President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2154 Qin Rou Is Panicking

C2154 Qin Rou Is Panicking

"I helped you. How are you going to thank me?" Luo Beiyuan looked at her curvaceous face and felt his heart itch.    


Qiao Anan walked up to him openly. She lifted the tip of her foot and kissed him on the face. "Does that count?"    


"Not enough." Luo Beiyuan liked her initiative, but he preferred to take the initiative to ask for it.    


Before Qiao Anan could react, he lifted her chin. Her warm lips had sealed her breath. She moaned and gave up resisting.    


At noon, Qin Rou did not stay idle either. She brought some desserts and pastries to the company. Now, everyone in the Qiao family's company knew her. They knew that she was going to be Mrs. Qiao soon. Naturally, they were clients to her, but behind her back, they were still talking about the shameless face of her mistress.    


Qin Rou had a faint smile on her face. Now that she was being honest, she raised her head and walked into the elevator with her chest out.    


Just as she arrived at Qiao Da Wei's office, she happened to see a young female assistant walk out. She looked a little flustered. Qin Rou's eyes narrowed and she quickly pushed open Qiao Da Wei's office Inside, Qiao Da Wei was leaning against a chair with a relaxed expression. Qin Rou, who had pushed the door open, was shocked. She opened her eyes and saw that it was her. She immediately stood up. "Why are you here?"    


Qin Rou looked at Qiao Da Wei's temple, which seemed to be slightly red. She immediately stared at him and asked, "Who was that little vixen just now? What were the two of you doing alone in the office?"    


Qiao Da Wei heard her sharp voice and immediately said with some dissatisfaction, "What are you yelling about? She just saw that I was tired and wanted to press my temple. Don't make a big deal out of it."    


"Ha, asking a young girl to massage your temples? Old Qiao, don't think that I don't know what she's up to. I don't care. You have to fire her immediately. Otherwise, I'll ignore you." Qin Rou was still angry at the young lady. In the past, she had used this move very effectively. She believed that it would be useful today.    


"Stop messing around. I'm still upset. If you don't have anything to do, go back quickly." Qiao Dawei was starting to get impatient.    


Qin Rou's eyes widened as she stared straight at him and asked, "Are you going to say goodbye to her? Old Qiao, you can't have really changed your mind, right? We are going to get married soon. How can you do this to me? "    


"Am I not good enough for you? For you, Zhang Xiuying and I have divorced. Qin Rou, do you know what kind of situation I am in now? Can you stop for a while and let me calm down?" Qiao Da Wei suddenly roared at her. His anxiety had probably reached its peak in the last two days. He just happened to want to find someone to vent his anger.    


Qin Rou's face turned pale and her entire body turned cold. She just stood there in a daze, unable to react for a long time.    


Qiao Dawei looked at her frightened expression and also realized that his temper just now was too fierce. He waved his hand. "Alright, you can go home. I might be a little busy during this period of time, so I can't care about you. You just have to take care of your family."    


"Old Qiao, you're mean to me? You've never been mean to me for so many years." Tears of grievance immediately streamed down Qin Rou's face.    


"Alright, the company's orders have been blocked. The capital chain is about to break. It's not that you want to cry now, but that I want to cry. There are thousands of people in the company. They are all waiting for my salary to support them. Hurry up and go back." Qiao Da Wei originally did not want her to know about this matter. After all, he still loved her and did not want her to worry.    


"What? The company is in danger? Is it serious?" Indeed, the tears on Qin Rou's face immediately stopped. Nothing could make her more anxious than the company's accident.    


Yes, very serious. If it is not handled properly this time, the company will face bankruptcy. " Qiao Dawei looked at her seriously and did not seem to be joking.    


Qin Rou's heart suddenly hung up. She was so afraid that she could not breathe. She tightly grabbed Qiao Dawei's hand. "Then what should we do? Do you have a way to solve it? Old Qiao, you must have a solution. "    


"If I had a way, I wouldn't be so stressed out." Qiao Dawei had a helpless expression on his face.    


Qin Rou stared at him, her heart in a mess. If something really happened to the company and it went bankrupt, Qiao Dawei had become poor, or he owed a few hundred million yuan in debt. Then what would she do? She had relied on him for the rest of her life.    


"It's my fault, Old Qiao. Please forgive me. I didn't come here to throw a tantrum. I just want to care about you." How could Qin Rou care about the three or four children? She only wanted Qiao Dawei to quickly think of a way to save the company.    


"I know. It's very tricky this time. I don't know who is targeting me. I'm trying to think of a way. You can go back." Qiao Da Wei finally felt comfortable.    


Qin Rou did not dare to continue. She looked back at Qiao Dawei three times at a time. When she took the elevator downstairs, her hands holding the bag were shaking. She had gambled her whole life. If Qiao Dawei went bankrupt, she really didn't know what to do.    


When Qin Rou thought about how she couldn't continue living the life of a rich lady, it was as if she was going to kill her. It made her suffer terribly.    


She was not in the mood to eat afternoon tea anymore. She had to go back and think about what was valuable. It was best to take away some of it first in case something unexpected happened.    


The incident of the Qiao Group having a broken financial chain quickly attracted the attention of the media. In an instant, the Qiao Group became the core of the news.    


When Old Madam Qiao heard the news at home, she was also very angry and anxious. However, she was an old woman. She knew nothing. It was useless to be anxious.    


"Soft. Didn't you have connections before? Can you think of a way to help Da Wei? We can't let anything happen to the company." The old lady suddenly found Qin Rou and wanted her to help.    


Qin Rou was packing up her valuable jewelry when she saw the old lady suddenly appear. She was shocked.    


"Mom, aren't you making things difficult for me? I don't have any connections. My little career is not worth mentioning at all." Qin Rou immediately complained.    


When the old lady heard that, she immediately felt that there was no hope and her face fell.    


"Rou Rou, Old Qiao's career is in danger. You should cool him down." The old lady felt that Qin Rou really loved Qiao Dawei. She would definitely do her job well.    


"Mom, I'm pregnant now. It's very uncomfortable." As Qin Rou spoke, she immediately pretended to vomit. The old lady had no choice but to say no more and turned to leave. A trace of displeasure appeared in Qin Rou's eyes. She had come for money. She had no money. How could she be gentle?    


In a teahouse, Zhang Xiuying had also heard that Qiao Shi was facing a crisis. She stopped drinking tea and sat next to her only good friend, who was also a divorced woman. The two of them were now in the same situation, so they asked each other out to have a chat.    


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