President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1722 Her Embarrassment

C1722 Her Embarrassment

The woman beside him fell asleep peacefully, but Ji Xiaohan could not sleep. Perhaps it was because of the strange bed, or the emotions surging in his heart, that he was still clear-headed on this early summer night.    


The man gently pulled away the arm that was resting under the woman's head. The woman whispered softly and turned her body to the other side, as if she was angry.    


Ji Xiaohan's thin lips curled up. He had really spoiled this woman. It was just a small request that did not satisfy her. Even sleeping in his dreams was a small complaint.    


However, this feeling of being relied on by her was what Ji Xiaohan wanted the most.    


He gently got up from the bed and looked at the sleeping Tang Youyou with a gentle gaze. He was afraid that he would wake her up.    


Ji Xiaohan took a pack of cigarettes from the side and put on a gray robe. His tall figure flashed past the stairs and went downstairs.    


When the two bodyguards outside the door heard the noise, they immediately pushed open the door and came in alertly. When they saw Ji Xiaohan, they greeted him respectfully and softly, "Sir is not asleep yet."    


Ji Xiaohan took two cigarettes and handed them over. "Thank you for your hard work."    


The two bodyguards were immediately flattered. They took the cigarettes with both hands and answered with a face of honor, "It is not hard. It is our honor to be able to work for Sir."    


Ji Xiaohan knew that they were loyal to him. Of course, he had never mistreated the people around him. That was why he had such a firm relationship with the emperor. That was why everyone could be more united and protect this stable life together.    


"Where are you going?" The bodyguard asked.    


"No, I'll just sit here for a while." Ji Xiaohan took a bottle of cold beer from the cabinet next to him and opened the lid.    


The two bodyguards knew he liked silence, so they left the room for him.    


Ji Xiaohan lay on the sofa and took a sip of the beer. It was cold to his throat and made his thoughts clearer.    


Looking back on the past year, he felt that he had waited a long time, but in the shortest time, he had enjoyed the best life. His wife, children, mother, and even his most naughty younger brother had become his wife's father. The death of his grandfather had dealt him a huge blow. The new life that was about to arrive had given him endless expectations.    


Ji Xiaohan closed his eyes and raised his thin lips with a satisfied smile. If there was a time recorder, he would definitely buy one and record all these beautiful things.    


He hoped that the days would go on peacefully like this. There would be no more waves and no more harm.    


When he was young, he would dislike being ordinary. He would not complain that his life was not exciting enough, that he had not enjoyed himself to the fullest, that he had not taken any risks or challenges. However, when he found true love and had a continuation, he discovered that any sort of adventure would cause one's heart to palpitate. On the contrary,    




Lan Yanxi was already two months pregnant. God knew how much suffering she had suffered. She had always thought that her body was still considered healthy, but when she    


Why was pregnancy so torturous? Apart from Ling Mofeng by her side, she felt that the entire world was gray. She could not lie down, could not sleep well, and even broke out in cold sweat. She was like a patient who could not get up every day.    


At dusk, colorful clouds filled the sky. The entire city was enveloped by the multicolored light. Lan Yanxi sat on the rocking chair outside the door and stretched out her hand to stroke her smooth lower abdomen. She suddenly felt a little bored. She turned around and returned to the living room. She took a pillow and stuffed it directly into her dress. Her flat lower abdomen suddenly became tall and she could not help but straighten her back when she walked.    


She was like a penguin as she walked around the living room, feeling the appearance after the month was old.    


Suddenly, she turned around and saw a tall figure standing on the steps outside the living room.    


"Ah!" She screamed. In the next second, she turned around and took out the pillow from her stomach. She held it in her arms and turned around angrily. She stared at Ling Mofeng, who was standing quietly outside the door.    


"You... When did you come back?" Lan Yanxi was very angry when she saw her embarrassment. It was as if Ling Mofeng owed her money. She questioned him angrily.    


Ling Mofeng had a black coat on his arm and his tie was removed. His white shirt had two necklines open. He stood there with an air of poise. It was simply the most charming scene in the evening.    


The man could not help but smile when he was questioned by her. "I just came back. What's wrong? You don't welcome me back?"    


"Why didn't your car drive in?" Lan Yanxi still felt stifled in her heart. She must have seen her funny face just now. It was really too embarrassing.    


"I didn't let them drive in. I was afraid that it would disturb your rest. I came back alone from outside." Ling Mofeng still explained gently.    


Lan Yanxi wanted to say something, but she felt like she could not say it. In order to not disturb her, he walked so far back. How could she bear to scold him again?    


"What were you doing just now?" When Ling Mofeng asked, he could not hide his smile.    


Lan Yanxi immediately turned her back and patted her pillow, forcefully explaining, "Nothing. I was just tidying up the sofa."    


"I saw it." The man felt that she was really too cute pretending to be silly. He could not help but want to tease her.    


"You... Damn it!" Lan Yanxi threw the pillow in her hand.    


The man was good. He caught the pillow and carried it to her. His eyes were full of gentleness. "What is it? Are you shy? What are you afraid of? I'm your husband. No matter what you do, I won't laugh at you."    


You still can't deny it. You're clearly laughing. " Lan Yanxi was so angry that she stomped her feet.    


Ling Mofeng gently reached out to brush her messy hair by her ear and explained in a low voice, "I am smiling because you look very cute. It's not because your actions are funny, you know?"    


"I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Lan Yanxi did not want to hear his explanation. It would be best if he forgot everything he saw.    


When Ling Mofeng heard her words, his eyes became anxious. His long arms were about to turn around in an instant, and she hugged him tightly. Her thin lips pressed against her shoulders and she sighed softly, "Yanxi, you and I are still strangers."    


Lan Yanxi was actually not very angry. She just felt that she could not keep her face. Doing this kind of foolish act in front of the man she loved the most, she really felt that it was very childish.    


"Ling Mofeng, I am going to have a child in the future. Will you dislike me?" Lan Yanxi felt very safe being hugged by him like this. She did not struggle anymore and started to talk nonsense.    


Ling Mofeng's dark eyes were stunned. He was confused by his question. "Why would I dislike you? Don't worry. Even if I have a child, you are still the one I love the most."    


"But what if my figure changes after I give birth? I become very, very, very fat." Lan Yanxi added a group chat with babies and saw some embarrassing things about them blowing themselves up. She suddenly became very flustered.    


Yanxi, men like women who are more plump. " Ling Mofeng's face was full of desire for survival.    


"I'm not saying that they are plump. I mean they are very fat." Lan Yanxi tried to argue with him.    


"Yanxi, the meaning of marriage is for two people to accompany each other until they grow old. If you become fat, perhaps I will also become fat. I do not dislike you, so don't dislike me." Ling Mofeng smiled bitterly. He really had no way to give it to her. However, he just needed to show his attitude.    


"Then... I heard from the baby mother in the group that after giving birth, the couple's lives will be affected. Do you hate me again?" Lan Yanxi did not feel safe at this moment. Only in front of Ling Mofeng did she dare to talk about these private topics directly.    


"No. You don't believe in yourself, but you should believe me." The man suddenly smiled. Moreover, he smiled proudly.    


Lan Yanxi blinked her beautiful eyes and suddenly understood. She clenched her fist and punched his chest. "Stop coming. I don't want to believe you."    


The man hugged her tighter and also laughed.    


"What are you looking at at at home every day now? If you're really that bored, why don't you come with me to the office building? You can find something to do by yourself. " Ling Mofeng did not know whether to laugh or cry. She must have had nothing to do now.    


"Yes, I will go with you tomorrow. It just so happens that the charity donation thing that I did before is about to come to an end. I want to go and see the situation." Lan Yanxi nodded and promised to go out with him tomorrow.    


"Okay. I will make dinner tonight. What do you want to eat?" Ling Mofeng nodded. He came back so early to make dinner for her personally.    


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