President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1512 Pet You Do Not Discuss

C1512 Pet You Do Not Discuss

Yang Chuchu agreed. When Lin Anran left the door, the corner of her mouth curled up into a smile of success.    


The innocent look on Yang Chuchu's face that had not been tortured by life had inexplicably stung her heart. They were both women and at the same age as flowers. Why was Yang Chuchu able to live this kind of life but she was driven away by money and did it? None of it was anything she liked.    


This kind of inequality made Lin Anran's heart twist.    


Some people were born to be jealous. However, if Yang Chuchu was accidentally slept by a man tomorrow night, Then would her fairytale princess life come to an end?    


When it was dark, Yang Chuchu was ready to go home.    


She asked her assistant to drive to the supermarket. The two of them dressed in low profile and pushed the shopping cart to buy things.    


"One day, I will leave entertainment industry and be his wife in peace." Yang Chuchu suddenly said emotionally as she reached out to pick up the ingredients.    


The assistant was shocked and looked at her anxiously. "Chu Chu, don't think about it. Your career is at its peak now. How can you say something like that? I will have a heart attack."    


Yang Chuchu could not help but be amused by the assistant's words. She turned the packaging in her hand and looked at the production date carefully. Then, she gently put it in the shopping cart. "I am leaving early and returning late. We have only met for a short time in a day. Now that we do not have children, it is nothing. " If we have a child in the future, I definitely won't be able to be separated from the child for too long. I want to give them all the time. "    


"Chuchu, how old are you? Why are you talking about children? Look at the popular female star in the circle. Which one of them will have a child before the age of thirty? I think you can start with your careers first before you consider the matter of children." The assistant tried to persuade her anxiously. She truly did not wish to lose such a good-tempered superior. She could even find him with a lantern in her hand.    


"I can wait, but he can't wait. He's almost 30 years old. " I can't leave too many regrets for him. " Yang Chuchu let out a breath. Don't look at how young she is. She is thinking far away.    


No matter how much Luo Jinyu did for her, she would give it back to him. In her future life, other than her mother, he was the most important person.    


"Boss Luo doted on you so much. He will definitely do everything for you. Giving birth will make women grow old very quickly. Chu Chu, why don't you think about it a little more? You are so popular now. You need to produce a few more good works." The assistant lady was even more enthusiastic in persuading him.    


Yang Chuchu looked at her and could not help but shake her head and laugh. "Don't worry. If one day I really make a decision and step out of the circle, I will definitely find you a better person to rely on!"    


"I... I did not mean that!" The assistant lady immediately blushed.    


Yang Chuchu saw through it and did not say anything. She picked and chose along the way and bought two big bags of things.    


When they got home, it was already dark. After Yang Chuchu got her assistant to help send the food upstairs, she planned to make some dishes first and wait for the man to come back to cook.    


Around 7: 30, Luo Jinyu returned in a hurry.    


Inside the black suit was a gray shirt. It had a noble and mysterious temperament, and it was filled with the calm aura of a superior.    


Yang Chuchu was wearing a pink apron and a white sweater with a low collar. Her long hair was tied loosely behind her head, and her lower body was a pair of slim jeans. This dress was pure and beautiful. Even the family had become warmer and more romantic because of her existence.    


"The company is temporarily occupied. I could have come back earlier." Seeing her move in the kitchen, He quickly took off his coat and threw it on the sofa. He walked towards her wearing only his shirt and pants.    


"Hey, don't hug me. I wet my apron when I was washing the vegetables." The man's long arms reached out naturally, but the girl quickly stepped back. Her pretty face was smiling and her eyebrows were curved.    


Luo Jinyu's footsteps paused for a moment. In the next second, he took a step forward without caring about anything and held her face. His thin lips couldn't wait to kiss her.    


Her breath was too sweet. Wasn't the man running all the way back just to crave for this moment's beauty? How could a little bit of water hinder his interest?    


Yang Chuchu was held by his face and kissed. Her pretty face was shy and her head also lowered.    


"We haven't eaten yet. Don't be in a hurry to do things first!" The girl's shy manner had a different kind of charm. It made the man breathe heavily and laugh softly.    


"Are you not willing to satisfy me just a little?" The man's voice was low and hoarse with a hint of mockery.    


Yang Chuchu then looked up and could not help but laugh, "I am not unwilling. Didn't you see that I just lifted the tip of my foot to cooperate with you?"    


"Cooperate with me on my shoes. You are getting more and more lazy." The man reached out to brush the thin hair hanging down her ear. He could not do anything to her.    


"Who told you to grow so tall? If I don't step on you, I don't know how many times my neck will break!" The girl muttered softly.    


"What nonsense are you talking about!" The man was speechless. He reached out and pushed her aside a little. "Don't move. Let me do it. You're not made of this material!"    


"Luo Jinyu, don't you think I am stupid? I have seen you cook something for so long, but when it is my turn to cook it, it doesn't taste good no matter how I cook it." Yang Chuchu was very distressed. She really wanted to share the burden, but she was so clumsy that she did not even know the difference between salt and sugar.    


"It doesn't matter. A family doesn't talk about two families. There are benefits of being stupid. I like your stupid look!" Luo Jinyu could not help making fun of her.    


"Are you praising me or scolding me?" Luo Jinyu asked. Yang Chuchu stared at him as if she was playing a game.    


Luo Jinyu laughed this time. His laughter was as low as wine, making Yang Chuchu's pretty face turn even redder.    


"Chuchu, of course I'm praising you. Don't let your imagination run wild." The man quickly comforted her.    


Yang Chuchu said angrily, "I'm not that stupid. Can't you tell that I'm a bad person? You are looking down on me!"    


"Alright, don't be angry. How do you not know how I feel about you?" Luo Jinyu panicked and tried to comfort him with a gentle voice.    


Yang Chu Lin was obviously messing around with him. After getting his comfort, her mood became better.    


"Luo Jinyu, do you have time tomorrow night?" Yang Chuchu had her hands behind her back. Her beautiful eyes blinked as she looked at him and asked.    


"What's wrong?" she asked. You want to ask me out?" The man couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.    


"Yes, I want you to accompany me to a friend's birthday party!" Yang Chuchu said with a smile.    


"Which friend of yours has a birthday party?" Luo Jinyu was stunned for a moment and asked curiously.    


"She is a new female star in our company. She is a good person. She will teach me a lot like a sister who knows her heart. She invited me. If I don't go, I am afraid it will hurt her heart." Yang Chuchu actually did not really love these lively occasions. But when Lin Anran invited her for the first time, if she refused, it would probably hurt the harmony between them.    


"If it is someone from the same circle as you, is it appropriate for me to go?" Luo Jinyu did not refuse, but he felt that it was somewhat out of place.    


"You are right. You are so handsome. What if other women take a fancy to you? Wouldn't that be my loss? " Yang Chuchu immediately joked.    


Luo Jinyu bent down to wash a fresh fish. When he heard her words, the fish slipped away from his hands. He quickly grabbed it. The fish angrily waved the fish and splashed his handsome face.    


The man was a little embarrassed, but Yang Chuchu covered her mouth and giggled. In the next second, she quickly used her sleeves to wipe his face. "What? Did I scare you?"    


"Chuchu, are you kidding me? You know I won't call another woman." Luo Jinyu was not scared. He was upset and wanted to sulk.    


Only then did Yang Chuchu realize that she had made a big joke. She quickly comforted him, "Alright, I shouldn't have said that to test you. Then do you want to come over?"    


"If you want me to go, of course I will. I am very happy that you are finally willing to introduce me to your friend." Luo Jinyu said with a smile.    


"Really?" Yang Chuchu knew he would not object.    


"Of course it is true!" Luo Jinyu immediately expressed his sincerity.    


Yang Chuchu's beautiful eyes scanned his face. Then she thought for a few seconds with her hands behind her back. "How about you come over and pick me up when I am almost done with the fight. I will introduce you to them and we will leave."    


The man's handsome face stiffened. Didn't they say that they would introduce her to a friend? Why did they ask him to leave when he was leaving?    


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