President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1647 Layered Suspicion

C1647 Layered Suspicion

The old man's heart stopped beating forever. There seemed to be no sadness on his face. Everything seemed so natural. The only sad thing was that those who were still alive had to bear the grief of those who had lost their loved ones.    


Lan Yanxi almost cried to death. She hugged her grandfather tightly in the rain. Cheng Yuan held an umbrella on her head and her heart was heavy and uncomfortable.    


Lan Yanxi did not accept this result. She hoped that her grandfather could still open his eyes and look at her.    


Just when Lan Yanxi was crying and lost her voice, a hoarse shout suddenly came from behind her, "Grandfather, Grandfather, what happened to you?"    


Lan Yanxi turned her head stiffly and saw Lan Lin running over with a bunch of white chrysanthemums in her arms and a stack of paper money in her hands. Her face was also full of grief and pain. She threw away the flowers and paper money and ran over. She tightly hugged the old man's arm. "Grandfather, what's wrong? Hurry up and open your eyes to look at me. We agreed that I would go and buy flowers. Wait for me here. What's wrong with you? "    


Lan Yanxi's gaze was stiff as she looked at Lan Lin who was crying even more sadly than herself. Listening to her words, her heart turned cold.    


Suddenly, she pushed Lan Lin fiercely and Lan Lin fell to the side. In the next second, Lan Yanxi also pounced over. She tightly grabbed Lan Lin's clothes and questioned hatefully, "It's you. It's you who caused grandfather's death. Why did you do this? What kind of heart do you have?"    


"It's not me. I didn't. It was Grandfather who insisted that I bring him to see Grandma. It really wasn't me. I never thought of harming him. Lan Yanxi, you can't say that to me. I am also very sad. Grandpa came here and asked me to buy flowers for him. He wanted to give them to Grandma. I can only drive to buy flowers. I really didn't expect it to be like this." Lan Lin covered her face and cried extremely sadly.    


"It's you, it's you!" Lan Yanxi clearly knew that Lan Lin did it on purpose but she could not get any evidence. This kind of feeling made her head ache.    


"I did not. I really did not do it on purpose. It was grandfather who asked me to send him here. It was also he who wanted me to buy flowers. How could I have known that grandfather would be like this? Grandfather said that his health was much better, so I believed him. If I knew that Grandfather alone could not do it, I would not go anywhere. " Really. " Lan Lin explained while crying. However, all of her explanations made it impossible for others to find evidence because the old master had already passed away.    


"Lan Lin, don't let me know that you are lying. Otherwise, I will kill you." Lan Yanxi stared at her hatefully and gave a warning in grief.    


Lan Lin's face was full of water droplets. She did not know if it was tears or rain but it rolled violently. She seemed to be very afraid and a little dazed.    


Cheng Yuan looked at Lan Lin. At this moment, she also felt sad and helpless. If Lan Lin fabricated a lie, who could expose her? If not, why would she leave the old man and leave to buy flowers? Who exactly bought this flower?    


Lan Lin rushed to the old man's side and cried non-stop. Lan Yanxi stood by the side and closed her eyes in pain. She was almost unable to stand steadily and her body swayed a little.    


Cheng Yuan took the phone and saved Uncle Yu's phone to make it easier for her to contact him. At this moment, she could only call and ask Uncle Yu to come over quickly.    


When Uncle Yu heard this bad news, he was sad and lost his mind. His eyes were filled with tears    


Lan Lin was crying so hard that she was dying. Her entire body was covered in mud and her hair was disheveled. It was as if she    


Lan Yanxi's tears had never stopped, but there was a feeling of pain that she wanted to cry but no tears flowed out. It was a feeling of grief    


More than two hours later, Uncle Yu rushed over with a few doctors.    


He did not know if the heavens had cried enough, but he did not know if it was because the heavens had cried enough. When they came up, the rain stopped. The dark clouds in the sky were dispersing. The surroundings became wide and bright. The washed tombstones had a new feeling. Everything felt sad.    


The old master was carried down the mountain by Uncle Yu. Lan Yanxi pushed her grandfather's wheelchair. Her footsteps were heavy and her heart was sad.    


Lan Lin was still crying loudly. She blamed herself as she cried. She kept saying that she was sorry.    


Cheng Yuan followed by Lan Yanxi's side and looked at her with concern. She felt that she could faint at any time.    


The old man was transported back to the hospital. With the help of the doctor, he changed his clothes but he would never wake up again. He lay there quietly as if he was asleep.    


Lan Yanxi's heart was almost numb from the pain. She just sat by the side and watched for a long time.    


Lan Lin was still crying when Lan Chen and his brother rushed over with their wife. They had clearly said that they would cut ties with each other for the rest of their lives, but when they heard such bad news, they still rushed over. They were connected to each other and their blood was connected. In the end, they finally understood that the father and son could not be separated.    


"Xiao Lin, say it again, in case others misunderstand that you caused your grandfather's death." Lan Chen did not believe that his daughter would kill the old man. Therefore, as soon as he came over, he asked Lan Lin to tell him everything.    


Lan Lin immediately knelt in front of the old man and cried, "I came to bring breakfast to grandpa in the morning. Grandpa suddenly said that he wanted to see grandma, perhaps because he felt that he did not have much time left and wanted to see grandma one last time..."    


"You're talking nonsense!" When Lan Yanxi heard this, she immediately rebuked her.    


Lan Lin looked at Lan Yanxi guiltily and then looked at her father. Lan Chen said loudly with a dark face, "Don't be afraid of her. Continue talking. Is there anything wrong with telling the truth?"    


Lan Bai was beside them with a gloomy expression and did not say anything. The two Madam Lan were even more speechless. They felt that the old master was gone. Anyway, he would have to go sooner or later when he was old. It was a matter of time.    


Lan Lin then started sobbing again, "At that time, I advised Grandfather not to go, but Grandfather insisted that I send him there. I did not want Grandfather to be sad, so I drove Grandfather there. Grandfather was very sad in front of Grandma and he was crying. I wanted to comfort him, but he asked me to buy a bouquet of flowers for him. He said that he wanted to give it to Grandma. I did not go, and Grandfather insisted that I go. I could only drive to buy flowers, but the rain was very heavy. I looked for a long time before I found a certain shop to buy white chrysanthemums. At that time Grandpa was alone there and rushed back. But because I drove too fast, my car crashed into the road. If you guys don't believe me, you can go and take a look. My car is really broken."    


"Grandpa is not here. Just make it up." Lan Yanxi did not believe that her grandpa would go to see Grandma on a rainy day. She had talked to her grandpa before and her grandpa did not think too much of it. Instead, he was very optimistic and wanted to live a simple life. If he wanted to see Grandma, he could totally find a sunny day and let Uncle Yu accompany him. Why must he choose today?    


All of this could not be explained.    


"Why should I make it up? What I said was the truth. " If you don't believe me, you can get someone to arrest me. Anyway, your husband is Mr. President now. I have nothing to say if you want to put me in jail or torture me. Anyway, you don't believe anything I say. You have power and influence. I'm not your match at all. " Lan Lin immediately became angry and started to argue with Lan Lin.    


Lan Bai shouted, "Listen to her. What are you arguing about? My father has closed his eyes. Do you still want to argue? Lan Yanxi, don't think that you can spout nonsense in Lan Family just because you married a good husband. You are still a junior of Lan Family. Our elders have not questioned you yet. What right do you, a junior, have to speak?"    


Lan Yanxi's face was a little pale. The entire Lan Family was fighting against her now, but she still wanted to find the truth behind her grandfather's death. Lan Lin's words were full of flaws. She did not believe a single word.    


"Grandfather is most afraid of going to see Grandma. It's not that you guys do not know that Lan Lin is lying. She must have deliberately brought Grandpa to Grandma's place. Grandpa's heart is not good and his heart will ache if he went to see Grandma. This is the real reason why Grandpa passed away. But Lan Lin clearly knows that Grandpa has this layer of consideration but she still brought Grandpa back. What kind of heart does she have?" Lan Yanxi argued with all her strength.    


Lan Lin's expression panicked. Only then did she realize that she did not seem to have thought of this. She immediately explained while crying. "How would I know? Grandpa really wants to see Grandma. He even said that this might be the last time. I could not bear to send him over. How did it become mine? Lan Yanxi, don't think that everyone is so cold-blooded, okay?"    


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