President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2156 Have Been Wrongly Accused

C2156 Have Been Wrongly Accused

Qin Rou Rou could be considered a veteran actress. When the Qiao family came, she had specially painted a sickly face for herself. The corners of her mouth were white, and her face was frighteningly white. It looked as if she had lost half her life.    


"Was it really Anan's doing? I'll go talk to her right now. " Qiao Dawei was nice to his daughter, but now that she had poked his son, Qiao Dawei could not let it go just like that.    


"Da Wei, I'll go with you. I want to curse this ignorant wretched girl to death. Watch how she harmed Rou Rou." At this moment, Old Madam Qiao was also extremely angry. She wished that she could slap her granddaughter twice.    


"Mom, don't go. Stay here with Rou Rou. I'll go." Qiao Dawei said and was about to leave.    


"Hey, Old Qiao," said Qiao Dawei. Why don't we just forget about it? Anan didn't do it on purpose. She just hates me too much. " There is a reason why she hurt our child when she found out that I took everything from them. She was afraid that she would fight for your fatherly love when the child was born. I understand all of this. " "Qin Rou is pretending to be a good person now. She is not pregnant in the first place. Now, she has schemed against Qiao Anan. She was so happy that she had solved two problems at once.    


"Rou, you are still soft-hearted. Your kindness will only make the girl more lawless. Dawei, go to her now and ask her to kneel down and apologize." The old lady could only see the kindness and tolerance of Qin Rou in front of her. Therefore, she hated Qiao Anan even more.    


Qiao Dawei left with a dark face. He went straight to the place where Qiao Anan and her daughter lived.    


At that moment, Qiao Anan knew that she had caused trouble. She was shivering in fear. She ran home and told her mother the whole story.    


"Mom, I didn't do it on purpose. " Actually, I didn't push her. I don't know why she fell. " Qiao Anan carefully recalled the chaotic scene. She only remembered that she was protecting her phone. It was Qin Rou who grabbed her arm tightly. She just wanted her to let go, but she suddenly fell backward.    


"Anan, calm down. Don't be afraid. The vixen's child is gone. It is her retribution for all her evil deeds. Don't be afraid. No matter what, Mom will help you settle it." Zhang Xiuying felt sorry for her daughter when she saw her daughter's pale face.    


Qiao Anan realized that her mother seemed to have really changed. She became even calmer when she encountered trouble.    


"Mom, if that child..."    


"The child shouldn't have been born. Hmph." Zhang Xiuying was also resentful. She did not realize that her daughter had done something wrong.    


Qiao Anan was still feeling guilty. For a moment, she was out of her mind.    


The mother and daughter had been waiting at home for more than two hours. When they heard the knock on the door, Zhang Xiuying opened the door and Qiao Dawei walked in. He could not help but slap Qiao Anan when he broke up.    


"Qiao Dawei, are you crazy? You have never hit Anan since you were young." Zhang Xiuying immediately protected her daughter and glared at Qiao Dawei angrily.    


Qiao Dawei was also angry. He pointed at Qiao Anan angrily and said, "I can forgive you for whatever mistakes you have committed since you were young, but you have caused a life today. I cannot spoil you."    


Qiao Anan was slapped on the face, but she did not say anything. After all, she also thought that she had hurt a life.    


"Qiao Dawei, the vixen is carrying a life. Isn't Anan? If you kill her, I will fight you to the death. Do you believe me? " Zhang Xiuying's tone was aggressive. She made Qiao Dawei lower his hand.    


"What resentment do you two have? Just come at me. I am the one who wants to divorce. This has nothing to do with Rou Rou. Don't go and find trouble with her anymore." Qiao Dawei looked at the mother and daughter and scolded angrily. "Ha, Qiao Da Wei, do you think that Qin Rou is really a weak and easy to bully kind woman? Let me tell you, she only has a seductive face. How dark is her heart? I'm afraid you haven't seen her before." Zhang Xiuying ridiculed back.    


Qiao Dawei was even more furious. He said angrily, "In short, you can do whatever you want. If you dare to find trouble with her again, don't blame me for being ruthless."    


Qiao An saw that her father was completely bewitched by Qin Rou. She could not help but say, "Dad, why don't you ask me about the entire process? Could it be that she wasn't wrong?"    


Qiao Da Wei finally calmed down and asked sternly, "How did you guys fight?"    


Qiao Anan had no choice but to tell the truth. Qiao Dawei stared at his daughter in surprise and said, "Soft won't say that."    


Qiao Anan sneered and said, "I have a lie. I will die a horrible death if I am struck by lightning."    


Qiao Dawei frowned when he heard his daughter swear such a venomous oath. He said angrily, "Alright. Don't talk nonsense. Rou must be pregnant. She must be in a bad mood. That's why she said such things to anger you."    


"Qiao Dawei, I have thought it through. Anan and I will not interfere in your affairs anymore. Don't come to our trouble. Leave now." Zhang Xiuying suddenly realized that Qiao Dawei was a bad old man now. Why would she waste her remaining years for an old man like him?    


When Qiao Dawei heard Zhang Xiuying's heartless words, he was shocked and in disbelief. One should know that not long ago, when they divorced, she had begged him to not leave. It had only been a short while, but she had no attachment to him at all.    


"Zhang Xiuying, we are husband and wife. Don't make it too ugly. I know what kind of person Rou Rou is the most. As long as you don't cause trouble for her, she will definitely not come to you." Qiao Dawei said with absolute certainty.    


Qiao Anan sneered and didn't say anything.    


Zhang Xiuying mocked, "Then go back and take good care of your gentle and kind wife. Anan and I will live better than you."    


Hearing Zhang Xiuying's mockery, Qiao Dawei suddenly felt upset. He had no choice but to turn around and leave.    


In the car, Qiao Dawei lit a cigarette and spat out a few mouthfuls of smoke.    


It shouldn't be like this. Zhang Xiuying's mental state was completely different from before. Moreover, she seemed to have become more elegant and beautiful.    


"Mom, thank you." Qiao An looked at her mother and suddenly burst into tears. Although she was a second-year student, she had not suffered much since she was young. The slap her father gave her just now suddenly made her understand that her mother was her biggest reliance.    


Zhang Xiuying touched her swollen cheeks with heartache. "Anan, I know you are doing this for Mom, but don't provoke that woman in the future. She is not easy to deal with."    


"Yes." Qiao Anan nodded.    


Qin Rou left the hospital at night and went home with a large bag of medicine. Once she got home, she lay still. Looking at her son playing with toys in the room, Qin Rou was so worried that she could not calm down.    


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