President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1253 The Appearance of Love

C1253 The Appearance of Love

The look of love.    


Lu Xuanchen heard the woman's shy voice. He thought he had misheard her, but this woman didn't want to stop.    


"Is that so?    


"Rongrong, do you know that you are playing with fire?" The man's voice instantly became hoarse. In fact, Lu Xuanchen had been looking forward to this moment. He was already twenty-six years old. Even though his rationality could be restrained once in a while, his body had almost lost control several times.    


"I only know that when I meet someone I love, I can do what I want to do. Don't treat me like an ignorant girl. I know what I am doing and I can take responsibility for myself!" Mao Rongrong leaned against his chest. Her expression was gentle and she had the most feminine feeling in a woman.    


"Rongrong!" Lu Xuanchen was still very surprised. Because... This woman was also very rational when it came to such things. He was really afraid that it would be a sin for him to let his imagination run wild before the wedding. It seemed that he was not the only one who wanted more.    


Mao Rongrong's heart was like a burning flame. She did not know how to extinguish it, so she could only continue burning it. She was not afraid to probe into the unknown area between men and women. She was just nervous and curious.    


The woman in his arms was soft and tender like water. Lu Xuanchen's breathing became heavier. Finally, his trembling thin lips still kissed. His warm palm also gradually passed through her white shirt.    


Ten minutes later, the light suddenly turned on. Lu Xuanchen looked at the woman covered in the blanket with sweat all over her face.    


This was too embarrassing. He tried a few times but failed. If this was to be passed down, he did not even know where to put his face. The lawyer Mao, who knew nothing about men and women, also lowered his head with a red face. His body had clearly sent a signal. Why was she still so nervous that she could not breathe?    


"Why don't we forget about today and continue tomorrow?" Lu Xuanchen was also sweating profusely in cold weather. His handsome face was red, and his voice sounded bitter.    


"Yes, I agree!" Mao Rongrong nodded vigorously.    


They reached a consensus and the two of them suddenly could not hold back their laughter.    


They had tried so many times in the dark, but they did not seem to succeed. They really did not know what the problem was.    


"Sorry, it's all my fault. I'm afraid of pain!" Mao Rongrong lowered her head innocently and said softly.    


"It's okay. We have a long way to go anyway." Lu Xuanchen comforted her gently.    


"Am I useless? Did I disappoint you?" Mao Rongrong put all her blame on herself. As soon as she cried out in pain, Lu Xuanchen stopped all his actions and comforted her softly.    


"No. It was much bigger than I thought. Furthermore, your figure is really good!" Lu Xuanchen smiled humorously.    


Mao Rongrong glared at him angrily. Then, she mimicked his tone and said, "You did not disappoint me."    


Lu Xuanchen recalled her words and his handsome face instantly turned red.    


"Rongrong, as a woman, you are really not good enough!" Lu Xuanchen had to educate her.    


Mao Rongrong laughed. "I feel that it is already very conservative for me to wait for you, okay?"    


Lu Xuanchen was stunned. Then he reached out and pulled her into his arms. He said gently, "Rongrong, I am very happy to meet you. I hope that we will continue to walk like this and not be separated again."    


"I am the one who does not feel safe. Today in the office, I finally see your charm. For you, I may have to face bankruptcy and unemployment." Mao Rongrong thought of those women in the office staring at her as if they were looking at a love rival. She was afraid that she would not only lose a partner, but also many female employees.    


"Don't be afraid. I will help you. From tomorrow onwards, I will let you keep all my bank cards. If you don't have money, just take it and swipe it. I will work hard to earn money." Lu Xuanchen also blamed himself. Because of his appearance, she had lost an important partner. He felt very guilty.    


"This is what you said. If Han Caisheng really wants to withdraw his funds, I really need your money to fill the vacancy. But I will not let you pay for nothing. I will make you one of the partners... hmm!" Mao Rongrong did not finish her sentence when her lips were blocked by a man. It was a long time of dizziness before she was let go.    


"What else do you want to say about me? Do you have to tell me what you want so clearly? In the future, I will be yours, not to mention my money. " You just have to spend my money and mine. You have the right and the right to do so! " Lu Xuanchen was really afraid of hearing her say such polite words. This way, he would not feel safe.    


"Well, they are mine. They are all mine. You are mine, too." Mao Rongrong smiled and took out her queen-like strength.    


They did not want to separate when they were first in love. They just hugged each other on the bed for a long time until a voice that did not fit in sounded. It was Lu Xuanchen's stomach growling.    


"I'll go cook!" Mao Rongrong giggled and laughed.    


"I didn't have time for lunch, so I rushed over to find you!" Lu Xuanchen's handsome face flashed. A hint of embarrassment flashed across his face.    


It was too embarrassing. In the future, he would probably lose his male face as well.    


"I'll cook for you!" Mao Rongrong heard his shy explanation and felt warm in her heart.    


Mao Rongrong reached out and put on her white shirt and walked down from the bed.    


Because the shirt blocked the view, Mao Rongrong was too lazy to wear anything else and just walked towards the kitchen with her straight snow white legs bare.    


Lu Xuanchen sat on the bed and looked at her beautiful legs. He felt the courage to conquer her again.    


Lu Xuanchen also got off the bed in a hurry. He casually put on a coat and followed her out.    


Mao Rongrong was opening the fridge to see if there was anything in it that could be cooked for him immediately.    


Looking around, there was only the fastest pasta. Fortunately, there were tomatoes and eggs, which were nutritious.    


While Mao Rongrong was making noodles in the kitchen, Lu Xuanchen was like a scoundrel as he stood behind her. His strong arms would occasionally wrap around her slender waist, and his thin lips were pressed against her shoulders as he watched her do all of this.    


"Alright, stop messing around. Can you let me quietly make this bowl of noodles?" Mao Rongrong giggled at his teasing.    


"No, I have a feeling that you are better than this noodles!" Lu Xuanchen was not a greedy man, but at this moment, he could not control himself. He wanted to stick to her and not let go.    


"Okay. You may not have eaten your fill just now, so you don't have much strength. Let's try again when you are full later." Mao Rongrong smiled and hit him.    


Lu Xuanchen's handsome face froze. He immediately made up his mind to suck her neck. Immediately, a red mark appeared.    


"What... what are you doing?" Mao Rongrong immediately reached out to touch it.    


"Nothing. I just want to let those men outside take a look. Your famous flower has an owner!" Lu Xuanchen said wickedly.    


"Boring. Then, should I leave a mark on your body? You are more attractive than me!" Mao Rongrong asked him back with a look of dissatisfaction.    


"I will engrave your name here tomorrow. In the future, when I untie the belt, I will be able to see your name!" Lu Xuanchen grabbed her hand and pressed it against his firm abdominal muscles.    


Mao Rongrong's body trembled. What kind of hobby was this?    


"I think it's better not to. I'm so sorry about this!" Mao Rongrong could not be more serious. She did not have as many looks as he did.    


"I have the nerve. What are you afraid of? It's settled then. I'll go tattoo tomorrow!" Lu Xuanchen said seriously, as if he had really made this decision.    


"Okay, tattoo. I will not stop you." Mao Rongrong's pretty face had an expression of love and embarrassment.    


Lu Xuanchen looked sideways and suddenly took off her glasses with a prank.    


"Hey, stop messing around!" Mao Rongrong only felt her vision blur and immediately cried out in anger and laughter.    


"Your eyes are so beautiful. It would be a waste to cover them up." Lu Xuanchen was telling the truth. Mao Rongrong had a pair of very charming apricot eyes. When she blinked, she looked like a butterfly's wings. It was fascinating.    


"I want to make noodles for you. Hurry up and give it back to me!" Mao Rongrong blushed when she was suddenly praised by Lu Xuanchen.    


"Let me do it. You go out and wait!" Lu Xuanchen grabbed her wrist and brought her out of the kitchen. Then, he came in and picked up the unfinished work.    


Mao Rongrong took the glasses and put them on gently. Her eyes were clear. She saw the man skillfully stirring the eggs with chopsticks. Her heart went numb. At this moment, happiness was indescribable.    


She only wished that time was quiet and good!    


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