a misunderstanding. Li Tang and I..."    


"Okay, okay, I know what you mean. You want to be with him, but there is no need to make it known to the whole school. You are only a sophomore. You have to focus on your studies. Call your parents over. I want to talk to them." The director of the Education Bureau requested angrily.    


"Director, I really don't know what's going on. I..." When Qiao Anan heard that she was going to call her parents, she became anxious.    


"Call them over in the afternoon. It's a serious matter. You and Li Tang must write a complaint and hand them over. Our school has always been strict. Love and love are harmful to the school. Go and take a look at the banners outside. It's not a good influence." After the director finished his words, he left with a gloomy face.    


Qiao Anan ran out of the classroom and saw many banners hanging on the side of the road. There were disgusting confessions written on them.    


"Damn Li Tang." Qiao Anan was not a fool. She knew that it was a conspiracy. Li Tang was doing it on purpose.    


Qiao Anan ran to Li Tang's classroom angrily to confront him.    


Li Tang was sitting on the desk in the classroom with a group of men talking about it. When they saw Qiao Anan running into the classroom in anger, everybody had a weird look on their faces, as if they were sure that something was going on between Qiao An and Li Tang.    


"Li Tang, what do you mean? "Who's dating you? Don't talk nonsense and ruin my reputation." Qiao Anan yelled at him angrily.    


"Anan, we are childhood friends. I have fallen in love with you a long time ago. You have come to my house many times. I am not talking nonsense." Li Tang looked at her with a cunning look and pretended to be gentle to confuse the others.    


"Since when have I been to your house? Don't spout nonsense." Qiao Anan was furious. Li Tang was lying through his teeth. Wasn't he trying to destroy her?    


"I even know that you have a birthmark of a Heart Star on your back." Li Tang suddenly said something shocking.    


The men around him let out a loud cry. They stared at Qiao Anan with an ambiguous look in their eyes. They were envious that Li Tang had even seen her body. Something must have happened between them.    


"You..." Qiao Anan's pretty face turned red. She was furious. Why did Li Tang know that she had a heavy birthmark on her back?    


She was sure that she and Li Tang had nothing to do with each other. Furthermore, she did not interact much with Li Tang, but today, Li Tang looked as if he was going to prove his relationship. It could be seen that she had fallen into a trap since he asked her to help him shop last night. Why did Li Tang treat her like this?    


Who gave him benefits?    


"What benefits did Qin Rou give you? Let you ruin my reputation?" Qiao Anan was not confused. She immediately thought of the person who hated her the most.    


Hearing Qin Rou's name, Li Tang's expression froze for a moment. His eyes glittered. "I don't know who Qin Rou is."    


Qiao Anan saw the tension on his face. She was even more certain that Qin Rou had sold Li Tang for money and ruined his reputation in school.    


"Li Tang, I'm warning you. If you ruin my reputation, I won't let you off." Qiao Anan was not bullied. She would never let him off if Li Tang dared to create something out of nothing.    


Li Tang was still a little afraid. Qiao An looked at the soft and weak. But she was not a person to be trifled with. It was just that when he thought about that money, Li Tang still held onto a trace of luck in the end. Qiao Anan was not able to do anything to him.    


Qiao Anan sat in the classroom and cut everything on the table into pieces with scissors.    


In the afternoon, the director gave her a final notice. She had to call her parents over and write a guarantee. Otherwise, she would deal with this matter seriously.    


Qiao Anan had no choice. In order to not lose her studies, she had to call her father. Unfortunately, her father's phone had been turned off. Qiao Anan had to take a leave and call the company. When she heard that her father was on a business trip, her mind went blank.    


Her father was away on business, and her mother was not here. Where could she find her parents to go to school?    


Her grandmother would definitely not come. Her uncle and aunt did not treat her well either. If she couldn't graduate successfully, her life would be even darker. If she couldn't even find a job, how could she protect her mother and give her mother a stable life?    


Thinking of this, Qiao Anan felt even more uneasy.    


Was she really going to ask Qin Rou to come over?    


No, she would never let this woman come over as her parent.    


Just as Qiao Anan was feeling anxious and uneasy, he suddenly reached out and touched a business card behind his backpack.    


Staring at the dark blue business card, Qiao Anan's heart was beating faster.    


At this moment, she actually wanted to take a gamble. If Mr. Lo could pretend to be her family and come to the school to help with this matter, she would definitely be grateful to him.    


She would rather ask a stranger for help than make Qin Rou laugh at her complacently.    


Thinking of this, Qiao Anan's fingers trembled as she dialed the number on the screen.    


"Hello." A deep, magnetic voice was heard.    


Qiao Anan's heart skipped a beat. She did not expect him to pick it up. But he answered.    


"Luo! ... Mr. Lo, it's Qiao Anan." Qiao Anan's voice was trembling. She was too nervous and uneasy.    


"It's you." The man was surprised. Then, he said blandly, "Is something the matter?"    


Qiao Anan closed her eyes tightly as if she were making a bold decision. When she opened her eyes, she was fearless. She begged boldly. "Mr. Lo, I am in a bit of trouble at school. My parents are not here. Can you pretend to be my family and help me deal with this matter? I will not waste your precious time. You can tell me your conditions."    


After hearing her request, Luo Beiyuan was stunned for a moment. Then, he asked in a low voice, "What happened to you?"    


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