President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1657 It's Not That Easy to Interrogate Her

C1657 It's Not That Easy to Interrogate Her

Tickle, just one word.    


Ling Nuannuan could not help bending over to scratch. She was about to scratch her skin, but she still felt itchy.    


If she had known that there were so many mosquitoes in the garden at night, she would not have sat there. It was too late to regret now.    


When the elevator arrived, Ling Nuannuan walked out with a bouquet of flowers. She saw that the man had already opened the door and he was leaning against the door. He had a tall figure and was lazy and casual.    


When he saw Ling Nuannuan, he immediately stood up straight. When he looked at her, there was clearly a complicated emotion in his eyes.    


"This is for you!" Ling Nuannuan immediately handed over the flowers in her hands. "I bought it casually on the way. I think it looks pretty."    


Mu Weicheng did not take her words. His pair of deep eyes stared straight at her. "Who is the boy who spoke to you in the library today?"    


Ling Nuannuan's pretty face was stunned. Her beautiful eyes blinked hard twice. "How did you know I was talking to a guy?"    


"Don't care how I know. You were chatting happily with him, right?" Mu Weicheng sounded jealous.    


"No. That person is a little strange. He drew a painting for me and said that he wants to be friends with me." Ling Nuannuan immediately explained. Her pretty eyes moved around the man's face slyly. Then, she giggled. "Mu Weicheng, are you jealous?"    


Mu Weicheng also thought that he was actually jealous, but when Ling Nuannuan asked, he froze. He quickly took the flowers in her hands and turned into the hall.    


Ling Nuannuan immediately followed in like a tail and closed the door at the same time.    


"Are you going to the library to find me? So when you saw me talking to him, you didn't come to look for me? " Are you angry? " Ling Nuannuan followed behind him and kept asking questions.    


"No!" Mu Weicheng had found a glass bottle and poured some water into it. He put the flowers she had bought into the bottle and kept them.    


"No," Chu Qing said. "How did you know I talked to Chu Qing? Do you still have the Thousand Miles Eye?" Ling Nuannuan laughed heartily as she spoke.    


Mu Weicheng turned around and saw the corner of her mouth. It was as bright as spring. He could not help but bite the root of his teeth. This little thing seemed very happy to see him jealous, right?    


Ling Nuannuan was not happy for three minutes when suddenly she felt an arm reach out from her waist forcefully. In the next second, she was carried up by the man. Before she could cry out in surprise, she sat on the high cabinet.    


"Ah, what are you doing? Put me down." Ling Nuannuan did not know whether to laugh or cry. Mu Weicheng was really bad. He actually threw her on top of it.    


"What did you guys talk about?" The man took three steps back and crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking like he was interrogating her.    


Ling Nuannuan did not expect this. Ling Nuannuan did not expect him to use such a method to interrogate her. She curled her lips and took out her attitude. "I won't tell you."    


"Say it again. " The man's voice was instantly suppressed.    


"I just won't tell you." Ling Nuannuan was not afraid that he would get angry. Her small face also turned to the side, looking like she wanted to fight him to the end.    


Mu Weicheng did not expect her to be so stubborn. His thin lips curled into a smile. "Okay. If you don't say it, stay up there."    


"Hey, Mu Weicheng, let me down. I'm going to break my leg. I'll be with you for the rest of my life." Ling Nuannuan immediately cried out in surprise and clenched her fists tightly.    


Mu Weicheng originally wanted to turn around, but when he heard her words, he stopped and suddenly turned his head to look at her. "Then tell me what you two are talking about."    


"Why do you want to know? If you want to hear it, just say something nice to please me." Ling Nuannuan was not a bullied person. She did not even want to bully her.    


"What nice words?" Mu Weicheng looked depressed.    


This girl did not know what it meant to please her. There were many ways for men to please women, and the one they liked the most was... to do some unspeakable things.    


"Think about it yourself, I won't give you any hints." Ling Nuannuan suddenly had the upper hand. Her two small bracelets were on her chest, and she even crossed her legs. However, she was only two seconds and the ticklish feeling on her legs started again. She could not help but reach out to grab it because she was sitting very high. When she reached out to grab it, her posture was somewhat ungraceful.    


Mu Weicheng was thinking about what to say when he suddenly saw her raise one leg and scratch it non-stop. She was wearing a school uniform and a short skirt. When she lifted her leg like this, the man's eyes instantly shook and he quickly walked over.    


"What happened to your leg?" As far as his eyes could see, there were several red lumps on her fair skin. It was obvious that they were bitten by mosquitoes.    


"I fed the mosquitoes downstairs for half an hour. They are so itchy. Do you have any medicine that can help me stop the itch?" Ling Nuannuan's pretty face was full of tears. She was really itchy to the point that she could not stand it anymore.    


Mu Weicheng immediately reached out to her. "I'll carry you down."    


"What? You're not going to interrogate me anymore?" Ling Nuannuan was the kind of person who was itching. She was let go. She still felt that she did not torture enough.    


Mu Weicheng looked at her speechlessly.    


Ling Nuannuan immediately threw herself into his arms with a smile. Mu Weicheng did not expect her to be so fierce. He thought she would be so scared that she would reach out her hand to him gently. He had underestimated her strength.    


Although Ling Nuannuan pounced on Mu Weicheng without any protection, the man was tall and strong. No matter how hard she tried to flap her arms, he could firmly catch her. Then, he gently put her down. "I should have some anti-itch ointment here. Wait, I will go and find it."    


"I will go with you." Ling Nuannuan did not want to wait in the living room alone. She followed behind him and entered a nearby booth. She saw the man open a drawer. After searching for a while, he took out a ointment.    


"Let's go outside." Mu Weicheng immediately said in a low voice when he saw her following behind him.    


Ling Nuannuan nodded and obediently ran to the sofa in the living room and sat down. She then reached out to him. "Give it to me."    


Mu Weicheng did not give it to her. Instead, he squatted down and knelt on one knee. He placed one of her legs on his knee and started to apply medicine for her.    


Ling Nuannuan did not expect that the man would do such a thing. She was stunned for a moment and looked at her leg on his leg. This feeling... was wonderful.    


"Ouch!" Ling Nuannuan was feeling a little lightheaded when she found that there was medicine applied on the broken skin. It was a little prickly and painful. She could not help but retract her leg. Her leg fell from the man's knee. The man's big palm firmly grabbed it. "Don't move."    


Ling Nuannuan could only endure it. Her pair of beautiful eyes were no longer focused on the small bag on her leg, but on the handsome face of the man who seriously applied medicine to her.    


Looking down from her angle, she could see the man's pretty nose with the former pair of heroic eyebrows. Her sexy thin lips could only be seen as a line, but it was still tempting.    


"I told Chu Qing not to draw my portrait in the future." Ling Nuannuan did not know what to say.    


The man's hand movements paused for a moment. He did not look up at her. He just hummed, indicating that he heard her.    


"I transferred to school because I came for you. Other than you, I will not have any ambiguous relationship with other people of the opposite sex." Ling Nuannuan was afraid that he did not hear clearly, so she emphasized it again.    


"Relationship?" The man could not help laughing. This girl knew a lot.    


Ling Nuannuan nodded vigorously. "Yes, I am very particular about relationships. I will never give other boys a chance. I hate trouble the most. I simply like you."    


Mu Weicheng's hand movements became gentler. When he heard her words, a smile flashed across his lowered eyes.    


"You are good at making trouble." Mu Weicheng deliberately mocked her.    


"I am not a troublemaker. It is not easy for someone else to come to me." Ling Nuannuan felt incomparably wronged.    


Mu Weicheng placed her other leg on his knee and continued to apply the medicine. "When you are in a strange circle, your normal behavior will become abnormal in other people's eyes. They want to assimilate you, but you insist on being yourself. This is something worthy of praise."    


"Are you praising me?" The smile in Ling Nuannuan's eyes instantly spread.    


"Forget it." Mu Weicheng did not admit it so quickly because he was afraid that she would be proud.    


"Stingy!" The girl pouted, a little unhappy.    


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