President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1392 Money Can't Send Him away

C1392 Money Can't Send Him away

The man was absent-minded. One sentence caused Lan Yanxi's brows to furrow. She also answered him in a low voice. "If I can't handle it, then I'll switch to someone else to handle it... Wu!"    


Lan Yan Ran originally wanted to regain 10% of his face, but how could he not have time to complete his sentence before he was forcefully seized by the man's thin lips. He did not want to hear every word that followed.    


His thin lips were warm and his attacks were tough. There was no room for Lan Yanxi to continue to display her strength. Her lips were about to be swollen from the kiss. When she finally wanted to catch her breath, the man still tried to trap her. She could only move her body backwards to escape, but her back was against the back of the sofa. She could not escape.    


"Please let me go!" Alright, she admitted that she had said something wrong and angered him. However, she could not torture her like this. Lan Yanxi could only surrender to him. There was nothing she could do. She could not defeat his shamelessness.    


Ling Mofeng laughed out loud. He looked at her big eyes that were flashing with sincerity. Only then did he have the feeling of conquering her. He snorted lightly. "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't forgive you."    


"How can I speak nonsense? It was clearly you who forced me to say that. I can't be bullied by others. I can't resist, right?" Lan Yanxi recovered a bit of strength and continued to argue.    


"Sharp teeth, sharp mouth!" Ling Mofeng scolded her with a laugh. He then stood up from her body. "How are you doing in the Lan Family? You only work the day after tomorrow. Why are you in such a hurry to move to my place? Does your grandpa have a problem with that?"    


"It's just that I'm not doing very well. I didn't go anywhere. I just stayed at home to eat, drink, and sleep. It's suffocating me!" Lan Yanxi also stood up from the sofa, full of resentment.    


"Don't tell me you secretly ran out. Does your grandfather know?" Ling Mofeng seemed to be worried that Old Master Lan did not know. He still respected Old Master Lan. Whether he could get his granddaughter or not, he still had to make the decision.    


"Don't worry. I discussed it with my grandfather. He has no objections." Lan Yanxi quickly patted his shoulder and said with a smile.    


Ling Mofeng was relieved, but then he thought of something. "Did your two uncles make things difficult for you? I heard that your Second Uncle and Third Uncle are also friendly on the surface and are secretly competing with each other."    


"It's their business if they want to fight for it. I don't want to get involved. How can they make things difficult for me in front of Grandpa?" Lan Yanxi replied with a sullen expression. When mentioning these two uncles, she was annoyed. They were already so rich. She really did not know what they were still fighting for. The money was enough for them to spend several lifetimes.    


"They are fighting for the management power of the company. You have your father's shares. Do you think they will let you go if you don't get involved?" Ling Mofeng reminded her with a frown.    


Lan Yanxi was suddenly speechless. Indeed, even if she wanted to stay out of it, it was impossible. Unless she handed over the shares and completely gave up the property of the Lan Family, she was not a fool. Why should she give up the money in her hands?    


"Ling Mofeng, if you save me, I will split my money equally with you." Lan Yanxi started to dig a hole for him again and discussed with him with a smile.    


"I don't want your money!" When Ling Mofeng heard that, his Adam's apple rolled. Why did this woman still treat him like this? Did he take a fancy to her because of the money?    


"Other than money, I'm dead. Don't tell me you want my life?" Lan Yanxi immediately asked jokingly.    


"I want your people. Don't you know that you are also a priceless treasure?" Ling Mofeng deliberately used his gaze to look at her from head to toe. His gaze was indeed somewhat passionate.    


Lan Yanxi could not endure his hot and spicy gaze and quickly turned her back. "Marry me. Marry me. I am your person."    


Ling Mofeng knew that she was shy and could only walk over and hug her from behind. His thin lips pressed against her shoulder as he muttered. "Okay, I will marry you. I will not marry you!"    


"It's really numb. Mr. Vice President has to keep his word!" Lan Yanxi was shaking. She was not used to this kind of nonsense, but this man's words hit deep into her heart and made her feel at ease. She did not know if it was because she did not like it or because she was not used to it.    


"Yes!" The man's thin lips lightly bit the root of her ear and let go of her. "Let's go upstairs and help you tidy up your things!"    


"Is Mr. Vice President free today? Can you accompany me until tonight?" Lan Yanxi looked at him happily and asked.    


"Yes, I will accompany you to dinner before leaving!" Ling Mofeng said as he carried her suitcase and walked up.    


"Let me carry one."    


"No need!"    


How could a man let her do it?    


Ling Mofeng put down the heaviest one in Lan Yanxi's bedroom. "What's in here?"    


"My dowry. Let me show you!" Lan Yanxi squatted down and opened it. The sunlight reflected in the window. The whole box was full of shiny things that blinded people's eyes.    


Because there were too many boxes, Lan Yanxi did not wrap them one by one. Instead, they were all packed together. This was the reason why she was so shocked.    


Ling Mofeng's brows slightly raised. He squatted down and reached out to take a piece. "It is indeed more valuable than gold. Your dowry is too generous."    


"This is all the jewelry I have had since I was young. I have never used some of them before. When we have a daughter in the future, I will give all of them to her." Lan Yanxi said a little cockily.    


"Okay, but are you sure you want to let me have them? It's so precious. Aren't you afraid of losing it?" Ling Mofeng was speechless. Did this woman trust him so much?    


"How could she lose it? The Vice President's office is safer than anywhere else. There are five or six guards outside the door. Who would dare to come in and steal it?" Lan Yanxi said proudly and closed the box again. I don't care. I will leave it here. It is not safe to leave it in Lan Family. My two cousins can take whatever they want. This is worse than stealing. "    


Ling Mofeng saw her angry face and could only nod. "Okay. If you trust my family, just leave it here. I promise I won't lose anything again."    


Lan Yanxi was finally happy. "Help me tidy up that box of clothes. I will also tidy up the things in this box. It is too messy."    


"En!" The man nodded.    


The two of them worked together, but the rate was higher.    


However, Lan Yanxi was like a miser, competing with her box of jewelry. As a man, Ling Mofeng was a little embarrassed.    


When he opened the box, his breath stopped for a moment. He forced himself to swallow his saliva and reached for the lace clothes. He hung them up with a hanger.    


"Pink..." Ling Mofeng's thin lips curled into a smile as he muttered to himself.    


For some reason, Ling Mofeng looked at these clothes and inexplicably thought of how she looked like when she was wearing them. Immediately, his blood surged and he felt depressed.    


No, he could not let his imagination run wild anymore.    


Immediately after, Ling Mofeng saw her pajamas again. They were faint blue in color and were very light and soft in texture. Furthermore... they were suspenders.    


Ling Mofeng took a deep breath. What was he doing? That woman must be trying to make things difficult for him.    


Alright, he was just helping his fiancée tidy up her clothes. He couldn't let his imagination run wild. He was a gentleman.    


Ling Mofeng comforted himself with all kinds of self-comforting words, but his handsome face still turned red.    


When Lan Yanxi walked in, she saw the man holding her clothes helplessly. She did not know where to hang them.    


"Let me do it!" Lan Yanxi came over to help him out of good intentions.    


Ling Mofeng passed it to her, but Lan Yanxi held the tip of her foot and wanted to hang it on the top row, but her altitude was not high enough, so she could not hang it no matter what. The man just reached out and easily hung it.    


Lan Yanxi turned around and saw that the man's hands were already on the bar of her hand, and the petite her was once again locked in his arms.    


"It's almost done. Thank you!" Lan Yanxi randomly found a topic to talk about.    


Otherwise, the atmosphere would be too intense. She would be sweating behind her back.    


"How do you plan to thank me?" The man suddenly asked her in a hoarse voice.    


Lan Yanxi's eyes immediately widened as she looked into his eyes. It was over. This man was really rude.    


She was just saying polite words, but he actually asked for a gift.    


"Let me cook dinner..."    


"I've already ordered someone to send it over. You don't have to do it!" The man whispered into her ear.    


"Then you can choose one of the jewelry outside..."    


"I am a man!" Ling Mofeng interrupted her again.    


Lan Yanxi's words sounded like it was true. Even money could not get rid of him. What did he want to do?    


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