President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1465 To Cherish Her

C1465 To Cherish Her

Lan Yanxi felt that her trip here was not in vain. She had heard of Ling Mofeng's old story. Ling Nuannuan, this little girl, was really interesting and cute.    


At nine o'clock, Lan Yanxi should also leave. Before she left, Ling Mofeng held her hand and quickly walked upstairs.    


"Sigh... Don't be like this!" Lan Yanxi did not expect him to suddenly grab her hand but by the time she reacted, he had already dragged her up the stairs. She could only look at the Ling family mother and daughter with a forced smile and felt that her face must be completely red.    


When she went up the stairs, Lan Yanxi was not even able to catch her breath when she was pressed by the man to the wall of his study.    


Lan Yanxi was so scared that her heart almost stopped beating. Her beautiful eyes were in a panic as she reflected the man's complicated expression. In the next second, the expected thin lips ruthlessly hit her. This time Lan Yanxi was so scared that she did not dare to move. Not to mention initiative.    


"You..." Fortunately, the man only kissed her for two seconds and let her go. His breath was heavy as he stared at her pretty face and pinched it unwillingly. "Who asked you to laugh at me at the dining table?"    


"I didn't!" Lan Yanxi wanted to play dumb, but she felt that she could not continue to pretend. At the dinner table, other than Ling Nuannuan's laughter, she was the one who laughed the loudest. The truth was laid out here and she could not deny it.    


"How old are you? You are still playing with my sister!" Although Ling Mofeng said this through gritted teeth, he did not mean to be angry with her. Instead, he pampered her.    


Lan Yanxi pouted. "I am a person who does not know how to laugh. What your sister said is quite interesting. So... you can't blame me for this!"    


"You have a point?" The man laughed in anger.    


"You still don't want me to leave? If I stay in your house for a while longer, people might think that you're the one who won't let me leave." Lan Yanxi immediately started to laugh.    


The man put one hand on her ear and his other hand lightly traced her perfect chin with his fingers. "To be honest, I really don't want you to leave."    


"Then are you going to let me stay the night? " No, we're not engaged yet. I can't stay at your house. This is against the rules! " Lan Yanxi immediately explained seriously.    


Ling Mofeng was amused by her. He retracted his arm and put one hand behind his back. He walked to the back of his desk, opened the cabinet, and took out something. "I have something to give you!"    


Lan Yanxi did not expect Ling Mofeng to be so romantic. Every once in a while, he would give her something.    


"What is it?" Lan Yanxi immediately walked over curiously to take a look.    


"It's not expensive. It's just that I went to visit once and a Taoist gave me a talisman. He said it can ensure my safety. I've always kept it by my side. " Now, I want to give it to you. " Ling Mofeng placed the small box in her palm. "You need its protection more than I do."    


"Me? I don't need it. Since it's for you, you can keep it. This is rare. " Lan Yanxi quickly pushed the small box back into his hands. She did not dare to take it. It was indeed not expensive but in her opinion, this was the sincerity of a man. It was more valuable than anything.    


"Take it well. Take it and I will feel at ease. Although I should not be superstitious, there are still many unsolvable mysteries in the dark. Just believe it once. It is good to be at ease!" Ling Mofeng placed it in her palm again and curled her five fingers to let her hold it firmly.    


Lan Yanxi's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance. Water flowed. She lowered her head and her tears rolled in her eyes.    


"Alright, then I'll keep it!" Lan Yanxi lightly replied.    


"That's good. I will get someone to send you back. Be careful on the road!" Even though Ling Mofeng was reluctant to part with her, he had no choice but to send her away.    


"Okay." Lan Yanxi held the small box tightly and put it in her pocket. She lifted the tip of her foot and kissed the man's thin lips. Then she turned around and walked out.    


Ling Mofeng's long legs quickly followed her and the two of them went downstairs.    


Ling's mother and Ling Nuannuan were sitting on the sofa drinking tea. When they saw the two of them come down, their faces were filled with joy.    


"Sister-in-law, you're leaving now? Aren't you going to play for a while?" Ling Nuannuan directly told her of her reluctance to part.    


"I will come again next time. Warm up. Auntie, then we will meet again in the future!" Lan Yanxi said with a smile and waved her hand. She turned around and left in the car.    


Ling Mofeng stood at the stairs and watched Lan Yanxi's car leave.    


Ling Nuannuan was like a kitten and quietly wanted to pass behind him.    


However, the man grabbed the clothes on his back. His pitiful look made people want to laugh.    


"Mom, your son is bullying me again. Do you want to care?" Ling Nuannuan immediately shouted like a little chick that had exploded.    


Ling's mother looked at the siblings and said angrily, "No matter what, you guys go and settle it yourselves. Warm it. You really are. The first time Yanxi came to our house, you are already shaking up your brother's embarrassing matter. How can he raise his head in front of Yanxi in the future? Your brother is also someone who wants face!"    


Ling Mofeng stared at his sister with a fierce expression. "If Yanxi dislikes me, you will be guilty!"    


"Brother, we can talk about it. Don't do it, okay? Put me down. You can't hold me like this just because you are taller than me." Ling Nuannuan's desire to survive was very strong. She could yield and stretch.    


"Humph, you little girl. If I don't give you some face, you will not know the immensity of heaven and earth. Do you know what Yanxi will say when you see her in the future?" Ling Mofeng still liked to tease this little sister because she was sometimes really cute. She was the seasoning for a dull life.    


"I know, I know. I must say good things about you. That's okay." Ling Nuannuan immediately smiled like a lackey.    


"You know what's good for you." Ling Mofeng stopped at the right time and let his sister go.    


Ling Nuannuan stretched her arms. "She must be red. Humph, bad brother!"    


"I..." Ling Mofeng looked at this girl who did not give in and was so angry that he had nothing to say.    


Ling Nuannuan playfully made a face at him and turned around to run upstairs.    


Ling's mother looked at this pair of brother and sister who had not been peaceful since they were young and also did not have the strength to throw up. Let them mess around. They did not beat or scold like a family.    


Of course Ling Mofeng would not really be angry. He only felt that sooner or later this sister would meet someone who could cure her. He did not know when that person would appear and quickly took this little thing away to save him from worrying all day long.    


"Your relationship with Yanxi seems pretty good. You have to treat her well and not be as rude as before. Don't scare her!" Ling's mother still had to say a few words to her son. He was a man. His steel-like will and body, how could he know how weak a girl was? She did not feel at ease when she saw him pulling at her strength just now.    


Ling Mofeng was stunned and quickly apologized, "Mom, don't worry. I didn't use any strength just now!"    


"Yanxi saw that the tutoring was very good and also understood the general situation. Old Master Lan taught her well. Marrying our family as a daughter-in-law is actually also considered to have wronged others. Although you are Vice President now, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He does not lack your reputation. Instead, he is wholeheartedly accompanying you in acting here. Sigh, it really makes things difficult for a young girl like her." Ling's mother saw things very clearly, and it was precisely because she understood that she understood.    


Mom, I know all of what you said. I also remember that Yanxi is indeed a very good girl. I will cherish her. " Ling Mofeng had a sincere guarantee on his face.    


"Yes, politics. Your father and I can't help you much. You have to fight for it yourself. No matter if you win or lose, you are the proudest child of our parents. We will still stand behind you and support you." Ling's mother still felt sorry for her son. Now that the world was in chaos, he was fighting alone in the storm. It was indeed worrying, but she had to let him fight. Because he had already grown into an indomitable man. His empire needed him to fight for himself.    


"Mom, why did you suddenly say such sad words? Did you hear some bad rumors again?" Ling Mofeng could not help but ask.    


"How could I not hear them? But his mother didn't believe him. What kind of person are you? Mom and Dad know it the best!" Ling's mother answered with a gentle smile.    


Mom, Dad has retired. Don't meddle in politics anymore. Don't let people gossip. I will be careful. You must be at ease! " Ling Mofeng's current situation naturally worried his family the most.    


"Yes, Mom is relieved. I believe you can handle it well." Ling's mother's eyes were filled with hot tears as she nodded vigorously.    


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