President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1691 The Identity of the Boyfriend

C1691 The Identity of the Boyfriend

The journey was long and dull. Ling Nuannuan held back her stomach and tried hard not to vomit. However, the scenery outside the window was so unfamiliar and the people around her were also unfamiliar. She suddenly felt that she was not as strong as she was now and her heart began to be weak.    


Ling Nuannuan held her phone and suddenly, she heard the sound of a text message from her phone. She quickly opened it and took a look.    


The uncomfortable feeling was like she had been cured. It was Mu Weicheng. Although it was just a simple sentence of concern and she wanted to know where she was, to Ling Nuannuan, this was the motivation for her to persevere.    


The sky gradually turned dark. After Mr. Driver got off the highway, he drove into a small town and stopped at the entrance of a hotel. Tonight, the car was not on the road. It had to stop here for a night and rest before leaving.    


Ling Nuannuan dragged a box of daily necessities out of the car. She took the documents and drove into the room. She was exhausted to the extreme.    


"Thank you!" Suddenly, she heard Xia Ninglan's voice from behind. When she turned around, she saw a boy holding her suitcase and pushing her into the elevator.    


Ling Nuannuan made some space and looked at Xia Ninglan. Xia Ninglan's relationship with Xia Ninglan was not too bad before, but at this moment, there was a complicated hostility in their eyes.    


Ling Nuannuan quickly looked away and heard Xia Ninglan say, "You guys were in the service area just now and you guys should not be full. How about I treat everyone to dinner after we finish setting things up? I am really happy to get to know you guys."    


"Ning Lan, you seem to have quite a lot of money at home, right? Why did rich girl run to such a remote area to teach? Her heart is really beautiful." The boy who helped her carry the suitcase immediately smiled and praised her.    


The other party believed that Xia Ninglan was rich because the items on Xia Ninglan's body were quite expensive. She wore more than three thousand shoes, a watch that was more than a hundred thousand yuan, and a backpack that was more than twenty thousand yuan. These were not things that ordinary people could afford. Therefore, Xia Ninglan's identity was confirmed through the things on her body. She must be the daughter of a rich family.    


In comparison, Ling Nuannuan was much more low-key. Her whole body was just a very popular brand and the price was very close to the people. Therefore, everyone felt that her family background should be lower than average.    


Sometimes, this society was so realistic that people would recognize her identity and status through an item on someone's body.    


"No, my family is just average." Xia Ninglan immediately became modest. When she said this, she looked at Ling Nuannuan with a guilty conscience. Because she had met Ling Nuannuan before, her family situation had also been told to Ling Nuannuan. She was not considered rich or noble, but could only be considered above average.    


Ling Nuannuan pretended not to listen to them and took out her phone to play.    


After entering the hotel, Ling Nuannuan first took a bath. When she was blowing her hair, she heard someone knock on the door. She asked, it was a few college students who came this time. She opened the door.    


"Ling Nuannuan, do you want to go down to eat something? Ning Lan said she wants to treat." One of them smiled and asked her.    


Ling Nuannuan shook her head. "I'm not going. I'm a little tired. You guys can go."    


They did not say much and went straight down. Ling Nuannuan could not help but scoff. Why did she not realize Xia Ninglan was so good at socializing in the past?    


It seemed that she really did not know much about her and she did not want to know more.    


Ling Nuannuan saw that there was a bowl of instant noodles in the hotel and she was planning to make noodles to eat. Just as she was boiling water, her phone rang. When she saw the caller ID, the corner of her mouth could not help but raise.    


"Hello!" She looked up and laid on the bed. Her voice was lazy and very moving.    


"Where is it?" The man's deep voice was full of concern.    


"It's in the hotel. I'm going to eat something and go to sleep. I'm so tired." Ling Nuannuan replied with a smile.    


"I'm already very tired after a long journey. Do you want to rest early?" Mu Weicheng's heart ached. He did not want to disturb her rest anymore.    


"No, I want to hear your voice and eat." Ling Nuannuan immediately stood up and turned on the hands-free phone. She was about to remove the noodles. Suddenly, Someone knocked on the door.    


Ling Nuannuan was startled and heard Lin Bo's voice from outside the door, "Warm, warm. Did you sleep? I packed a bowl of dumplings for you and also bought some fruits for you."    


Ling Nuannuan looked surprised and quickly walked over to open the door. Lin Bo was a little embarrassed and stuffed the thing in his hand over. "You must be tired today. Have some food and have a good rest. Tomorrow will be a long day."    


"Lin Bo, why did you buy so many things for me? Thank you so much. How much is it? I will pay..."    


"No need, no need. I just bought some. Hurry up and eat. You must be hungry." Lin Bo blushed and backed away.    


Ling Nuannuan could not help but look for her hair. She smiled unnaturally and said, "Thank you so much. I will treat you to dinner another day."    


"You're welcome!" Lin Bo saw that she accepted and immediately opened his door happily and went in.    


Ling Nuannuan carried the fruits and dumplings back to the table. When she saw that her phone was still on speaker, her brain exploded.    


"Mu Weicheng, are you still listening?" Ling Nuannuan quickly asked.    


"Yes, I heard it. Someone is very concerned about you. " The man's voice was no longer as gentle as before.    


Ling Nuannuan's pretty face became anxious and she quickly explained. "Don't misunderstand. Even if we are friends who came to charity together, we are still students in school."    


"Oh!" The man only responded with one word.    


Ling Nuannuan did not know. However, it sounded like Mu Weicheng was really angry.    


"He cares so much about you. When he gets here, I will treat him to a meal to express my gratitude." The atmosphere was silent. Suddenly, the man's voice came again.    


Ling Nuannuan was at a loss. When she heard his words, she burst into laughter.    


"Okay. But, what identity do you have to thank me?" Ling Nuannuan asked him with a smile.    


Mu Weicheng was silent for two seconds and answered, "As your boyfriend."    


"Really?" Ling Nuannuan was very happy.    


"Of course. Other than this identity, there is no other identity between us." Mu Weicheng suddenly became overbearing. Perhaps he had really been provoked a little, making him unable to hold back anymore.    


Ling Nuannuan smiled very happily. "Are you jealous?"    


The man was speechless.    


"No, I believe you." Mu Weicheng lowered his voice.    


Ling Nuannuan snorted. "You trust me, but I don't trust you. You probably don't know yet. Someone ran off to teach for you."    


"Who is it?" Mu Weicheng was surprised to hear this.    


"Xia Ninglan, do you remember her? "I don't know when she started to like you. " But this time she came over in the same car as me. Look at you. You really know how to mess with peach blossoms. I want to look down on you. " This was Ling Nuannuan's sincere words at this moment. She was really depressed.    


Mu Weicheng saw that she was angry and quickly explained, "You really misunderstood me. I have never expressed anything to her. I also do not know what she will do for me."    


"Alright, don't explain. I won't listen to you now. When we get there," she said. If you do well again, I will remind you that if you disappoint me, I will immediately buy a ticket and return home. I will never see you again in my life." Ling Nuannuan had a temper. She really could not stand her boyfriend. She could still give hope to other women.    


Mu Weicheng was shocked by her words. He quickly promised, "Please trust me. I really did not do anything wrong to you."    


"I will believe you for the time being." Ling Nuannuan said as she took a bite of the dumplings. She praised, "It smells so good. As expected, good food is the best comfort."    


Mu Weicheng was speechless.    


Ling Nuannuan ate and said to her phone, "Let's do this first. I want to see something. I'm hanging up." Mu Weicheng was speechless.    


Didn't he say he wanted to hear his voice and eat? It had only been a few minutes, but this woman had forgotten about it. Where was the basic trust between people?    


"Okay, go to bed early after eating." Mu Weicheng was concerned.    


"Got it." Ling Nuannuan immediately hung up. In the next second, she turned on a movie and enjoyed the delicious food while enjoying the visual impact.    


Mu Weicheng stared at the phone for a few seconds and then sighed.    


It seemed that he had overestimated the position in that little thing's heart. It could not be helped. Ling Nuannuan was still a child to begin with. He would tolerate all of her bad temper.    


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