President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C1455 It Was to Force

C1455 It Was to Force

Time passed by bit by bit. Sister Mei was like an ant on a hot pot. She was so anxious that she was in a bad mood. Gao Yue seemed to have evaporated into thin air. There were no traces left behind and she could not be found everywhere. Sister Mei did not even have the chance to seal her mouth even if she wanted to.    


"Damn it, who is helping her behind her back? That man said that did she send a text message to someone? Did you find the number? Whose is it? " The only clue Sister Mei had was that phone number.    


"We are still investigating. There is no answer." The other party was so scared that his face turned pale and he answered nervously.    


"A phone number. Trash. If the results are not out by noon today, we will all die!" Sister Mei's personality was very extreme. At this moment, it was her life that was at stake, so she naturally flew into a rage.    


Just as Sister Mei was getting anxious, a phone suddenly rang. She looked at it and her heart shook. She immediately raised her hand to her subordinates and told them to leave quickly.    


After stabilizing her emotions, she smiled and answered the call. "Hello, why is Mr. Vice President contacting me?"    


"Second Aunt is too polite. In the past, you used to call me Mo Feng. A few days ago, I heard you call me Mo Feng. " Someone said that you were in China and had just finished your Lunar New Year. He thought that he hadn't come to visit you yet. I wonder if he has time tonight, so he came to visit and have a chat. " Ling Mofeng's tone was full of smiles, just like how all relatives and friends talked to each other. He didn't put on any airs of authority.    


Sister Mei's expression changed drastically. Gao Yue had just disappeared and Ling Mofeng suddenly wanted to come and visit her. Was there any connection between the two?    


If there really was a coincidence in this world, then it was too coincidental. It was shocking.    


"Mo Feng, this aunt of mine failed very much. All these years, she hasn't made any progress at all. How could she have the nerve to ask you to pay a visit? I should have come to the Ling Family to see the elders!" Sister Mei immediately replied politely.    


Second Aunt is my mentor. Only students come to visit my mentor. It's decided then. I'll sit at your place tonight!" Ling Mofeng had already taken the initiative to attack her. He would never give her a chance to refuse.    


Sister Mei's expression was ugly, but she had to force a smile and answer enthusiastically. "Since you are so considerate, fine. I will ask auntie to go get dinner right away and add a few more dishes."    


"Okay, see you tonight, Second Aunt!" The last word of address revealed a trace of sharpness in the affection, causing one to feel uneasy.    


Sister Mei hung up the phone and immediately felt a headache. Ling Mofeng wanted to look for her at this time. Firstly, he wanted to invite her to join the gang. Secondly, perhaps he knew something and came to test her, but he definitely did not have good intentions.    


If she could not find Gao Yue's whereabouts, it would be enough to annoy her. Ling Mofeng did not give her a chance to catch her breath. Sister Mei instantly felt a lot of pressure.    


In the evening, Sister Mei returned to her house. Sister Mei's house lived in a small district because she was a resident. After the demolition, Sister Mei received special care from her superiors and was given a villa with a yard.    


Because she was close to forty years old and had yet to get married, her family urged her every day, causing her to be annoyed. She directly sent her parents to So at present, she was living alone and had a nanny to take care of her daily life.    


Ling Mofeng drove over before night fell. However, he did not come alone. He was escorted by two art guards. There were also two adjutants by his side, keeping close watch over his safety.    


Sister Mei personally went to open the door and saw Ling Mofeng with two tails and eight special bodyguards in black standing behind him. Her heart skipped a beat. Although she was dissatisfied, she did not dare to express it.    


"Second Aunt, look, I'm really too embarrassed. I originally did not want to bring them here. "But the situation is grim. They won't let me go alone. How disturbing!" Ling Mofeng smiled and pretended to be helpless.    


"Don't explain. How can I not know what's going on? Come in. Auntie has prepared a lot of delicious food. It's enough for them to eat!" Sister Mei had pretended to be gentle and generous previously. Now, it was not good for her to shed all pretenses. Naturally, she had to continue pretending.    


"Did you hear that? Our finance director said to come in and have a seat!" Ling Mofeng immediately said to the people behind him with a smile.    


Chu Lie said expressionlessly, "Four people stay outside the door. Four people stay in the yard. Two of our adjutants follow in."    


"Yes!" The four people answered in unison.    


Sister Mei's expression turned ugly for a moment when she heard this arrangement. What kind of place did she take her place? She even had a heavy gun to guard it. Sure enough, Ling Mofeng did not come with good intentions.    


Ling Mofeng deliberately allowed his subordinates to make random decisions. Anyway, Sister Mei could not say anything.    


After entering the living room, Sister Mei welcomed Ling Mofeng and sat on the sofa. Two adjutants came in with some gifts in their hands. They looked like they really came to visit sincerely.    


"This is my home. I will not call you according to the rank of an official. In my eyes, you are still that outstanding and good nephew!" Sister Mei said with a smile on her face.    


Ling Mofeng was slightly surprised. Ling Mofeng lowered his head slightly. He smiled and replied, "What is Second Aunt saying? In my heart, you are always the Second Aunt that I admire. Your academic knowledge is worthy of my studies!"    


"In the past, I could still teach you a few words by relying on my seniority, but now I can't. You are the noble Mr. Vice President. Every word and action you say is a model. We have to follow your firm steps forward!" Sister Mei poured a cup of tea as she smiled and complimented.    


When Ling Mofeng heard her say this, his face immediately darkened. He asked with a serious expression. Second Aunt, I've never treated you as an outsider. Actually, I came here to ask you for something. As you know, Mr. President and I have been working hard for the election. I'm still young and I don't have the power to call for help. To be honest, I'm worried that I'll fail. You're a senior in the office. I want you to join me and help me succeed in the election!" Ling Mofeng threw away his pride and begged her sincerely.    


Sister Mei did not expect that Ling Mofeng, a man who was proud of himself, would come to her and ask her for help one day. She was so shocked that she could not say anything. She could not think straight.    


"Mo Feng, what are you doing? I am still on vacation!" Sister Mei immediately answered with a smile.    


"Second Aunt, I'm not joking. I sincerely invited you to join us. Although forming a gang is a shameless act, I like politics. In the past, I was confident in my integrity and disdained this kind of method, but now, I really feel uneasy. Since Mr. old president can do this and the effect is amazing, I should be able to imitate him. Besides, You're my second aunt, and you've taught me how to be a human being since I was a child. I firmly believe that you are worthy of my entreaties! " Ling Mofeng's words were appropriate and appropriate. Sister Mei was caught off guard.    


"Mo Feng, you are really making things difficult for me. I am the person who is most afraid of taking sides because once I take sides, there is a 50% chance that I am wrong. If I'm wrong, it's equivalent to failure. I'm over 40 years old now, and I don't even have a decent family. " I don't know what will happen in the future if I make the wrong choice. I am very afraid! " Sister Mei immediately started to sing a bitter song because she felt that Ling Mofeng was deliberately testing her.    


"Aunt, do you think I will fail?" Ling Mofeng's handsome face showed that he had suffered a blow.    


"No, no, no, I didn't mean that. You have made great contributions. Everyone knows you have made great contributions. How did you fail?" Sister Mei's heart almost stopped beating. She had always thought that Ling Mofeng was the only one who would fail. He was a steady, deep man, but now he was like a lost man, looking for a way out, and she had been forced to be the guide of his life, and she was furious.    


"Since Second Aunt has such a good opinion of me, then I believe that Second Aunt's judgment is correct. So, Second Aunt, join us!" Ling Mofeng took out his eloquence in marketing, which made Sister Mei speechless.    


Chu Lie and his two adjutants were like stone statues, stiff and motionless. Except for a pair of eyes observing in the dark, they did not speak a word.    


"Mo Feng, this matter is too serious. I have to think about it. You are making things difficult for me!" Sister Mei almost could not laugh because she wanted to turn hostile but did not dare. Because she did not know what kind of price she would have to pay to offend Ling Mofeng.    


"Second Aunt is right. This really needs to be considered carefully. I am not in a hurry. I will wait for your answer!" After Ling Mofeng finished speaking, he stood up and adjusted his clothes. "Then I will leave first."    


Sister Mei sent him off with a stiff smile. When she saw the fleet of carriages leaving, the smile on her face disappeared for a second.    


She punched the door wall in anger. "Good, you Ling Mofeng!"    


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