President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2107 With Him Here I Feel at Ease

C2107 With Him Here I Feel at Ease

"Let's all sleep for a while. We'll be on the ground in two hours." Luo Beiyuan looked at her tired face and reminded her in a low voice.    


"Okay." Qiao Anan was really exhausted. Even if she wanted to hold on, she would not be able to. Her eyelids dropped. She leaned back in the chair and fell asleep.    


Luo Beiyuan was in good health. Although it was so late, he was not sleepy yet. He asked the stewardess to take a blanket and cover her gently. Qiao Anan slept like a child.    


Luo Beiyuan held his phone and could finally look at her without any hesitation.    


The light above her head dimmed. Under the shadow, her pretty face was still very white and her facial features were very beautiful.    


Luo Beiyuan looked at her for a long time and finally fell asleep. He leaned his body towards her.    


After a while, he felt the girl's head leaning towards him unconsciously. His thin lips slightly raised and he fell into a more peaceful sleep.    


The two-hour plane landed on the ground. Qiao Anan suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.    


Luo Beiyuan also woke up. The two of them followed the crowd and walked out. It was still around five in the morning. The sky was bright, but there were many relatives who came to the airport to receive guests. In the world, familial love was the warmest. No matter when, it could not stop the companionship of familial love.    


Luo Beiyuan and Qiao Anan walked out of the airport. They hailed a taxi and went straight to Qiao Anan's grandmother's house On the way, the car was running wildly on the broad road. The sky    


Luo Beiyuan had been to the city before, but he was only here for business. He left after a few days.    


He had come here again, but he did not expect that he would accompany a girl to look for his mother.    


When he arrived at Qiao Anan's grandmother's house, Luo Beiyuan realized that her grandmother's house was not like an ordinary person. It was built in the style of a medieval villa, and it was located in the middle of the city.    


"Grandma, has my mom not come back yet?" After Qiao Anan got out of the car, she went straight to the gate and passed through a courtyard. When she saw that the living room was still brightly lit, Grandma Zhang sat on the sofa tiredly. When she saw her granddaughter's arrival, a hint of    


"Anan, you're finally here. Your mom hasn't come back yet. I wonder where she went? I asked your uncle to find a lot of people to help me. " Your mother has searched all the places she liked to go. Your mother didn't do anything stupid, did she? " Old Mrs. Zhang immediately started crying in grief.    


At that moment, a tall figure walked in from outside the door. Qiao Anan thought of introducing Luo Beiyuan to her. She quickly said to her grandmother, "This is my friend. He came back with me this time. Grandma, give me a car key. I'll go out with him and look for it again."    


"Okay." The grandma quickly called her nanny and gave her a car key.    


Qiao Anan turned around and looked at Luo Beiyuan. Luo Beiyuan nodded with a gentle look in his eyes.    


The two of them drove out of the door. Because it was a car that the nanny usually bought groceries in two cabins and was a Volkswagen brand, Qiao Anan was afraid that Luo Beiyuan would not get used to driving it. Therefore, she wanted to drive it by herself.    


Luo Beiyuan was worried about her condition. He said directly, "I'll drive it. You can look for your mother."    


Qiao Anan did not insist. For the safety of the two of them, she was indeed not suitable to drive under such circumstances. Therefore, she handed the car keys to him.    


According to the road map that Qiao Anan pointed to, Luo Beiyuan was concentrating on driving. He had only seen Zhang Xiuying once. Therefore, he did not have much of an impression of her. Naturally, he could not help to find her.    


Qiao Anan saw a square in front of her. She quickly asked Luo Beiyuan to find a place to park. She wanted to go down and find him.    


"When my mother was young, she was a dancer. She told me that she often performed at the venue next to the square with her team." Qiao Anan ran toward the venue as she spoke.    


Luo Beiyuan quickly followed her. It was already past six in the morning. There were a lot of people who came here for the morning refining. When Qiao Anan ran forward, she was almost knocked down by a couple running out of a small path nearby. Luo Beiyuan was so anxious that he grabbed Qiao Anan with his long arms to prevent her from getting hurt.    


Qiao Anan held her breath and raised her beautiful eyes. The man on her back had a strong chest, which made her blush. She quickly struggled out of his arms.    


"Slow down. Don't bump into anyone." Luo Beiyuan released his hand and reminded her in a low voice.    


"Okay." Qiao Anan nodded, but she was still anxious and wanted to run forward.    


Finally, they arrived at the door of the meeting room. At this moment, the door of the meeting room was not open yet. Qiao Anan looked in through a window nearby.    


Luo Beiyuan was tall. He glanced at the fence that was not tall and said to Qiao Anan, "Do you want to climb in and take a look?"    


Qiao Anan nodded quickly. "Of course I can, but how can I get in?"    


"I'll help you climb in." Luo Beiyuan looked around and found that there was no one here. He would not be discovered even if he crawled in.    


"Okay." Qiao Anan could not care about her shame anymore. She stepped on the railing and climbed up. However, when she was halfway up, there was no place for her to hold her hands. She had to let the man hold her legs with both hands to support her.    


Qiao Anan realized that her legs were facing the man's face. She was so embarrassed that she had to bite her teeth and crawl inside.    


Qiao Anan jumped down in fear. Then, she saw Luo Beiyuan's tall body turn over and jump in.    


"Mr. Lo... why did you come in?" Qiao Anan asked in surprise. If she was caught, it would not be a small matter. She was not afraid, but she would feel guilty if she dragged Luo Beiyuan into it.    


"Let's go. Don't think so much." The man grabbed her arm and led her to the venue.    


"I know there's a small door here. Because it's connected to the toilet, it's not closed all year round." Qiao Anan grabbed the man's hand and led him around the room. They found the small door.    


Luo Beiyuan looked at the soft and tender hand that was holding him tightly. His eyes became complicated and deep. Qiao Anan was only looking for her mother at the moment. She did not realize that she was holding the man's hand tightly. It was not until she entered that she realized that it was dark inside.    


"Mom..." Qiao Anan could not help but shout.    


"Should we go to the second floor and take a look?" Luo Beiyuan glanced around and found that there were rows and rows of seats. There was a stage that seemed to have just been performed. The stage was decorated with happy curtains.    


"Okay, let's go." Qiao Anan also noticed that her mother was not on the first floor. She had no choice but to take him to the second floor.    


"Aiya." Qiao Anan was in a hurry. She accidentally fell forward and saw that her front teeth were about to be knocked off. Fortunately, the man behind her reached out his arms in time and held her up. Qiao Anan was so strong that she directly fell into his arms.    


"Are you okay?" Luo Beiyuan asked her in a low voice. He was anxious.    


In this dark place, although the window was bright, it was still dark inside. The two of them were very close to each other, and their breathing was almost entangled.    


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