President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C2012 Mania of Longing

C2012 Mania of Longing

Po is dead, the higher ups order Tang Yixin to finish the job quickly to prevent more casualties from happening, order to suppress the body, it is hard for Tang Yixin to shirk her duty, Therefore, everything became very urgent.    


Ji Tingyan had been sleepless for two days at most, and she had been suffering from insomnia in the middle of the night. She wanted to search online for some news about the location of Bind Ting, but found that there was no actual report at all. She became even more anxious and anxious.    


However, she couldn't say what was on her mind. She didn't want her parents and big brother to worry. Her big brother only thought that Bind Ting was working there, but he didn't know the true use of    


Ji Tingyan really wanted to tell her big brother about the matter and request his help to save someone, but in the end, she suppressed her impulse. She should believe in Bind Ting.    


He's going crazy." Ji Tingyan paced back and forth in her room. In the past, she loved this warm bedroom the most. When she felt the sunlight and cool breeze coming through the window, she would be in a good mood all day long. She could draw as she pleased. However, at this moment, her mind was empty. She couldn't calm down. Her heart and soul were completely occupied by Bind Ting. Unless he returned safely and stood in front of her, only then would she be able to return to her true self.    


"Big Sister, who is Bind Ting?" Suddenly, a mischievous little face peeked in from outside the door. Ji Siyi asked her with a mysterious expression.    


"Little Yi, where did you hear this name?" Seeing her younger sister, Ji Tingyan quickly stood up and dragged her younger sister into the room.    


"I saw it with my eyes. In the mirror in your room, you wrote this name with lipstick and drew it with love. Is she your sweetheart?" Ji Siyi laughed even more proudly.    


"You..." Ji Tingyan turned around and ran into the bathroom. As expected, she forgot to erase the words she wrote when she woke up in the morning.    


She quickly wiped them away gently and saw her younger sister standing behind her with her hands behind her back, looking at her with a smile. "Shh!" Ji Tingyan made a gesture of silencing her.    


Ji Siyi instantly became nervous, her eyes wide open as she waited for her older sister to resolve her confusion.    


"Little Yi, you're not allowed to mention this name to your parents." Ji Tingyan looked at her younger sister with a serious expression.    


"Why? Unless older sister tells me the secret." Ji Siyi mischievously blinked her eyes.    


It doesn't matter if I tell you. I do like him very much. Unfortunately, he is currently very far away. I don't know when he will return. " Ji Tingyan revealed a hint of courage and disappointment.    


"Big Sister, no matter how far away you are, I can still get Big Brother to send you to see him. Go, I'll support you." This was the first time Ji Siyi had seen a look of worry on her big sister's face. She was stunned, and her heart ached. Her big sister had a strong personality, and anyone who could make her frown was definitely not an ordinary man    


"No, I want to wait for him to come back. If I go, I will make Ji Tingyan shook her head.    


"You're so sensible. Is it still considered as filling in the mess?" Ji Siyi muttered.    


"Xiao Yi, how are your studies? Do you have any plans after graduation? Do you want to go abroad to study?" Ji Tingyan looked at her younger sister's beautiful appearance and really hoped that she would meet someone she liked. No matter how independent a woman was, without a vigorous love, she could not be considered a complete life.    


"I'm thinking about it. I'll listen to daddy's arrangements. Anyway, I'll be happy no matter what. I won't let myself down." Ji Siyi said with a smug look on her face.    


"Mmm. Don't feel wronged. Live happily every day." Ji Tingyan couldn't help but laugh. With her younger sister's personality, no one could give her any grievance. Accept it. Even her little nephew had been teased by her until he jumped up and down. With such a thick-skinned personality, she really didn't know what kind of man she would find to fall in love with.    


Far away from the bustling city, after night fell, there were criminals who began to move about. Many people hid in their homes and did not dare to come out. Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night. Skelsen's son was kidnapped in a club. Once the news spread, Skelsen brought people out to find his son that night.    


Bind Ting looked at the young man who had been kidnapped. He looked like Skelsen. It was all thanks to the information that Tang Yixin had provided him. Even he hadn't found out that Skelsen had an illegitimate child. He had two sons, one captured and the other dead. The eyes of the sixteen year old boy in front of him were already filled with ruthlessness. He kept threatening people with vicious words.    


Slap! Tang Yixin slapped over, and he instantly became silent. He was ruthless, and Tang Yixin's eyes were even more ruthless. He was afraid. As expected, he was a weakling who bullied the weak and feared the strong. He began to cry in fear.    


"Don't use him to lure your ears. Skerson will definitely appear. I'll be the sniper. I'll blow his head off." Tang Yixin suddenly changed her mind because she didn't want to die now. She had promised Bind Xun that she would go out with him.    


When Bind Ting heard this, he felt that this method was feasible. However, he looked at Tang Yixin's injured shoulder, "You're injured. It won't affect you, right?"    


"Jack and I have both received professional training. With the two of us together, the success rate will be even higher." Tang Yixin said in a low voice.    


Jack nodded vigorously from the side. "Yes, I can."    


Bind Xun's heart was finally safe. He raised his thin lips and looked straight at Tang Yixin. His state of mind had already changed.    


"Tomorrow morning, let's take action and hang this grandson up. Don't look at his young age, he's not a good person. Our original plan was to capture him. If he doesn't die this time, we'll have to capture him again." Tang Yixin was afraid that Bind Ting would soften his heart. After all, he looked like a thin and weak youth.    


"I know, Skelsen's son. The heavens won't let him choose to be a good person." Bind Ting nodded.    


"When he was seven years old, Skelsen had him shoot dozens of traitors. Although they were all damn people, they didn't care about human lives. They were bloody and violent, and didn't conform to the rules of peace. They still had to eliminate them. Tonight will be a sleepless night. Everyone should rest early." As Tang Yixin finished speaking, she looked at Bind Xun, her eyes revealing a bit of a woman's shyness.    


Bind Xun's soul seemed to have been electrocuted. It was silent on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. Adults' feelings could be suppressed and silent like this, but there was a heavenly thunder and earthfire that was as fierce as fire.    


"Little Xun, you guys can go rest. I'll personally bring some people to watch over this place." Bind Ting said to    


"Mm, big brother, you guys be careful." Bind Xun knew that his strength wasn't here, so he could only return to his room early to sleep.    


Wang Cheng was still working. Recently, he had been obsessed with drones. In addition to his remote control of computers, he had become more and more confident and skilled. He had to ensure everyone's safety and vigilance. He wanted to return alive to see Cheng Yue, even if he was physically and mentally exhausted.    


"Wang Cheng, close your eyes and rest for two hours. Don't overwork yourself." Bind Ting ordered him in a low voice.    


Wang Cheng rubbed her eyes. "I'm not tired."    


"You're not going to listen to my orders?" Bind Ting looked at his dark eyes. He was really afraid that he would suddenly die.    


Bind Ting's physical strength was much stronger than his. They had all received professional training. Ordinary people couldn't do it, so he had to guarantee that Wang Cheng would be able to return alive.    


"Alright, I'll sleep for a while. Just a while." Wang Cheng's nerves relaxed, and she fell asleep in a few seconds. It could be seen that she was really tired.    


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