President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2049 Love Unleash

C2049 Love Unleash

Junrong was embarrassed. All right. He just wanted to ask about the birth of a child in the future, so he nodded honestly.    


Tang Yixin scolded him, "Idiot."    


Bind Xun was happily waiting to share his future with her, but he didn't expect to receive a light scolding. He was stunned once again.    


Tang Yixin pursed her lips and smiled. When a man was stupid, he looked quite cute.    


"I'm serious." Bind Xun was a little annoyed. He wrapped his long arm around the woman's waist and exerted a lot of force. Tang Yixin sat on his sturdy leg, and Tang Wei sucked in a deep breath.    


"Aren't you afraid that I'll beat you up?" When Tang Weixin discovered that this man was overbearing, he had an astonishing strength. She pretended to be angry and asked him.    


"Beat me up, I want to kiss too." After saying that, Bind Xun's large palm pressed against the back of her head, pressing her entire body towards herself. His other hand also forcefully lifted her chin, and his thin lips accurately obtained her lips.    


Tang Yixin felt her mind go blank, and she forgot what she was about to say. All that was left was the man's burning hot breath.    


Tang Yixin's entire body trembled slightly. The man's hand gently stroked her waist, and she felt an astonishing heat on her body. She could not help but reach out to hook his neck and immerse herself in it.    


Bind Xun's eyes darkened. The woman in his arms was already as soft as a sponge, so he directly picked her up horizontally and walked towards the direction of the bed.    


Just as Tang Yixin's back was pressed against the softness of the bed, she became a little more clear-headed. When the man was about to press down, she directly stretched out her hand and placed it between them. Panting lightly, she said, "Don't stay in your house. Tomorrow, we'll find a hotel."    


Bind Xun's blood was boiling. Hearing her words, it was as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him, and he also woke up.    


"Alright, I'll let you go first." Bind Xun knew her persistence, so he could only endure it for now.    


Tang Yixin reached out and pinched his handsome face. Then, she went down and lightly hit a certain part of the man's face.    


"Un." The man's low and deep groan showed how uncomfortable he was feeling at this moment.    


Tang Yixin laughed, feeling proud of her bad behavior. When Bind Xun saw that she had done it on purpose, he did not want to be outdone and immediately attached himself to her, leaving a mark on her beautiful neck.    


"You..." Tang Yixin quickly reached out and covered the place where he kissed. There was no need to think, with his strength just now, these two places were probably red.    


"Good night, remember to dream about me." Bind Xun retreated with an evil aura. His voice was low and charming.    


Tang Yixin was so angry that she couldn't laugh. It seemed that she had met her opponent.    


That night, the sun rose in the blink of an eye. Early in the morning, everything in the Bind family seemed to be in order. Bind's mother got up very early and prepared breakfast with her aunt. Then, her two sons went downstairs and their future daughter-in-law came down to chat in low voices. A warm day began when the family had finished their breakfast.    


"Brother, did you bring Xiaonai to the island last time? I want to bring Yixin to take a look today." When Bind Xun opened his eyes, he was planning another exciting day.    


Tang Yui Xin's actions of drinking milk stopped for a moment before she pursed her lips and chuckled.    


"We've been there. You guys can go and play. There are quite a few of our childhood memories there, but the changes are too great. We can't find our original appearance." Bind Ting worked outside all year round, so he didn't return home many times throughout the year. Thus, the changes in this city made his memories a bit blurry.    


"That's right, the entire world is improving. Its development will definitely not stop at its original state." Bind Xun was also starting to feel a bit jealous. Fortunately, his memories of his childhood were still very clear.    


"Brother, where do you plan on going to play?" Bind Xun asked curiously.    


"I want to take Xiaonai to see the wedding dress and the wedding ring." Bind Ting had already thought about this matter, but he never mentioned it. Since he was free today, it would be nice to go and take a look in advance.    


Ji Tingyan's beautiful eyes were filled with surprise. Soon after, she laughed. "Alright, I want to take a look too."    


When the Bind Mother saw that her two sons had their own thoughts, she was extremely happy. After eating breakfast, she called her two sons over.    


"Here, take it. This is a gift prepared by mother." The Bind Mother had prepared a large sum of money for her son. It was meant for them to get married and have children. Now, it was put to good use.    


"Mother, what is this? Give us money again?" Bind Xun looked at the bank card in his hand helplessly.    


"There's some money in here. Take it and use it. Don't think it's too little. I know that both of you don't lack money, but as a mother-in-law, I can't be so petty. Take it." Mother Bind had a resolute expression on her face.    


The two men looked at each other and silently accepted it. "Thank you, Mom."    


The Bind Mother looked at her two sons with gratification. They were tall and handsome. She had cultivated for several lifetimes and had hoped for them to be by her side. They were going to have a family and a career. She had the face to see her dead husband. She could proudly tell him that their sons had not grown crooked and had become their pride.    


Bind Xun and Tang Weixin drove a car towards the dock. Bind Ting and Ji Tingyan prepared to eat lunch before going out. They preferred to sit at home. In the eyes of lovers, there was a scenery everywhere. This sort of greasy time was extremely blissful.    


Bind Family's yacht was tied at the dock, and Tang Weixin was even more slippery than Bind Xun. After circling the sea twice in the wind and waves, the two of them landed on the shore.    


It was rare for Tang Weixin to wear a sexy dress today. Her entire person seemed to have a sweet aura. If one judged her based on her appearance, others might not be able to guess her occupation. They would only mistake her for a proper teacher or a white-collar worker.    


Tang Yixin was good at disguising herself. Of course, this was also her talent and duty.    


Bind Xun led her on the limestone road on the island.    


Bind Xun brought a camera over with the intention of taking more pictures of Tang Yixin. Unlike other women, she didn't like taking pictures, and she didn't even have a single picture on her phone.    


"Take a better picture of me. Otherwise, I'll make you cry and delete it." A clear and gentle voice. Yet, she threatened him. This made Bind Xun not know whether to laugh or cry.    


Just who was going to cry today? He was really looking forward to it.    


"Don't worry, you're already pretty. No matter how you bid, you'll look good." Bind Xun's fondness for her was not purely due to her appearance. Her soul seemed to be even more charming.    


"Aren't you praising people's standards too low?" Tang Yixin complained, but her heart was as sweet as honey.    


Along the way, along the way, Bind Xun recorded her figure into the camera. When she was old, she would take it out and replay it. She would definitely feel as if she had lived a lifetime.    


Not far away, there was a five-star hotel. Bind Xun's eyes lit up. He directly held Tang Yixin's hand and walked towards the hotel lobby.    


Tang Yixin really did not expect that she would follow her boyfriend to do such a thing. However, this seemed to fit her style.    


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