President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2088 She Is Very Loveless

C2088 She Is Very Loveless

She was an only child, and she had a good family background. Her parents had bought her a house in the city early in the morning, and although it was a two-room house, it was the dream of many girls.    


"I originally planned to look for a job, but my dad didn't let me go. He gave me a sum of money and asked me to apply for a piano class. Maybe I won't be able to work with you." Fang Qing looked at her two friends' unfulfilled lives and inexplicably felt a sense of superiority.    


"Your dad is doing this for your own good. It's not a good thing to come into contact with society too early." Qiao Anan tried to persuade her in a low voice. There was envy in her eyes. In fact, she did not ask for wealth or wealth. She only asked for a complete family. Her parents loved each other and lived a peaceful life. However, what she asked for    


"That's right. Fang Qing, just focus on learning the piano. You might be able to catch a husband in the future. Your parents will definitely be happier." Liu Ruyan said with a smile, but her heart was sour. It was not a good feeling.    


"Yuqing, is it dangerous to work in a bar? The people there are so messy." Qiao Anan still wanted to ask more about her work.    


"Anan, don't think that the place in the bar is too dirty. In fact, I introduced you to a high-end bar. The customers inside are all very well-behaved. It's not a place where social people gather like you think." When Liu Ruyan said that, a hint of pride appeared on her face. "The bars I work in are all membership systems. How can ordinary people go in and sell?"    


"Really? There is such a place?" Qiao Anan widened her eyes in surprise. She had never heard of such a place.    


"Of course. There are many jobs in this society that you have never heard of. You are such a good girl. Do you want me to take you to broaden your horizons? Liu Ruyan's eyes flickered. To be honest, she really wanted to drag Qiao Anan into the mud and work with her. In the future, she would no longer be a good girl among boys who cared about herself. The men would not talk about her after class.    


Qiao Anan did not know what her friend was thinking. She blinked her curious eyes and wanted to step into society and see the world from this moment on.    


"Can I apply for the job? Will the requirements be high?" Qiao Anan asked uncertainly.    


"Of course, there are requirements. You must be knowledgeable. Anan, with your conditions, you will definitely be able to hire someone. Besides, I know the manager inside. I will say a few good words to you. You will be fine." Qiao Anan was touched by Liu Ruyan's kindness.    


Fang Qing sat next to her and drank her milk tea quietly. She knew that Liu Ruyan was trying to bring Qiao Anan to a place where she could express her feelings. In the future, Qiao Anan would be the same kind of person as them. They would no longer need to listen to other people's sarcastic remarks and say that they had made friends with Qiao Anan.    


"Okay. I want to go and see her tomorrow." Qiao Anan had really decided to find a job. She would take care of her friends if they worked in the same place.    


"Okay. Tomorrow night, I will contact Manager Wang and ask you to apply for the job." Liu Ruyan immediately said.    


Qiao Anan did not think much about it. She just nodded and agreed.    


It was almost dark. Qiao Anan suddenly received a phone call. It was Grandma's. Her expression froze. To be honest, she did not have a good impression of Grandma at all. The idea of favoring a man over a woman made her dislike her since she was a child.    


"Grandma." Qiao Anan shouted.    


"Anan, come to the house for dinner tonight. It's your brother's birthday. You are my sister. Come and have fun." Mrs. Qiao sounded like she was giving orders.    


"I don't have time. I have to go to work tonight." Qiao Anan quickly thought of an excuse and refused.    


"Don't make excuses. You are still not a member of the Qiao family. If you don't want to be a member of the Qiao family, you don't have to come here. If your surname is still Qiao, you can come here now." Mrs. Qiao had always disliked her granddaughter. Maybe it was because she hated her mother. Therefore, even Qiao Anan was hated.    


Qiao Anan's fingers froze when she held the phone. She did not expect her grandmother to say such threatening words. Well, it must be Qin Rou's trick again. She did this on purpose to disgust her. She could not be a bad person, so she asked her grandmother to be a bad person.    


Qiao An said in a stiff voice, "Okay, I'll come over."    


The old lady then hung up.    


Johann stiffened and went to the garage to pick up the car. She was willing to go, but she did not want Qin Rou's goal to succeed.    


Didn't she want Qiao Anan to get out of the Qiao family? It would be best if she didn't get any money in the end.    


If Qiao Anan really went against the old lady and insisted to the end, Qin Rou's goal would be achieved very soon. She would really be cut off from all sources of income. She might even be removed from the Qiao family. Qiao Anan wanted to see what else Qin Rou could do. She had already driven her mother away. Was she going to do everything she could to chase her away now? She was not as good as she wanted. She would definitely be disgusted.    


As soon as Qiao Anan got into the car and started it, a strong car light suddenly shone on her. She subconsciously narrowed her eyes and saw a black car driving elegantly into the garage. The long body of the car looked noble and domineering.    


Qiao Anan saw that after the door opened, a tall and straight body came down. He was wearing a black suit. He was smart and capable, and he was charming and noble.    


When Qiao Anan saw Luo Beiyuan, she suddenly thought of the sexy woman she saw in the garage in the morning. Her eyes dimmed and she sighed with emotion. A handsome man and a beautiful woman indeed.    


Qiao Anan saw that the man did not leave immediately. Instead, she stood by the door and stared at her with a pair of deep eyes.    


Qiao Anan originally wanted to pretend that she did not see him, but she was too embarrassed to leave without greeting him. Therefore, she rolled down the car window and said with a smile, "Mr. Lo, you are back."    


"Are you going out?" The man's deep voice echoed in the closed garage. It was even more attractive.    


"Yes, I'm going home." Qiao Anan said with a smile.    


"Oh, be careful on the way." The man locked the car and walked towards the elevator with his long legs.    


Qiao Anan was stunned in the car. She was actually touched by the care of a stranger she was not familiar with. Was she too lacking in love?    


Johann sighed softly. Perhaps she really needs someone to care about her.    


Qiao Anan drove to her former home. The lights were bright now, and it was lively and gorgeous.    


As expected, the atmosphere was different when a new mistress came in. When her mother lived here, the whole villa was dead. Qin Rou came in, but the place was full of warmth and romance. Even the garden was decorated with lights. Qiao Anan walked in and found that the place where she used to plant flowers had turned into a small children's amusement park.    


Qiao Anan felt as uncomfortable as a needle in her heart. Her father really loved her son.    


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