President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1738 Because He Was Afraid

C1738 Because He Was Afraid

Yang Chuchu originally wanted to immediately record a live broadcast to clarify this matter on the Internet. She would rather use all of her firepower on her than let anyone destroy her beloved man bit by bit. To her, it was extremely painful.    


However, after listening to Luo Jinyu's words, Yang Chuchu felt a lot more at ease. She flipped to the video of the few people who recorded the live broadcast apologizing. Seeing that they could be considered to have sincerely apologized, this matter could be considered to have been flipped over.    


A white car drove to the entrance of the Luo's Group. Zhu Yu’er wore sunglasses and a hat and got out of the car. She pressed the brim of her hat so low that she did not have the face to see anyone.    


In fact, she was so ashamed that she did not have the face to see anyone again. Because of her own selfish desires, she did such immoral things and repaid kindness with hatred. If it was anyone else, they would feel very guilty.    


Zhu Yu’er came to the front desk and requested to see Luo Jinyu. The receptionist at the front desk saw her avoiding eyes and immediately dialed the CEO's assistant office. After a while, she got permission.    


"Boss Luo is willing to see you. Go up." The receptionist could not believe it. Ever since Boss Luo had a lovely wife, he usually did not see any unfamiliar beautiful women, but what was going on today?    


He actually let this woman go upstairs. Could it be that Boss Luo was going to have a wedding change?    


Everyone's imagination was wild. They were very interested in Luo Jinyu's personal feelings.    


Zhu Yu’er took the elevator directly to the floor of the CEO's office. The person waiting for her was Luo Jinyu's assistant.    


He had a cold face and his voice was full of anger. "Zhu Yu’er is? You still have the face to see Boss Luo?"    


"I came to apologize to him. Please take me to him." Zhu Yu’er said in a low voice.    


Of course, her assistant would take her to see Boss Luo. She would feel ashamed in front of Boss Luo.    


Zhu Yu’er lowered her head and walked into Luo Jinyu's office. As soon as she entered, she felt the atmosphere in the office was very low. It was like the pressure before the storm, making it difficult for people to breathe.    


She looked up and saw the man sitting on the big black chair with a cold face. His eyes were full of anger, but more than that, he looked down on her.    


That's right, Zhu Yu’er felt contempt. It was like the cold and emotionless gaze of a superior species looking down on the lower class species.    


Zhu Yu’er shivered in her heart. She did not expect it to be like this. She thought that at least Luo Jinyu would be angry at her and scold her. He would be angry.    


But this man who was colder than an iceberg in front of her made her feel at a loss. She felt like she could not raise her head.    


"Jin Yu, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have let them hurt your reputation." Zhu Yu’er still forced herself to open her mouth. She had to apologize.    


"Ha!" The man laughed. Then, he got up but his back was to her. He looked out the window. "The last time we met was at a dinner party. I even specially greeted your boss to let him promote you well because I think you are outstanding. But now, you disappoint me. Zhu Yu’er, why did you do this? What's the point?"    


Zhu Yu’er saw that he finally questioned her for the reason. Her tears fell like rain and she started to cry. "I know you are actually thinking for me. It is my fault. I am too greedy. Perhaps my method is too extreme. " But my feelings for you are real. I like you. "    


"You clearly know that I have a wife. You say you like me? Do you think I will betray her? " Then if I really betray her and turn around to like you, such a terrifying and dissolute man, will you really be at ease to marry me? " Luo Jinyu turned around and sneered coldly. He felt that her thoughts were too ridiculous.    


Zhu Yu’er did not expect him to say such words. She looked at him in a daze. She felt that he was high and mighty, but she also felt that he had the charm of a man. Moreover, it was the kind of temperament that gave people a sense of security.    


"I... I did not think that much. I only know that I like you." Zhu Yu’er answered stiffly. She really did not think that much. She did not even think that Luo Jinyu really gave up on Yang Chuchu and turned to look for her. How could she grasp his true feelings?    


Women were sometimes overconfident and seduced a married man to be with her. She always felt that she could grasp the other person. She was the terminator of men's love, but when a man met the next woman and kicked her away ruthlessly, she would wake up. A dog can't change eating sh * t. How true was this sentence?    


The kind of person who wanted a man to give up his original wife to marry you and truly love you was like winning a prize. The probability was very small.    


"You didn't think that much? But you want to sow discord between me and Chu Chu, Zhu Yu’er. Perhaps my understanding of you is limited to the year we were classmates. I don't want to know what kind of changes have happened to your state of mind over the years. But from now on, I don't want to see you anymore. You can leave." Luo Jinyu looked at the sobbing woman in front of him. He really couldn't feel any sympathy for her. Instead, he felt that her face was somewhat repulsive. Beneath her beautiful appearance was a twisted heart.    


"Jin Yu. ... Please don't do this to me. I know I was wrong. I will repent. Can we still be friends? " I promise that I won't dare to delude myself with you in the future. You are right. I like you because you have a man's sense of responsibility, responsibility, and a woman's sense of security. Maybe I'm being too extravagant. I shouldn't have been so greedy. I... "    


Luo Jinyu did not want to hear her continue. He interrupted her. "I will not pursue this matter with you. But you should behave yourself in the future. Let's go."    


Zhu Yu’er's body was stiff and cold. She stood where she was as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.    


She had really overestimated the relationship between her and Luo Jinyu. She thought it was as thick as wine, but in reality it was as light as water.    


The man was chasing her away, so it was not good for her to continue being an eyesore here.    


"I'm sorry." Zhu Yu’er said one last sentence and turned around with her heavy legs.    


Luo Jinyu felt even more annoyed. Some women were too self-righteous.    


Zhu Yu’er walked out of the elevator in a daze. Her eyes were dull and her feet were floating.    


After this incident, she should really reflect on herself. She should see what cards she still had and how she was going to play them. In fact, her current situation was much better than many women. Her starting point was also high but she was seeking death. She could not let her cards be completely destroyed. Being pointed at by the man she liked really made her feel like she was holding a kettle.    


Zhu Yu’er had just walked to the entrance of the building when she saw a beautiful figure walking down from a black car.    


It was Yang Chuchu.    


Yang Chuchu also saw her and her face instantly froze.    


Zhu Yu’er stood there and sized Yang Chuchu up. She was young and beautiful and at this moment she was slightly perching her belly. It seemed that she was pregnant for more than four months.    


All the feelings rolled in her heart. Jealousy, as if she did not have the qualifications. Jealousy, she was not willing to accept it.    


Yang Chuchu directly walked in front of her and coldly asked, "Why are you here?"    


Zhu Yu’er laughed self-deprecatingly. "I came to apologize to him."    


"Did he forgive you?" Yang Chuchu felt that her actions were unforgivable.    


Zhu Yu’er's body stiffened and she shook her head. "No, he will not forgive me. He will not forgive me for the rest of his life."    


"Then are you very disappointed?" Yang Chuchu felt better. If Luo Jinyu could forgive her, she would be very upset. She might even suspect that they were up to something.    


"What's the use of being disappointed? Maybe some things are destined. You can get it easily. I will only use all my means to make fun of you." Zhu Yu’er said this with a sour tone.    


Yang Chuchu did not deny it and turned around to leave. She was too lazy to waste any more time with her.    


Zhu Yu’er also had nothing to say. She opened the car door, sat in and drove the car away.    


Yang Chuchu came to Luo Jinyu's office. The man's face was still ugly but when he saw her come in, he relaxed a little.    


"I met her downstairs. Did you tell her clearly?" Yang Chuchu walked over lightly and asked him.    


Luo Jinyu also got up and walked around the desk. He walked in front of her and looked at her gently. "Of course, you have to tell her clearly."    


"Thank you for caring so much about our relationship." Yang Chuchu was touched from the bottom of her heart.    


"Not only do you care, but you are also scared. I am afraid that because of anything, you will leave or doubt my feelings for you." The man mocked himself and revealed his thoughts.    


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