President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2218 See Parents

C2218 See Parents

Qiao Dawei looked at the true feelings between his daughter and Luo Beiyuan with a complicated and happy mood. He didn't need to worry that she wouldn't be able to shoulder the responsibilities of the company at such a young age.    


With Luo Beiyuan by her side to help her, perhaps the Qiao family's company would be able to go up a level and he would be able to let go of her in peace.    


After lunch, Luo Beiyuan and Johann left together.    


In the afternoon, Luo Beiyuan didn't go to the company. Instead, he took Joanna to the shopping mall.    


The feeling of two people holding hands and walking in a crowd was indescribable with words.    


Finally Joanna didn't have to be envious of other girls shopping with their boyfriends.    


"I'd like a cup of milk tea." Joanna said self-consciously, pointing ahead.    


The milk tea in front of them was very hot. Many men were standing in line to buy milk tea for their girlfriends.    


"You are testing me." Luo Beiyuan fondled her hair, but still obediently stood in the group of men.    


In truth, Joanna had only been joking around with him. She hadn't thought that he would take it seriously.    


There was an indescribable sweetness in his heart. Joanna walked over and took his arm, leaning against him.    


Seeing how she looked like a little girl, Luo Beiyuan was in a good mood, as if he was willing to do anything for her at this moment.    


A sweet relationship smashed into Joanna's body. Every day they passed by like a dream. She hoped that this dream would continue to be sweet. She really liked the feeling of being doted upon and cared for by him.    


Wasn't Luo Beiyuan the same? His previous life had been as boring as water, without any ups and downs. Only after he had Joanna did his life have all sorts of feelings.    


This is the true fireworks life, in the future they will have children, will enjoy the joy of raising children together.    


Thinking of this, the man couldn't help but embrace the woman in his embrace.    


A few days passed in a flash.    


The elders of the two families were finally going to meet.    


In a high-class restaurant, Luo Jinyu, together with his wife and daughter sat in the box. His temperament was not any worse than it was in the past. He still gave off a domineering aura.    


But because his wife and daughter were sitting beside him, his temperament was much more refined and gentle.    


For the time being, Qiao Dawei and Zhang Xiuzhu were at peace because of their daughter's matter, but Zhang Xiuzhu still did not want to meet Qiao Dawei's eyes. A single injury could affect a person's life.    


Qiao Da Wei felt guilty and didn't dare to hope that his wife would forgive him.    


Luo Beiyuan and Joanna also came.    


The two juniors greeted their elders and sat down obediently.    


"Sister-in-law, you look so pretty today." Luo Yuan said happily.    


Joanna's face was a little red. She had specially dressed herself up today, wanting to make herself look more mature and stable, so as to not let the Luo Family elders feel that she was too young and tender.    


Luo Beiyuan knew that she was very nervous, so he shook her hand under the table.    


"Grandfather, thank you for agreeing to marry my son to my daughter. I won't say anything else. Young people have their own choices, and as elders, we can only support and bless them." Luo Jinyu smiled and said.    


When Qiao Da Wei and Zhang Xiu Zhu saw the elders of the Lu family, they were shocked and amazed. They did not expect them to be so much younger than them.    


They were clearly of the same age, but the two of them were filled with hidden bitterness and vicissitudes of life.    


Indeed, happy families could slow down the passage of time, but it was already too late for them to understand this logic.    


His family was broken and his heart was cold.    


Yang Chuchu was very satisfied with Qiao Anan. She had never wanted her son to find rich girl, who was a match for her family. Just like how she used to be, she was born into an ordinary family, but fate was a wonderful thing.    


Two people in love, can make the road of feelings more understanding and tolerance.    


She and Luo Jinyu also came together in this way, and she understood what it meant for the two of them to truly love each other.    


The only thing Luo Yuan did not dare talk about was sitting on the table. She blinked her big, watery eyes as she listened to her elders.    


She couldn't help but wonder when her love would blossom.    


Can you find a man as good as Big Brother?    


Thinking of this, her face turned red.    


Li Qingyan took the car to the company. On the way, he looked out the window and subconsciously curled his lips. This was the first time he felt that there was still something beautiful in this world.    


Cheng Qingqing had joined the film crew. As female lead, she naturally received a lot of attention.    


In the beginning, she also tried out the mirror for the female lead, and the director praised her a little. She thought that she would have a chance to act, but when she received the role for the second female lead, she was honestly very disappointed. She had always played the role for the female lead before, but she had never expected that she would not be able to get the role for the first female lead.    


After entering the group, he slowly found out that Cheng Qingqing had brought her capital into the group. Furthermore, her backer did not seem to have a small background and had the ability to call the wind and summon the rain … Cui Ling'er secretly became angry, swearing to steal Cheng Qingqing's limelight from her acting skills.    


When there was no time to act, the acting teacher would give her a lesson. Cheng Qingqing was very grateful for such minute arrangements from the acting teacher. Now that she had the opportunity to develop and still be able to learn, this was the life she dreamed of.    


Cui Ling'er was Cheng Qingqing's elder sister in the movie. In the previous few episodes, the two of them had quite a lot of scenes where they fought. Furthermore, Cui Ling'er's role was always suppressing Cheng Qingqing, and there were quite a few scenes where both of them were slapping each other.    


The director had asked Cui Ling`er to pretend to slap him today, but she didn't think so. She naturally wouldn't miss the chance to slap Cheng Qing Qing Qing. She firmly slapped Cheng Qing Qing's delicate face.    


Cheng Qingqing was a little dazed. She subconsciously covered her face with her hands.    


"Ka, Qing Qing's expression is just right." The director said happily. After saying that, he walked over to Cui Ling'er and said, "I thought you faked a fan? How did you get slapped? "    


"It's fake. The audience will be able to tell that they aren't idiots." Cui Ling'er had a solemn look on her face as she spoke.    


The director looked at Cheng Qing Qing's flushed cheeks. Such a cute beauty, she looked really pitiful.    


"Director, it's alright, as long as this segment can be passed." Cheng Qingqing gritted her teeth. Cui Ling'er had just been slapped to death, and her ears were still ringing.    


"It's over. This performance was very good." The director quickly said.    


The corners of Cui Ling'er's lips lifted proudly.    


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