President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2188 Timely Awakening

C2188 Timely Awakening

Qiao Anan turned back and stared at her coldly. "I'm just giving you back the injury you inflicted on my mother and my daughter. Why? You can't take it anymore?"    


Qin Rou froze. She suddenly realized that Qiao Anan was taking revenge on her.    


In the elevator, Luo Beiyuan looked at the girl beside him. She finally relaxed. It seemed that he had put up a good show for her today.    


"Luo Beiyuan, thank goodness you are here. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the courage to scold her today." Qiao Anan tightened her grip on his arm and leaned her face close to him.    


Luo Beiyuan smiled gently. "I am your support. You can lean on me if you want to."    


Qiao Anan nodded. She felt that the sky had opened a window for her when she closed the door. The window could see the light of hope.    


Qiao Dawei's company suddenly improved. A few orders that were about to be lost suddenly came back for no reason. The money chain was running again.    


Qiao Dawei himself felt that time had come for him. He was overjoyed and sped up the operation of the company. He was no longer in the mood to be entangled with Qin Rou as he left.    


On the other hand, Old Madam Qiao had recently fallen ill and her grandson had been taken away by Qin Rou. She had not seen him for many days. She was thinking very much. Adding on her age, she was so angry that she went    


After Qiao Da Wei finished his work at the company, he rushed to the hospital late at night. When his younger brother and sister saw him, they heaved a    


As the head of the family, Qiao Da Wei was very responsible. There were benefits that never left his younger brother and sister. Of course, as the elder brother of his son, he was responsible, but he was not a good husband or father.    


"Dawei, Dawei, where is Xiao Xuan? Have you found him? "Quick, bring him to me. "I want to see him." The old lady woke up and saw her eldest son. She immediately grabbed his arm and said excitedly.    


Qiao Dawei looked at his mother's aged appearance and felt his heart ache. But he could only shake his head and tell the truth, "Mom, I didn't find Qin Rou or Xiao Xuan. Don't worry, when the company stabilizes, I will definitely send more people to look for them."    


"Forget about Qin Rou. She can go wherever she wants. I only want Xiao Xuan. He is the grandson of our Qiao family. We can't let her take him away." The old lady said angrily. She hated Qin Rou, this woman with a different expression.    


"Okay, I won't look for Qin Rou again. I only want my son." After this series of attacks, Qiao Dawei no longer had a good impression of Qin Rou. Now, he only wanted a son.    


"Brother, where's Anan? Mom has been in the hospital for two days. Why doesn't she even show her face? What kind of granddaughter is she?" Qiao Dawei's sister immediately rebuked him.    


"Anan is going to school. It's normal that she doesn't have time to come. Just take care of Mom." Qiao Dawei suddenly realized that his contempt for the mother and daughter had caused the entire family to look down on them. He felt a sharp pain in his heart.    


How could he have the face to look for them now?    


The crisis of the Qiao family's company had been resolved, and Qin Rou had disappeared. His father had come to look for his mother in the middle of the night. Qiao Anan seemed to have a glimmer of hope in her life.    


She knew that Luo Beiyuan had brought her hope. He was like a lamp that lit up her life. When she fell into the darkest corner, he reached out his hand in time and grabbed her tightly.    


Qiao Anan was not a ungrateful person. On the contrary, she felt that no matter what she did, she would not be able to repay the help Luo Beiyuan had given her.    


In the afternoon, Qiao Anan was teaching in the classroom. Her phone vibrated and a message came.    


Her heart skipped a beat. Somehow, she was looking forward to it. Therefore, she secretly took a look. As expected, it was sent to her by Luo Beiyuan.    


Today was actually his birthday. Qiao An's beautiful eyes were slightly shocked.    


Why did she only tell her now? She was not prepared at all.    


Qiao Anan had suddenly become the target of everyone's attention because of the business crisis of the Qiao family's company. Of course, Qiao Anan would not care about such things.    


However, some people could not wait to come over and hit her when she was down.    


Qiao Anan made a bold decision to skip class.    


Qiao Anan had never thought of that before. She had always been determined to be a good student, but today was a special day. She had to prepare a birthday present for Luo Beiyuan.    


After class, Qiao Anan carried her backpack and quickly slipped out of the back door.    


However, as soon as she came out, she saw Liu Ruyan and Fang Qing walking slowly toward her with a cup of milk tea in each hand.    


Because their majors were different, they had no classes at the moment.    


They were good friends who used to talk about everything, but now they looked at each other like enemies.    


Qiao Anan was a little sad, but it was an indisputable fact.    


Fang Qing looked at Qiao Anan, and her eyes turned cold. However, she still walked over and greeted her.    


"Anan, don't you have classes in the afternoon? Where are you going?"    


Qiao Anan had to explain, "I have something urgent at home. I'm taking a leave of absence."    


"It can't be that your family is really bankrupt, can it? I saw on the news that your father was sued and about to be arrested." Fang Qing had a gossipy expression as she asked a sharp question.    


Qiao Anan's face turned ugly. She forced a smile. "Nothing will happen to my dad. Thank you for your concern."    


Liu Ruyan suddenly walked over with a sneer. "Qiao Anan, stop pretending. Don't you watch the news? Your father owes the bank several hundred million yuan. If he can't pay it back, he will be locked up for sure."    


Qiao Anan looked at Liu Ruyan's malicious smile and said coldly, "Since my family owes so much money, fine. Shouldn't you pay me back the five hundred thousand I lent you last time?"    


Liu Ruyan's face stiffened. She regretted mentioning this matter. She could only play dumb. "What 500,000 yuan? What are you talking about? I don't understand."    


"Are you trying to deny it? Those people wanted to capture you and sell you. I paid them back for you. Liu Ruyan, you should be more conscientious. Don't think that you can deny it without evidence." Qiao Anan was no longer soft-hearted this time. She would fight back if anyone tried to hurt her.    


"Yuyan, do you owe her money?" Fang Qing suddenly felt that there was a good show to watch.    


Liu Ruyan immediately said with a dark expression, "I don't owe her money. Let's go."    


Qiao Anan was furious when she heard that. She grabbed Liu Ruyan and said, "Liu Ruyan, don't even think about leaving until you make it clear."    


"What did you say?" Liu Ruyan threw her hand away and screamed in anger, "Qiao Anan, don't push yourself too far! I don't owe you anything. You helped me willingly. You said that. I don't need to pay you back this money. You're the one who doesn't keep your word. You still have the nerve to say that I'm cheating. "    


Qiao Anan's eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe that Liu Ruyan could even say such shameless words. She had underestimated her.    


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