President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2104 The Misunderstanding Cannot be Solved

C2104 The Misunderstanding Cannot be Solved

Qiao Dawei, however, could not sleep. He sighed and said, "Anan, the more she talks, the more she ignores people. What should we do?"    


"Dawei, I'm not talking too much. Anan is indeed difficult to discipline. She likes to fight against others. Will she still hate me? It's all my fault. I shouldn't have forced you to divorce. " Qin Rou blamed herself as she spoke.    


"There's no point in saying all this now. Rou Rou. " You didn't force me to divorce. My fate with Zhang Xiuying has come to an end. You've done well. You've always been tolerant and tolerant of Anan's insensibility. " Qiao Dawei looked at the charming woman in his arms. He was quite happy. Every man dreamed that he could still hold his beloved wife when he was old. When he met Qin Rou, who was twenty-five years old, at the age of forty-two, he felt that spring had come again.    


Qin Rou leaned in his arms even more gently and confessed to him in a sweet voice, "Old Qiao. You are really a noble person in my life. I must treat you better in the future. I will love you for the rest of my life."    


Qiao Dawei was a little carried away after hearing his beloved wife's confession. He felt a lot of emotions in his heart. Thinking of his ex-wife, he suddenly felt that comparing the two women, his ex-wife was his nightmare. In the past, when he went home, no matter what, Zhang Xiuying would always scold him in her grievance. It was simply impossible for them to sleep together in bed.    


"Go to sleep, I know." Qiao Dawei's voice was full of love.    


Qin Rou lowered her head. The smile on her face became more and more successful. As long as she held Qiao Dawei's heart tightly, Qiao Anan and her daughter would never get any more money from home.    


Qiao Anan had been in a low mood recently. She was no longer interested in anything. Her work had been put aside for the time being. She stared at her phone, afraid that her mother would call her, or that she would let her know about it.    


Why did some people do such a thing?    


On the way home, Qiao Anan was squeezing herself on the bus. She was dazed. It was the first time she had taken a bus stop. It was three stops.    


Qiao Anan got out of the bus with a numb expression. Mr. Driver asked with concern, "Miss, are you okay?"    


Qiao Anan nodded and turned to leave. She was not okay. She wanted to find a place to cry. However, there were so many people on the street that she could not cry.    


She could only stiffen her legs and walk towards home.    


She kept thinking about one thing. They were going to get married, so what about her mother? What should she do?    


She knew very well that even if her mother divorced, she still loved her father in her heart. She was unwilling to divorce.    


Qiao Anan walked a few kilometers with her two legs and returned to the entrance of the residential area. She swiped her card and went in. By now, the sky was completely dark.    


"Qiao Anan." Suddenly, a deep male voice stopped her.    


Qiao Anan turned around and saw Luo Beiyuan standing behind her with a shopping bag in his hand, as if he had just gone to the supermarket.    


"Mr. Lo." Qiao Anan greeted him weakly.    


Luo Beiyuan walked up to her and looked at her pale face and lifeless eyes. He was sweating all over.    


"What's wrong with you?" Luo Beiyuan felt that something was wrong with her. From the looks of it, she seemed to have suffered a blow.    


"I'm fine. I'll go back first." Qiao Anan could not express her sadness to someone she was not familiar with. It was impolite.    


Luo Beiyuan followed behind her. Qiao Anan walked toward the elevator. She was tired and hungry. She did not eat anything in the afternoon. After walking so far, she felt that her feet were weak when she was standing at the door of the elevator. Her vision was dark. She could not stand steadily. She reached out to touch something, but at that moment, a pair of hands supported her back.    


"Be careful."    


Luo Beiyuan frowned when he saw that she seemed to be about to faint. He immediately pulled her into his arms.    


Qiao Anan's pale face blushed. She pushed him instinctively.    


"Don't move." Looking at her sickly face, Luo Beiyuan did not dare to let her go.    


Qiao Anan stopped moving. She did need something to lean on. One second was enough.    


The elevator reached the top floor. When Luo Beiyuan lowered his head to look at the woman in his arms again, she actually closed her eyes and did not move at all. She really passed out.    


"Damn it." Luo Beiyuan cursed in a low voice. He did not know who to scold.    


In the end, he still picked her up and walked towards the door.    


After opening the door, Luo Beiyuan threw the shopping bag away and carried her into the guest room. He gently placed her on the bed.    


Her eyes were tightly shut and her entire body was cold. Luo Beiyuan was really worried and could only carry her up again. He went downstairs and prepared to go to the hospital.    


In the hospital, Qiao Anan was diagnosed with shock and anemia by the doctor. Therefore, she was given an injection.    


In the quiet single room, Luo Beiyuan stared at the girl on the bed with a dark face.    


Why did she make herself so miserable?    


Qiao Anan seemed to be asleep and unconscious.    


After more than an hour, she finally had the strength to open her eyes. She looked around and found that the place was like a hospital. A strong smell of disinfectant assailed her nose.    


She sat up in shock and saw the man sitting on the chair opposite her. Her entire body trembled and her beautiful eyes widened in shock. "Mr. Lo, why are you here?"    


"You are unconscious. I sent you to the hospital. You have a needle in your hand. Don't move." Luo Beiyuan saw her sit up abruptly. He quickly stood up and walked towards her. He held her hand that had been injected.    


Qiao Anan was still dizzy, but she heard that he was the one who sent her to the hospital. She was still grateful: "Thank you."    


"What happened to you again? The doctor said that you probably didn't eat anything. The blood sugar was too low and caused shock. How could you ignore your own body like this?" Luo Beiyuan was very angry. Such a big person could actually make himself faint from hunger. This was also a kind of ability that no one else could learn.    


Qiao Anan was scolded by him, and her tears fell instantly.    


Luo Beiyuan thought that she would reflect on her mistakes, but what he saw was her tears falling like rain.    


The man was stunned. He cried after cursing a few times?    


So spoiled?    


Luo Beiyuan could only suppress the anger in his heart and look at her with a calm expression. Seeing that she was crying endlessly, he put his hands on his waist and took two steps back.    


At this moment, the old doctor who was an attending physician pushed the door open and came in. When he saw that the atmosphere in the ward was not right, he could not help but blame "Young man, treat your girlfriend with a better attitude. Be She pushed you out the door to get the rain. "    


Luo Beiyuan: ... ""    


What was going on?    


Qiao Anan was completely immersed in her sorrow. She was crying not because Luo Beiyuan blamed her, but because she had suppressed too much of her emotions. Now, she could no longer control herself.    


"Girl, stop crying. You are hurting your body too much. If your boyfriend is disobedient, you will be fine after a few days. At most, you can break up and change to another person. " Men change quickly. There is no sadness but only love. Listen to the old doctor. Don't torture your body for love. " The old doctor saw her crying. He thought that she had suffered from love, which was why she was so sad. Therefore, he wanted to give her some advice.    


Luo Beiyuan continued,... ""    


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