President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1621 The Relationship Is Deadlocked

C1621 The Relationship Is Deadlocked

When Mu Weicheng received Ling Mofeng's call, he was not only surprised, but also a little guilty.    


"She went to the school where you teach without consulting me. Did you see her?" Ling Mofeng asked him with a smile.    


Mu Weicheng's voice was calm. "She is in my class. I will not show her any mercy just because she is your sister."    


"It's okay. You just have to be strict with her. I think she lacks a lesson. That's why she doesn't care about her brother. She doesn't need to discuss such a big matter with me. I want to scold her. If you make her suffer more, she will understand some things." Ling Mofeng did not make this call to plead for his sister. On the contrary, he wanted Mu Weicheng to be more strict with her.    


Mu Weicheng smiled faintly. "I thought you wanted to plead for her and let me go easy on her. To be honest, you are Mr. President now. If you want to speak, I have to give you some face. But you know me, I don't like that kind of thing. So, you better not speak. Otherwise, you might be depressed if I reject you."    


"Of course I understand you. I'm quite relieved to be warm in your class. I only hope that you can help me take care of her. She's not familiar with that school, so I'm afraid that she'll be bullied." Ling Mofeng finally got to the point. He wanted his friend to take care of his sister.    


"She will be bullied here. Some people have their eyes on her, but it is a matter between girls. Even if I want to take care of her, I can't help her bully those girls." Mu Weicheng really did not want to accept this mission. After all, he did not want to get too close to Ling Nuannuan.    


"I know. It will indeed make things difficult for you, but warm is my sister. Just treat it as a friend begging you. Help me keep an eye on her." Ling Mofeng still spoke with a thick face.    


"I know. I will keep an eye on her for you." Sure enough, Mu Weicheng couldn't refuse and agreed.    


"Thank you so much. If there is anything wrong with warming up, you can tell me. I will tell her later." Ling Mofeng felt relieved. If Mu Weicheng agreed, he would feel much more at ease.    


"She is obedient and abiding by the rules in school. Don't worry." Mu Weicheng replied.    


After hanging up the phone, Mu Weicheng happened to pass by a music classroom. There was someone dancing inside. He looked to the side and saw Ling Nuannuan wearing a tight dress. She was learning dance moves with a teacher.    


Since it was a folk dance, the clothes were very beautiful. The girls were all young and young. They stood there. The sun shone outside the window and it was bright and bright.    


Mu Weicheng did not expect to see Ling Nuannuan here. She should be rehearsing next month's school anniversary dance.    


Without realizing it, Mu Weicheng had been standing outside the window for two minutes. He saw Ling Nuannuan bend her waist and stretch her arms. Every movement was very beautiful.    


Maybe it was because she had practiced for a long time. Some of her hair that was tied to the back of her head was a little messy. The hairline on both sides of her forehead was wet with sweat. Her white and clear skin looked especially delicate and delicate.    


"Instructor Mu!" A passing student greeted him politely and shyly.    


Mu Weicheng was shocked. He realized that he was like a thief, hiding in a corner where he did not dare to see anyone. He secretly looked at the princess in his heart.    


His handsome face immediately flushed red. Mu Weicheng hurriedly left, but Ling Nuannuan's beautiful figure just now was embedded in his mind, and could not be erased.    


He was slightly annoyed and felt that he shouldn't have so readily agreed to Ling Mofeng to take care of her. If Ling Mofeng found out about his shameless thoughts in the future, would he punch him and send all his dirty thoughts out of his mind?    


Mu Weicheng knew how much Ling Mofeng doted on his sister. It was as if he doted on his sister as well. If any bastard dared to have designs on Little Yun now, he would punch her and test if she was sincere to her sister. If she dared to lie to him, he would never let her go.    


"Instructor Mu." Just as Mu Weicheng's mind was in a mess, he heard a clear female voice behind him, calling out his name.    


When he heard this voice, he stopped in his tracks. In the next second, he walked even faster.    


"Hey, wait for me." Ling Nuannuan carried a bag on her back. However, the man seemed to treat her like a ferocious beast and his steps became bigger.    


"Ouch!" Suddenly, a girl's scream came from behind him.    


Mu Weicheng's heart froze. He quickly turned around to look and saw Ling Nuannuan lying on the ground. She did not notice two steps. After stepping on nothing, she lost her balance and fell to the ground.    


Mu Weicheng held his breath. He did not have time to run. He quickly ran over and squatted in front of her. He asked her in a low voice, "Ling Nuannuan, are you okay?"    


"I'm okay. I feel dizzy." Ling Nuannuan's head was still on the ground. She raised a hand. Her voice sounded weak.    


Mu Weicheng instantly helped her up from the ground. He saw a red mark on Ling Nuannuan's forehead. There were some fine wounds that were stained with sand.    


"Why are you running so fast? I don't want my life anymore." Mu Weicheng could not help but blame her when he saw her like this.    


"I'll have to chase you before you can wait for me." Ling Nuannuan said with a face full of grievance.    


"Why are you chasing me? Is something the matter?" Mu Weicheng's heart stopped. He suddenly regretted walking so fast just now. Waiting for her wouldn't do anything. Seeing that her forehead was injured, he found that his mood was even worse.    


"Can't I walk side by side with you if I have nothing to do?" Ling Nuannuan felt even more wronged.    


Mu Weicheng knew she was good at talking. At this moment, her words were all reasonable. Who asked her to be hurt?    


"Go to the infirmary to detoxify the poison and post a post on the forum." Mu Weicheng frowned and tried to persuade her.    


"Will you come with me?" Ling Nuannuan immediately looked at him pitifully and asked.    


Mu Weicheng sighed and deliberately said with a serious face, "Ling Nuannuan, don't you know that teachers and students are different? If you keep pestering me like this, others will say something."    


"Teachers and students?" Ling Nuannuan's brain suddenly exploded. Then, she pushed him away. "I don't want to be a teacher and student with you. I want to transfer to another class."    


Mu Weicheng was pushed by her and did not squat down for a while. He directly sat on the ground. His handsome face became even more angry. He immediately stood up. "Ling Nuannuan, you just realized that this relationship is not suitable. Isn't it too late? I only need to teach you books a day. In this lifetime, we can only be teacher and student."    


"I don't want it. We are not!" Ling Nuannuan shook her head violently and her pretty face turned red from anxiety. "Mu Weicheng, you are just here to take lessons. You are not an official teacher here. So, I am not a real teacher and student relationship with you."    


"You can't deny it. I am your teacher now." Mu Weicheng relaxed and finally found an excuse to stop his thoughts.    


Ling Nuannuan seemed to have been hit. She sat on the ground in a daze. Tears were rolling in her eyes. She felt anxious and uncomfortable at the same time. Yes, why didn't she think of this when she transferred to school? She wanted to get close to Mu Weicheng, but she didn't expect that the relationship between the two of them would become more and more distant.    


Mu Weicheng thought that she would continue to make things up, but when he saw her sitting on the ground in a daze, her beautiful eyes staring at him, his heart tightened. It turned out that he wasn't as happy as he thought.    


"Don't sit on the ground. Get up and go to the infirmary." Mu Weicheng reminded her with a serious expression.    


Ling Nuannuan stood up. It was as if she had lost all her strength. She turned around and walked in another direction. She was not going to the infirmary.    


"Ling Nuannuan, didn't you hear what I said?" Mu Weicheng chased after her and raised his voice.    


Ling Nuannuan heard him. However, she did not care about the wound on her forehead. She felt that she had made a serious mistake. How could she correct this mistake?    


She could not have a teacher or student relationship with him. Then... she had to transfer to another class. She did not want to attend his class. This way, could she open this knot?    


"Ling Nuannuan!" Mu Weicheng was anxious and angry. He grabbed her arm. "I told you to disinfect her and go to the doctor."    


Ling Nuannuan looked up at him and said, "Mu Weicheng, I want to change classes. I don't want to be your student."    


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