President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2061 Who Could be More Ruthless than Him

C2061 Who Could be More Ruthless than Him

Li Jingwen was like a lost dog, homeless. She couldn't help but feel sad. Why did she force herself to this step? But she didn't regret it. It was the most painful thing to not get what she wanted. Li Jingwen found a corridor by the river and laid down on a chair.    


Suddenly, two drunk men walked over with bottles of wine. They saw Li Jingwen lying on the bench. The two men let out disgusting laughs. "Beauty, you're alone? Do you want your brothers to accompany you?"    


"Get lost." Li Jingwen wasn't in the mood to deal with such a man right now. She just wanted to be quiet for a while.    


"Heh, your temper isn't small. You're just a woman lying here, aren't you trying to give us men a chance?" After the two men finished speaking, they started laughing smugly. One of them quickly rushed over, wanting to take advantage of her.    


Li Jingwen raised her leg and kicked fiercely. She got up and slapped the two men more than ten times.    


The two men were slapped until their ears and faces were swollen, but they couldn't resist. They were drunk and very miserable.    


"Your dirty hands aren't worthy of touching me. Get lost." At this moment, Li Jingwen's heart was already twisted. She tore and roared, making the two men so scared that they could only run for their lives.    


Li Jingwen didn't want to lie down anymore. She looked in the direction of the Bind Family not far away, and she had to continue walking.    


Her phone was no longer usable. Li Jingwen directly threw it into the sea not far away. She only had one thought in her mind right now: to die together with Ji Tingyan, or to let Bind Ting accompany her to the afterlife. The two of them had to have someone to accompany her.    


Li Jingwen gritted her teeth with hatred and quickened her pace.    


That night, Ji Tingyan felt very short. She hid in a man's embrace and soon, the sky lit up.    


When Bind Ting woke up and packed her things, Ji Ting Yan lay on the bed and watched. This scene made her feel even more reluctant.    


It was over. It seemed like she really couldn't leave this man.    


When Bind Ting turned around and saw that she had woken up, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he smiled and walked to the bedside to sit down. "You should sleep for a while longer. It's still early."    


"Bind Ting." Ji Tingyan was like a child who didn't feel safe. She pulled his palm and buried her face in his palm. Her lips gently touched his palm.    


Bind Ting felt an intense current of electricity surge from his palm to his heart. It quickly spread through his limbs and bones, soft and numb.    


"What's wrong?" The man reached out with his other hand, gently and dotingly caressing her long hair, "Is it because you can't relax and leave me?"    


The man had guessed what was on Ji Tingyan's mind. She was stunned. In the next second, she immediately sat up and glared at him with resentment. "Do you want to abandon me just because you know that I can't leave you?"    


Bind Ting looked at her with a confused expression. This sudden accusation made him not know whether to laugh or cry.    


"Xiaonai, what are you talking about? How could I be a man who has been abandoned from beginning to end?" As Bind Ting explained, he felt that his tone was similar to unfaithful man's. His back was straight and he wanted to show his sincerity.    


When his love reached its depths, he could not hide his emotions anymore. Ji Tingyan leaned back into his arms again, threatening him with a compromising attitude. He said, "Bind Ting, if you dare to find a woman outside, I will find ten. I will not lose to you."    


Bind Ting's mind went blank. He hurriedly pushed the woman in his arms away. He gripped her shoulders tightly with both hands and locked his gaze on her. "If you dare to find me, then try."    


Ji Tingyan was only trying to scare him, but she never expected him to have the expression of wanting to eat her up. His gloomy expression matched his overbearing gaze. Ji Tingyan only felt a chill on her back as she hurriedly struggled to get back into his embrace, but the man supported her shoulders and did not let her lean against him.    


"I don't dare. I'm saying that if you start, I'll follow you. No matter what you do, I'll do it as well. I definitely won't lose to you. " Ji Tingyan knew that there were some things that she had to say. In case someone didn't know what was going on, she would dare to say it even in the face of someone who was about to be eaten by him.    


Biting Ting was about to explode from anger. These words were spoken quite smoothly. Could it be that she had rehearsed them countless times in her heart just to challenge him?    


"Then what if you were the one who started first?" Bind Ting firmly believed that he wouldn't do anything that would harm her, but this woman was like a golden branch and jade leaf. If one day she got sick of it and her thoughts changed, that would be the thing he didn't want to see the most. He would go crazy.    


"I won't." Ji Tingyan said with absolute certainty, "I only want you alone."    


Bind Ting's heart felt like it was being roasted by her. Only when he heard her say this did he throw it into cold water and return to his calm state.    


"Xiaonai, you really know how to torture people." Bind Ting possessed her body and directly kissed her lips. Ji Tingyan's beautiful eyes widened as she hurriedly tried to push him away, but the man's kiss became even tighter, not allowing her to escape even an inch.    


Ji Tingyan's mind went blank. She hadn't washed up yet. It was over. Her image.    


However, the man didn't seem to mind at all. He pestered her, blocked her, and charged forward. If he dared to say those hurtful words, he would never forgive her.    


In the morning, Ji Tingyan's legs were still sore, and she had no strength. She angrily glared at the man. Just now, he was like a storm, making her unable to retaliate. Sigh, looks like it's best not to provoke him in the future. Otherwise, she would end up like this, her legs shaking as she descended the stairs.    


Bind Ting told his mother that he was going to send Ji Tingyan back. Bind Mother naturally agreed and had prepared a gift for her to bring back.    


After dinner, Bind Ting drove Ji Tingyan to the airport. At the same time he went to the airport, he called Wang Cheng and asked her to hurry over and cooperate with him. Wang Cheng was a famous hacker, so he was quite good at finding people.    


A black car drove past Li Jingwen. She sat in it. She sat in a noodle house and ordered a bowl of noodles. She stared at the exit of the villa district and saw Bind Ting driving a car that he often drove out. Her heart felt a sharp pain. Sure enough, he was nervous and wanted to send Ji Tingyan away.    


Li Jingwen was so angry that she almost broke her chopsticks. If Ji Tingyan left this city, then she might not have the chance to hurt her again. Bind Ting, in your eyes, she is the treasure, right?    


Just as Li Jingwen was about to fly into a rage, she suddenly heard a piece of news on the television next to her. It was a video of a local tycoon being killed and buried on the uninhabited island. Among them, Liu Tian was sitting in the interrogation room in a dispirited manner, explaining the details of the crime and revealing his helper. Thus, there was also a piece of news about Li Jingwen escaping. Her picture was clearly printed in front of the screen. Li Jingwen's heart finally started to panic.    


She had clearly only fallen in love with one person, but in the end, she became a fugitive and became the target of everyone's beating.    


After eating a few mouthfuls of noodles, Li Jingwen lowered her head, put on her hat, and quickly left.    


She didn't want to be caught, she would rather die.    


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